
David Lynch's Josh Brolin's Campo Santo's Fire Watch With Me: A Motion Picture Event

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This reminds me: I was at the Beer Store the other day when I noticed that one of my favourite beers has a logo conspicuously similar to that of Firewatch:




This is a golden co-branding opportunity right here, folks.

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Another really great issue. My favorite article is "Out of State," followed by a tie between "Unbearable Lightning" and "Moss Day," with "From the Bureau of the Campo Santo Ombudsman" narrowly following up in fourth place. It also made me want to buy a Firewatch print from the Campo Santo store, but I guess they're either sold out or not being sold yet.

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Another really great issue. My favorite article is "Out of State," followed by a tie between "Unbearable Lightning" and "Moss Day," with "From the Bureau of the Campo Santo Ombudsman" narrowly following up in fourth place. It also made me want to buy a Firewatch print from the Campo Santo store, but I guess they're either sold out or not being sold yet.

I think 1000(!) people wanted one of the 250 that were made, so they picked a quarter at random.

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I can't believe Olly store the design from that beer bottle.

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Posters are cute, but are ye going to have any iconic merch?

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Yes, I want to buy the iconic full size Firewatch firewatch tower.

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Campo Santo generates controversy when as part of the marketing for their game, they mail an iconic forest fire to a newspaper, burning the building down. 

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Edit: In response to the quarterly review.

Out of State is DEVASTATING. I can't believe Wyoming is the best we can hope for in life.

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Out of State is DEVASTATING. I can't believe Wyoming is the best we can hope for in life.


The devastation being, thankfully, somewhat assuaged by (among other things) the preceding interview with a man who paints forests and drives a robot. ^_^


(P.S. Incidentally, I will now be making a concerted effort to end a few irrationally defensive diatribes with the phrase, "And I mean, you laugh, but people died." since it worked so well for Lizzie. :tup: )


(P.P.S. Firewatch half-escalator confirmed? Stealth and combat system wherein you hide from the sky until you are close enough to take the bears down with you when the lightning strikes...confirmed?)

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I love these cute, little first-person animations! They're so lovely. Lovable. Love.

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It's amazing, I have the same code on my luggage

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BULLSHOT! I thought campo santo was better than this


But seriously, that looks unreal, I'm so excited. I can't wait to play the timed exclusive PS4 console release ;P

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Gah, too pretty.


Teen loop eh? My mind was in the gutter for a second there because I wasn't sure what I was looking at anymore and in fact Toblix, I don't know what you are doing there!

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