Merus Posted May 29, 2015 Just go have some kids and then get back to me on how easy it is to do all these things the right way. Okay, there is a reason why I tempered what we have already established to be strong views when we're talking about an actual parent trying to get an actual kid to do a thing. I was trying to share a thing I had heard in case you found it useful and that was it, and if you still want to give me guff about it then fine. I know that parenting is littered with people who think they know what everyone else should be doing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osmosisch Posted May 29, 2015 Also, it's different dealing with one versus multiples even. I just had to raise one kid, so only ever had to worry about disciplining/educating/raising a single little human, while balancing the reality that she's a full fledged human with wants, desires, needs, emotions and all the perspectives and irrationalities that go along with being human. Just from observation, it's even easier to reach a point of not-giving-a-shit-about-perfect-parenting some days when you're dealing with 2, 3 or more kids.From my experience 2 children is at least 4 times as tiring. They can be (and usually will be) annoying/tiring in shifts, so there's much less downtime. I also will never get over the fact of just how different child number two is. Like, I have brothers, we're way different, I should have seen this coming. But from your own kids it's really surprising somehow. At least it was for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben X Posted May 29, 2015 @Mangela thanks for those stories, very irritating so well-presented very funny, thank you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeusthecat Posted May 29, 2015 Okay, there is a reason why I tempered what we have already established to be strong views when we're talking about an actual parent trying to get an actual kid to do a thing. I was trying to share a thing I had heard in case you found it useful and that was it, and if you still want to give me guff about it then fine. I know that parenting is littered with people who think they know what everyone else should be doing. Yeah, sorry I got a little snappy. When it comes to parenting, there's a whole lot of people always ready to chime in trying to tell you what you're doing wrong. I don't think you necessarily meant it that way but my patience is short when it comes to people trying to point out what I'm doing wrong. The thing that sucks about it is that I'm fully aware of what I do as a parent that isn't necessarily the "right" or "best" thing to do but despite trying my hardest, shit just doesn't always work the way it is supposed to. From my experience 2 children is at least 4 times as tiring. They can be (and usually will be) annoying/tiring in shifts, so there's much less downtime. I also will never get over the fact of just how different child number two is. Like, I have brothers, we're way different, I should have seen this coming. But from your own kids it's really surprising somehow. At least it was for me. It is crazy how different things are with our second child. That was the biggest wake up call that really hammered home how much each one is a unique miniature human. You would think they would just all be blank slates but pretty much from day one we noticed that he had his own unique personality and different needs and wants from his sister. Another complicating factor that I never seem to see anyone mentioning when it comes to parenting is how hard it can be for both parents to agree on how to do things and act consistently with each other. To this day, there are still things where I think we should take one approach and my wife thinks we should take a different one. There are areas where I suck and she is great and vice versa. Things get a lot more difficult when parents aren't consistent with each other and just like with kids, each parent has their own personality and style and they won't always mesh well with that of the other parent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 29, 2015 There was a trailer for San Andreas on Youtube and it feels crazy to me that people make disaster movies about things that are likely to happen, as opposed to sharknado or asteroids hitting or whatever. (Yes I realize an asteroid hitting us is possible, but not probable and not many folks are going to be around to complain after.) It seems like those type of movies are doomed to never show again as soon as an earthquake actually hits California. Then I followed that reasoning on to other movies that have terrorism, or criminal violence, or big wars in them. I don't typically watch those sorts of movies, but then I followed that onto all the war games I've played and I guess I've been left perplexed by the whole thing. I guess I'd rather shoot at space ships, aliens, or zombies than play modern war games anymore. *shrug* Long and ramble-y, but I feel weird now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bjorn Posted May 29, 2015 Twister is a surprisingly popular movie in Kansas (probably because so few movies actually happen in the midwest in the first place). I'd say there's something cathartic about living in a place where a natural disaster can occur, and facing that fear through fiction. The towns that have lived through devastating tornadoes might feel differently, but for majority don't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeusthecat Posted May 29, 2015 (Yes I realize an asteroid hitting us is possible, but not probable and not many folks are going to be around to complain after.) Aren't we basically to a point now where we have the means to prevent asteroids from hitting us? I could have sworn I heard somewhere that we are able to detect them far enough in advance that we could intersect them and nudge them away from a collision course. