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I Had A Random Thought...

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I am so disappointed at the results of googling "fire proof spider". 


Thankfully researchers are working on creating bulletproof human-spider-goats.  Now you're thinking with science.

the fuck am i READING


This is really weird.

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I want a quadrotor drone that I can use to pick up takeout food instead of going to restaurants myself.

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(First of all, I apologize for double posting in this thread. This post is completely unrelated to the first post I made, and I felt this deserved its own post. I'm sorry for filling this up with depressing boring stuff about my life.)


Lately I've been feeling really blah again.

I know I shouldn't feel this way: I have a decent job, good family, nice place to stay, etc etc, but I just feel so completely unfulfilled. I feel like everything I've done has been a waste of my life, but at the same time I feel like I don't want to do anything to change that. I don't even know how I would go about changing that.


I'm having trouble figuring out why I'm feeling so... empty. I feel like I should be doing things with my life, like I'm wasting every day on pointless things that have no purpose and ultimately mean nothing. Lately I've been fantasizing of just... quitting my job and leaving my apartment and just hitchiking from one end of Canada to the other and back again.


I think back and feel like I spent too much time in my life just sitting inside ignoring everyone because I didn't want to be embarassed/hurt/whatever, and now I feel like I'm suffering because of it. But at the same time I'm still too worried about stuff like that to go out unless I absolutely have to for work/buying groceries/seeing a doctor or whatever errands I might need to do. I just feel trapped in this little box of "I need to do this, but I can't do this, so I'll just sit here, not doing anything and making no noise and pretending I don't exist."

I have no confidence with anything I do. I just cannot accept that I might be good at anything or know anything correctly. I second-guess myself so much that it's actually affecting my performance at work.

I feel like I should get in touch with some kind of therapist or something, but between now working full time with an incredibly odd schedule that is completely different week-to-week makes it very difficult for me to try to schedule anything. On top of that, I don't know if I'd be able to describe any of this to someone I've actually met. It's only because of the anonymity here that I feel comfortable talking about it. Agh I don't know anymore.

I don't want to be me anymore. But I don't want to be any different because I don't know different and that scares me.


I want change, but don't want to change.

I want to be normal, but don't know what normal looks like.

I hate feeling like this.

(Edit: Ugh, of course this would be at the top of a new page.)

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An excercise that entertains me is to think of your known senses. You know; taste, smell, touch/temperature, sight, hearing. And then what you do is you ask yourself a question for each in this pattern: 1,2, 1,2,3, 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4,5.

It's important to really examine the question too. For instance, someone might think they can skip taste because they haven't eaten anything recently, but then I won't witness the true, slightly acidic, umamious ground that must gives me my horrible breath. Then when you come around to it the second time (and every time during this excercise), examine it again. It might have changed or you might notice something that you didn't notice before; like that you can kind of taste one of your fillings.

It's actually quite difficult to make it all the way to the end (much like Super Hexagon), but if you do the world can change around you. I notice that instead of my circumstances being filled with everything I need to get done before the end of the month, I'm surrounded by an overwhelming quantity and quality of details. It can be rather euphoric.

Also, if you decide to walk across Canada, wait til it's going to be warmer.

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You may be suffering from clinical depression. There are self-evaluation quizzes; find one, give it a go, and if it comes up positive, see a psychologist pretty soon. If not, it's just ennui; remember you can change as soon as you give yourself permission.

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I have no idea where else to post this. I want to get myself a limited edition Super Bowl jersey for the MVP Malcolm Smith. Unfortunately, they didn't print any before the game. I'd assume they're going to print some more since he's MVP right?

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I am on the email list for a company that specializes in anti-static material and devices, which occasionally makes me think I'm living in some sort of sci-fi future world.  The names of the antistatic stuff always crack me up.

Chargebuster Ion Gun Now In Stock

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I don't know where to put this, but I'd just like to say how much I appreciate the fact that Chrome recently added a little speaker icon to tabs that are playing audio.


Now they just need to add the option to mute tabs and we're golden.

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I don't know where to put this, but I'd just like to say how much I appreciate the fact that Chrome recently added a little speaker icon to tabs that are playing audio.


Now they just need to add the option to mute tabs and we're golden.


That's the most brilliant thing, I ought to use Chrome more, just always default to Firefox.

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Nothing like having your wife read aloud one of your posts from a month ago to make you realize that you're a total weirdo.

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I don't know where to put this, but I'd just like to say how much I appreciate the fact that Chrome recently added a little speaker icon to tabs that are playing audio.


Now they just need to add the option to mute tabs and we're golden.

I really love this.

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I have never been in a position to believe that girls did not play video games. I don't have any sisters, but like every friend I've had growing up played games at least a little bit, and I made female friends. My social group is half women and most of them play games. The online games I've played generally had fairly even gender splits. My mum got addicted to Boulderdash apparently. It's like black people and fried chicken; who doesn't like fried chicken? Except for vegetarians and strange people.

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It's one of the most mesmerizing things I think I've ever seen.

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