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    sentient orb

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  1. [Released] The Death of Nick Breckon

    Making JRPG battle music for a Twine game was very fun! Here's what I made for The Death of Nick Breckon:
  2. [Released] Palpable Dreams

    Here's the music I made for Palpable Dreams. I provided Nappi with individual layers so that are unmuted as you progress. This is the simplest and quickest way to do an adaptive soundtrack and I think it worked out quite well here. This version just has all of the instruments from the beginning: And here's a version that fades in the instruments over time, to simulate how it works in-game:
  3. WIZARD JAM 8 // Team Seeking

    What I'm Doing: Music/Sound Design I contributed to a few games in Wizards Jam 5 + 6 + 7, and am looking to get more experience and have fun. I'm definitely more interested in the music side of things, but I can do small bits of sound design if it is required. Contact Info: Here on the forums, on the slack for the duration of the jam (@atlantic), or via email at attlantic [dot] jam @ gmail [dot] com Time Zone: GMT/UTC Portfolio: For Wiz Jam 5 I contributed music and sound design to The Calster's A Thousand Dormant Machines, and music to Zirrrus' Prepare for the Jelly and BenX's The Robot's Lips. For Wiz Jam 6 I made some cyberpunky music for both SuperBiasedMan's Get Hoisted and Mythalore's ICE Wave/NEON Shell. For Wiz Jam 7 I SuperBiasedMan's Our Newest Show. I've made mostly electronic music for wiz jammers but I have a piano, guitar, and viola at my disposal as well if you want acoustic ambient music instead. Here's a Soundcloud link with all the music and more: (fake edit: i will not apologise for the nudity in my soundcloud link)
  4. [Released] Stream Frasier Online Free

    This was a baffling and compelling experience.
  5. [Released] Our Weird Monstrosity

    This is a fun little thing. I made Devil Gobbler, the Shadow the Hedgehog to Dot Gobbler's Sonic:
  6. WIZARD JAM 7 // Team Seeking

    Like I imagine a lot of people, I am not sure how available I am going to be over the jam period but I will do my best! What I'm Doing: Music/Sound Design I contributed to a few games in Wizards Jam 5 and 6, and am looking to get more experience and have fun. I'm definitely more interested in the music side of things, but I can do small bits of sound design if it is required. Contact Info: Here on the forums, on the slack for the duration of the jam (@atlantic), or via email at attlantic [dot] jam @ gmail [dot] com Time Zone: GMT/UTC Portfolio: For Wiz Jam 5 I contributed music and sound design to The Calster's A Thousand Dormant Machines, and music to Zirrrus' Prepare for the Jelly and BenX's The Robot's Lips. For Wiz Jam 6 I made some cyberpunky music for both SuperBiasedMan's Get Hoisted and Mythalore's ICE Wave/NEON Shell. Here's a Soundcloud link with all the music and more: (fake edit: oops nudity lol)
  7. WIZARD JAM 7 // Welcome Thread

    When I saw this my mind went "Ah it's Dotsy!" That's my headcanon now.
  8. Books, books, books...

    I took some time off from wasting time on the internet which gave me time to read: The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell. I had put it off because I really enjoyed Cloud Atlas and wasn't sure if Mitchell could follow it up. I the fantasy elements are sometimes a bit weak but overall I enjoyed it. I have been working my way through John le Carré's novels. I read Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy a few years ago but rounded out the rest of the Karla trilogy last year. The most recent one I finished was The Little Drummer Girl which was a very slow burn but very, very good. It's about Palestine and Israel so it still feels very current. The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir. A foundational text in 20th century feminism, famous for the line "One is not born, but rather becomes, woman." If I remember the feminist theory I read during college this has been taken to mean that de Beauvoir was separating sex and gender in 1949. That wasn't quite the impression I got from that line in context, but it's a big book. Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado. Possibly the best short story collection I have ever read. I can only describe it feminist magical realism, but it is much more than that. Highlights include "The Husband Stitch" (which you can read here) and "Especially Heinous," which is the summary of 272 fictional episodes of Law & Order SVU. Sappho translated by Mary Barnard. Gorgeous fragments of a 2500 year old Greek poet. Also recommended: sapphobot on twitter. There are probably other books since the last time I posted in here but I can't remember.
  9. bye thanks for stoppingg bbyyy
  10. MEGASHRKELI Egg Helms Millennial Cusper
  11. Frictional Games' SOMA also deals with copying consciousness fairly extensively.
  12. Inside Playdead have teamed up with a Realdoll manufacturer to make... something.
  13. Bayonetta

    Again, I'm only playing Bayo 2 for the first time as well, but I don't really recall any items/accessories that made the first game easier. I suppose the heart and magic upgrades would help. Searching around the levels for the heart pieces and magic upgrade pieces usually results in another fight, as far as I can tell. You might run across blue circles on the ground, which lead you into an optional challenge room. They give you heart and magic upgrade pieces as well. If the challenge seems doable, try it a few times. In Bayo 1, some of them were next to impossible until you had the right weapon/abilities. Bayo 2 seems to give you a lot more money overall, in comparison to Bayo 1. Obviously the green lollipops are helpful, and I think there are yellow lollipops as well. They make you invincible for 30 seconds. If you're really struggling, you could always drop it down to easy mode. I'm just wary that considering Hard mode adds enemies, Easy might take some away. If you're in it for the spectacle, that might be a disservice. I don't think Dodge Offset is explained in the game, but Platinum are kind of notorious for not tutorialising what makes their combat systems interesting. In Metal Gear Rising and Wonderful 101 you had to buy things like the dodge and block moves in the shop. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Bayonetta

    I can't give perfect advice because I am playing through Bayo 2 for the first time, but I played a lot of Bayo 1 back on the 360. Some of the accessories can make things easier, like Selene's Light, but games by Platinum really come alive when you engage with the combat systems. You can have fun by watching all of the ridiculous things on screen, but Bayo is one of the games that lets you do all of the ridiculous stuff at will. Especially Bayo 1, which is the best combat in any of these kinds of character action games. It is absolutely delicious. I'm not that far into Bayo 2, but I think it might be even better. It depends on the additional weapons and enemy design, but the initial pistol moveset feels a lot tighter than in Bayo 1. Anyway, I'd recommend getting all the moves and learning how to do them. You might want to learn about Dodge Offset as well, which is one of the defining characteristics of Bayonetta's combat. There is more than enough combat in the game that I think that it would behoove you to at least try to learn pieces of it, so that you look forward to the combat scenarios rather than dread them. You are not going to come close to mastering the combat on the first playthrough. It cannot be done. The different difficulty settings are definitely worth considering after you have completed the game. If Bayo 2 is like any of the other Platinum games, there are remixed enemy encounters, so enemies that show up late in the game on Normal show up in the early levels on Hard etc. I hope that isn't too much "you're playing it wrong" but the game is in the mechanics and I would urge you to learn how best to do all the wild stuff (Dodge Offset Witch Time pause combos into Umbran Climax Wicked Weaves and finishing with a Torture Attack).
  15. I have only played the HD PS3 version, and I think it is one of the Great Games. I was curious to see if I would feel the same with this remake. I have killed the first four colossi as well, and it's all coming back to me. I am playing on hard mode because it adds extra sigils that you need to stab on each colossus (because I know how to take them all down already). It also means I get to spend longer admiring the complex animation and I have already discovered a couple of things that I didn't know each of them could do. However, it does feel different in a few ways. A lot has been said about the visual changes, such as the washed out lighting being replaced with something more in line with other modern games, and all the extra detail in the environment eliminates the impressionistic sense of the world and makes it much more literal. There are a few other things as well, such as Wander's face looking different, like it is a different shape or something. It's gorgeous though! I can't tell if they have done anything to the audio, like a remastering or another pass at mixing the music and the little bits of speech. It seems similar to me, though I remember it being much more compressed even in the PS3 HD version. @graddy The basic feel of the game remains intact, but the controls have changed to something more in line with other modern action games. That's where it feels most different, but if you have kept up with games it feels much more intuitive. All of this just makes me realise that for how influential people say SotC was there is still absolutely nothing like it.