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osmosisch Posted May 29, 2015 Another complicating factor that I never seem to see anyone mentioning when it comes to parenting is how hard it can be for both parents to agree on how to do things and act consistently with each other. To this day, there are still things where I think we should take one approach and my wife thinks we should take a different one. There are areas where I suck and she is great and vice versa. Things get a lot more difficult when parents aren't consistent with each other and just like with kids, each parent has their own personality and style and they won't always mesh well with that of the other parent.I've noticed my wife and I drifting to opposite extremes on a lot of things, with the sort of hope that as we compromise we'll end up with some sort of healthy middle. Like, I tend to assume the best about the state of things at all times (partially in the vague conviction that if I don't worry about it, it won't happen) whereas she's more and more concerned with everything that might go wrong. It makes for tense arguments. It makes sense that adding something that undertaking a project together that a) you have no clue a priori exactly how to handle and b. is more important to you both than pretty much anything else is going to lead to a bunch of diagreements but yeah, it's not mentioned a whole lot. Of course being tired from caring for children gives everyone a short leash... Anyway, it's nice to complain but we've got it good I think Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 29, 2015 Aren't we basically to a point now where we have the means to prevent asteroids from hitting us? I could have sworn I heard somewhere that we are able to detect them far enough in advance that we could intersect them and nudge them away from a collision course. My impression is that we can detect them in advance and then get a lot of pretty pictures as they crash into the planet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gormongous Posted May 29, 2015 My impression is that we can detect them in advance and then get a lot of pretty pictures as they crash into the planet. Yeah, we've mapped most cosmic objects out to the degree that we're 99% sure that nothing's going to hit us in the foreseeable future, but we can't be 100% sure about it, and we most definitely lack in-place technology to divert an asteroid coming at us by surprise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasari Posted May 30, 2015 See these Meninists? Get them all tae fuck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patrick R Posted June 1, 2015 One day, at some sort of family function, someone fifteen years younger than me is going to say something hurtful about the 1989 Batman and I'm going to get angry and make a fool of myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SecretAsianMan Posted June 1, 2015 So there's this TV at the office that normally just shows company stuff like a stock ticker, upcoming events, corporate messages, etc. Except right now it's playing The Little Mermaid. As in the Disney cartoon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jennegatron Posted June 1, 2015 Gotta keep that nuclear morale up via cartoon mermaids! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeusthecat Posted June 1, 2015 I kind of feel like pouring an entire bag of powdered sugar into my mouth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Merus Posted June 2, 2015 One day, at some sort of family function, someone fifteen years younger than me is going to say something hurtful about the 1989 Batman and I'm going to get angry and make a fool of myself. Don't talk about Batman with Patrick in the room, check. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mangela Lansbury Posted June 2, 2015 I finally found the perfect way for me to get over my weird aversion to the way people I date communicate: Go out with someone whose first language isn't English to force myself into stronger leniency! This is a terrible solution. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted June 2, 2015 So, for whatever reason the Cottonwoods around my area have been shedding a lot more fuzz than I remember in the past. It's getting to the point where it's a couple of inches deep in some areas, and just generally looks nasty. I was sitting on my deck the other day looking at a deep tuft in the corner and I had the brilliant idea to try and light it on fire. I don't know what I expected, either quick and gone like flash paper or a slow smolder I guess. Man that stuff lit up so fast it burned the hair off my knuckles and it roared high enough to be seriously worrying for about 5 seconds. My conclusions were: 1) That was really dumb 2) If someone throws a cigarette out into our parking lot right now, the whole complex could burn down Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SecretAsianMan Posted June 2, 2015 I'm so fucking pissed off about the movie Aloha. I haven't seen it. I know almost nothing about the plot and didn't even know it existed until this week, but I've seen some stories about it and it makes me so mad. If you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, this pretty much sums up how I feel. The gist of it is, Emma Stone plays a woman named Allison Ng who's supposed to be 1/4 Hawaiian and 1/4 Chinese, alongside a white cast in a movie set in Hawaii, the only state where the majority of the population is Asian (a little under 40%, compared to 25% white). I'm so sick of this shit. My only solace is that the movie is doing terrible, both critically and commercially. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bjorn Posted June 2, 2015 Wow, I hadn't heard about that movie at all. That's just the dumbest thing. Oh, hey, another article on this mentioned he's long been in work on a Marvin Gaye biopic. Maybe he can cast Tom Cruise as Marvin Gaye. That would be a bold move. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted June 3, 2015 I've decided that people with strong opinions about thing are the worst so I'm just going to consume flavorless food cubes and stop listening to music and quit video games and only watch movies without sound or color or movement until the day I die. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobbyBesar Posted June 3, 2015 I've decided that people with strong opinions about thing are the worst so I'm just going to consume flavorless food cubes and stop listening to music and quit video games and only watch movies without sound or color or movement until the day I die. 50% gray? You monster. 43% gray is the only true way to watch a featureless screen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bjorn Posted June 3, 2015 Ima try to be less of a negative nelly the rest of the week, got my fill in yesterday. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites