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Obligatory Comical YouTube Thread II: The Fall of YouTube

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I think you basically have to have an inkling that he's lying about what 'minge' means.

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You don't have to speak German to understand what's going on.

(You might have to be German to think it's funny. Or that's just me.)

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I found it funny, but I am also in large part German. So the possibility remains open!

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I also found it funny, and know not a lick of German! Perhaps it's just the three of us, though.

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I have not watched it, and am not German, but I might find it funny when (if?) I do watch it. But maybe it's just maybe the four of us.

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Holy crap. This thread is a youtube goldmine. Thanks for all these posts, errbody. I made it into 2013 before I had to stop myself in fear that I'd get nothing done today otherwise.


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He's prepared if anyone ever calls him

which is clearly not going to happen

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I haven't gone through the entire thread so maybe this guy's channel has been posted before

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I haven't seen that linked to here. It perfectly captures my feelings, though, thanks for linking!


Another thing I was going to post here is that I am now in a temp job, and I've taken over from this guy who was, from all evidence and my line manager's opinion, useless. He was disorganised and didn't care about doing a good job. But my line manager just received a reference request for him and gave him a good one because "he didn't do anything appalling". And that pisses me off, because I'm working hard in part so I'll get a good reference, and meanwhile this guy does a shit job and still gets a good one. It burns me to think of the good worker out there looking for a job like I was a while back who's missing out on a job opportunity because my predecessor got there first helped along by my line manager's guilt. And the poor sod who's now going to have the same problems with him as my manager did.


EDIT: ha ha, I thought this was the job hunting thread!

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Haha, at the cost of me own family, fuck 'em.

Yuck. The weakness part is such a cliche people shouldn't even ask anymore.


EDIT: Kept watching. Oh my god, I'm in love with this. As someone who just lies on every application and interview now saying whatever BS they think they want to hear, I remember that part of me as a teen that died when I was honest in interviews and realized I fucked 'em all up that way.

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You guys have been down on MBMBAM on the Other Podcasts thread, but good god I am paralyzed with laughter watching this crazy Polygon video with Justin and Griffin.

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Someone please explain what the hell I just watched. All I did was Google "Mark Kern" since I keep seeing his name brought up and I was curious who he was. That led me to some Reddit post explaining why he was ousted as CEO of Red 5. As I was skimming some of the comments in that thread, I randomly clicked a link that led me to the above video. I honestly have no idea who any of these people are or what's going on but I laughed very hard.

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It's Mega64. They've made a career out of dumb video game skits and such. They were invited to a week-long streaming event for Firefall, didn't quite know what to do as they were unfamiliar with the game, and decided to be weird characters for their appearance. From what they've said, barely anybody knew they were going to put on an act, and even those who were aware had only the vaguest ideas what was going to happen. The stream chat hated them and everyone on set just had no idea how to react.

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Video is probably NSFW (no nudity, but plenty of content some people would find questionable).
So today is apparently masturbation day in Japan (because of some oddity in how 7/21 is pronounced or written in Japanese, it makes an easy pun).  To celebrate, Tenga made a series of short videos about a Power Ranger like super hero who helps people help themselves :)

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