Joewintergreen Posted February 8, 2016 I fuckin' love Speedrunners. I wrote a short little blog thing about a thing I think is cool about Mirror's Edge. It's getting lots of notes so i feel good about myself Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireFlower Posted February 26, 2016 It's Adventure Weekend on FireFlower Games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sucks2Bme Posted March 2, 2016 Speaking of the jam; I just put my Wizard Jam game up on Steam Greenlight! I've decided to keep working on it and make it into a full thing. The page is here, if you're interested: A vote and a nice comment would mean sooo much. gave an upvote! good luck! Looks pretty rad but I would be shit at it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zerofiftyone Posted March 2, 2016 gave an upvote! good luck! Looks pretty rad but I would be shit at it Thanks dude! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheHollowNight Posted March 9, 2016 Hello once again fellow Thumbs' listeners! It's been a real long time since I've posted in here, but I felt like I should wait until something special to update you all about Beacon. We *finally* revealed our debut trailer today! We've been holding off for so long to actually show gameplay, also we wanted to introduce the game with some flare, so we created a fancy cinematic intro inviting you into the world. If anybody is attending GDC, please stop by and say hi at the Unity booth as we'll be demoing the game during the event! Thanks again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dragonfliet Posted March 9, 2016 Wow, looks great! Kudos! Hello once again fellow Thumbs' listeners! It's been a real long time since I've posted in here, but I felt like I should wait until something special to update you all about Beacon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavku Posted March 9, 2016 Agree, this looks neat. Well done! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irishjohn Posted March 21, 2016 Hi guys, I've mentioned our video series History Respawned here before (, but I wanted to drop in and let everyone know we now have a podcast! Episode One came out two weeks ago, the audio from Bob's interview on Red Dead Redemption. Episode Two, out tomorrow, is more of a discussion cast between myself and Bob. Episode Three, in two weeks, will be the audio from our latest episode, on Far Cry Primal. We'll be releasing episodes every two weeks and gradually going through the back catalogue of our video episodes. You can find us on Soundcloud at and iTunes at and on our own website at Hopefully some Thumbs will find the podcast interesting! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smart Jason Posted March 26, 2016 A lot of people have probably seen me talk about this a lot by now: I've been running a World of Darkness tabletop game for some Idle Thumbs readers (now consisting of Twig, Fingus, Lansbury, and SuperBiasedMan) for about a month. I'd love to get one or two or three more people involved (the more people playing, the less pressure on each individual member of the group to make every consecutive week). If you don't happen to wander into the Slack chat or the Multiplayer Networking forum, this might be your chance to join. The previous sessions of our game are . They're somewhat crude now but I'm looking to improve the production with each week. As you can see, we play over Skype via webcam as I broadcast over Twitch. The sessions are Sundays, noon to four PDT. It's an open world, character-driven, semi-serious campaign set to go long term. If this appeals to you, there's some more information in the thread here, or you can PM me on the board or (preferably) in the Slack chat to talk about making a character. Tabletop RPGs are really fun. If you're reading this and you have the time and the means to play, I implore you to give it a shot. If you contact me we can talk about any questions you might have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Synnah Posted March 27, 2016 I released a game on iOS this week! It was a long time coming; in May last year my housemate and I quit our jobs and decided to make games together, for as long as we could support ourselves. We kind of saw ourselves releasing a game every few months; obviously things didn't pan out that way. It's a long story that involves a lot of really bad luck, and maybe a few poor decisions. Our first game, Defendy Rocket, took about 4-5 months to finish, and then got put on hold while we waited for an advertising solution for Unreal Engine 4. In October of last year we started a second game, R.A.B.B.i.T., that we were pushing to finish before Christmas, but actually got finished some time around the end of January. This became a moot point, however, because we discovered a pretty major crash in UE4 on certain low-end Android devices, and spent literally a month going back and forth with their support to try and help them get a repro for it. We'd got an advertising solution for Defendy Rocket before Christmas, but couldn't release either game on Android because of this bug. So we focused on iOS, and decided to release R.A.B.B.i.T. first, being as it was a more visually interesting game that sells itself better in screenshots and GIFs.Here's the app store link, if you'd like to play it (It's free!): trailer and some screenshots: It's been a weird, muted release. I sent out a bunch of press emails, but no-one really picked up on it (There were two pre-release articles, but no-one has posted about the game since its release). My housemate ran out of money, so he took a job at Facebook and is moving out in the next couple of weeks. I'm resigned to the fact that neither game is probably going to make any money without some kind of minor miracle. I'm really proud of R.A.B.B.i.T., though; it's difficult, but the mechanics are really tight, and it's a lot of fun. Also, considering I was entirely responsible for all of the environment and character art, and it was the first time I'd properly modelled, rigged and animated a character, I really like how it looks.On a related note, I'm now basically looking for freelance work, so if you need a 3D Artist/Animator, or music/Audio guy, and you like what you see or hear, let me know! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperBiasedMan Posted March 27, 2016 That trailer is great, I love how it's out together. Sucks that the response has been muted. :/ I don't have an iOS unfortunately but if there's a fix for that Android bug eventually I'll be all over it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben X Posted April 1, 2016 Nice! Synnah, that game looks sweet. Defendy Rocket was great, so hopefully I'll be able to play RABBIT on Android at some point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Synnah Posted April 1, 2016 That's awesome, BigJKO! And thanks guys! I also hope we can release RABBiT on Andoid very soon. A new major version of Unreal Engine was released yesterday though, and I don't think there was a fix for our issue, so it looks like we're delayed again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Synnah Posted April 4, 2016 We went ahead and released the Android version of R.A.B.B.i.T.! It's here: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dragonfliet Posted April 6, 2016 We went ahead and released the Android version of R.A.B.B.i.T.! It's here: Very fun. I doubt I'll play it much (it's very hard, and has some layers of nuance to the gameplay), as I don't really game on my phone much, and tend to simple puzzle games when I do, but I really enjoyed it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dinosaursssssss Posted April 17, 2016 My game Gravity Wolf is now on Steam Greenlight, please take a sec to go vote it up!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zerofiftyone Posted April 17, 2016 Congrats Dino! Best of luck on Greenlight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dinosaursssssss Posted April 17, 2016 omg and I forgot to mention that zerofiftyone did the trailer on the greenlight page and did an amazing job! So if nothing else go watch that and give him some props. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireFlower Posted April 18, 2016 I'm plugging my Spring Sale at FireFlower Games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben X Posted April 18, 2016 My game Gravity Wolf is now on Steam Greenlight, please take a sec to go vote it up!! Upvoted! For the gif logo if nothing else, love those things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roderick Posted April 22, 2016 It took me a week and a half of Wordpressing, but the redesigned site is finally done: (Dutch, I'm afraid!). Luckily I only need to do this shit once every three years or so, when the code really starts breaking down due to updates. That said - Wordpress is a godsent, most of it is pretty easy. Clicky-clicky. It's only when plugins start conflicting and you want something specific that's not supported that the real fun begins! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
glennw Posted May 5, 2016 Myself and some friends have started a website about board games and I thought fellow thumbs might like it. We're trying to make content that's a bit different to the average board game videos and articles, a bit more approachable especially to people who aren't super into the hobby, but also just fun and celebrating the joy of games not just the mechanics. This story is about a funny old game based on the british/oz soap Neighbours. Thumbs trivia, it's not mentioned in the article but that first game of Neighbours was played with Thumbs very own Spaff. e thing we've done (we've only been going a week). It's about why Monopoly is shit and you shouldn't play it..but if you have to here is how to ruin it. We've also done some short recommendations and very quick videos to get a gist of a game, like Survive Let us know what you think, do all the following on Twitter and subscribe on Youtube stuff plz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valorian Endymion Posted May 10, 2016 Here is some stuff I haven trying do to to learn more about blender/unity/maya/ect... Some random objects that I am trying to create on Blender - I am getting the general thing of how to model, but textures/light still escape me - so far I got something with the cycle render. Link to the project: Remaking the town of Tundara from Might and Magic II first on Blender and them imported to Unity - where it features scripts for day/night cycles and to doors open and close: Link to the Project: There is more on my Behance profile: By the way, is possible to post illustrations on this thread or in another one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 10, 2016 This stuff maybe be more suited to the Game Dev forum, or maybe This thread is more for shilling things that you have worked on for profit or clicks. Edit: I mean, you're welcome to post it here if you want, but it might get more eyes over there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites