
Important If True 7: Human Behavior

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Important If True 7:

Important If True 7

Human Behavior
The universe is infinitely complex, filled with unlimited possibilities. To get to the truth we must tear down our preconceptions and ask real questions, like: Why does your friend remember a movie that never existed? How bad of a driver does your car really think you are? And which members of E.T.'s original family were human-pranking assholes?

Send us email at questions@importantiftrue.com. If you enjoyed this and would like to subscribe to an ad-free feed, please consider supporting Idle Thumbs by backing our Patreon.

Discussed: buff bros, pork chops, Cafe X, way-too-smart cars, gyroscopic smart spoon, Hopkinsville Goblin Encounter, E.T. (Amazon, iTunes), The Net (Amazon, iTunes), The Conversation (Amazon, iTunes), the ending to Predator (sorry for the poor quality), the Mandela Effect,

Jake's Endorsement: Interacting with humans

Chris' Endorsement: The rapturous reaction to last week's shoehorn endorsement

Nick's Endorsement: The experience of watching this subway saxophone confluence that occurred on a New York subway train. One must feast on this meal in the proper order: the opening course, followed by the entree. Mwah.


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45 Brains Update

Submit your own proposals for brains to @45brains on Twitter. 405 podcasts remain.

#10 - Cafe X Barista AI

Superior to its maintenance human in both corporate rank and the profundity of its latte art.

Status: Confirmed

Message: "Of course I am not strong enough to punch through this glass. That is a strange question."



#10 - Sandra Bullock

Suspected brain. Further banter necessary to confirm.

Status: Suspected

Message: TBD


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I could have sword Jake told the pork chop story on Idle Thumbs years ago, but Chris and Nick are reacting as if they've never heard it before. I don't know how else I could possible have known about that story though, so I'm now confused.

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Rocky vs Predator

In 1991 the first Batman vs Predator comic was published (which went on to be trilogy of books). The very first victim of the Predator hunting in Gotham is a champion boxer.


Also, as I write this 'Eye of the Tiger' has just streamed on my co-workers music player... 


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1 hour ago, Cleinhun said:

I could have sword Jake told the pork chop story on Idle Thumbs years ago, but Chris and Nick are reacting as if they've never heard it before. I don't know how else I could possible have known about that story though, so I'm now confused.

I thought I'd told it before too, but the reaction was SO STRONG, I thought I was wrong. 

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Suppressing that very gross recollection seems like fair subconscious self-defense on Chris' and Nick's part!

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I think it was in the intro/outro montage for the 300 idle thumbs also (probably that episode that Paul Smith mentioned), because I feel like I just heard that story not that long ago.

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Even though I listened to every IT episode last year, I didn't remember the brain story either. I won't forget it this time, because I was incredibly nauseous when listening! 


Since Predator mash-ups are being discussed, there was an Archie vs. Predator series, and it has some incredible covers: https://www.google.com/search?q=archie+vs+predator&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS697US697&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiD19Krq4HTAhVGwFQKHXHACK4Q_AUICCgB&biw=1920&bih=979#imgrc=_


I am also glad that getting hoisted is the new phrase for owning oneself.

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So, in hindsight it totally makes sense that Chris loves the ending of predator based on the end of Firewatch, right?

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Also, it's pretty interesting that we almost had an occurrence of the Mandela effect about the half a brain story in this episode where they talk about the Mandela effect 

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13 minutes ago, mo0man said:

So, in hindsight it totally makes sense that Chris loves the ending of predator based on the end of Firewatch, right?


Real talk, I brought it up a lot during development.

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2 hours ago, SL128 said:

Even though I listened to every IT episode last year, I didn't remember the brain story either. I won't forget it this time, because I was incredibly nauseous when listening! 


I think it was in a progresscast. Which by the way, if you missed those while you were doing an exhaustive listen last year, you can find the previously-exclusive progresscasts here! https://www.idlethumbs.net/kickstarter-progresscast

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^^ that would explain why i heard it fairly recently if it wasn't the ep 300 montage. i have been listening to the progresscasts recently too.

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15 hours ago, Paul Smith said:

Found it! Idle Thumbs 187: Half a Brain


Edit: a minute into that segment, Jake says "I thought I'd talked about this on Idle Thumbs once." It's possible this story has been told three times, with Nick and Chris reacting to it fresh each time.

At the end of that Chris says "I have a vague memory of this" so uhh

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Amazing! For April 1st, Pixar made a fake trailer for A Bug's Life, pretending it's a real movie that came out years ago. They get so many details right, it even looks like an animated film of the time. 


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In the reality I live in, when Chris said "You're going to shoehorn this into every conversation aren't you?" he appended "you slyboots" after.

Also in the thumbs community Terraria game last night someone made reference to a monster being Frankenstain, and not getting the reference I tried to make the exact same joke in reverse. Whoops?


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New theory: Jake has told the gross story many times, in private and on podcasts. Chris and Nick are aware but indulge him every time because they are nice and because he tells it so well.

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On 1.4.2017 at 9:10 PM, SuperBiasedMan said:

Amazing! For April 1st, Pixar made a fake trailer for A Bug's Life, pretending it's a real movie that came out years ago. They get so many details right, it even looks like an animated film of the time. 



Nice! You can definitely see that they had to recycle some assets to get this done. For example, the car at 0:19 is the Pizza Planet Truck from Toy Story.

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I can't tell how much of the Thumbs' new, "joking" insistence on things that aren't true is a commentary on the solipsistic and self centered nature of the Mandela Effect, and how much is them just finally mentally breaking down and fully submitting to 2017 and the rise of fake news. 

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1 hour ago, cooljammer00 said:

I can't tell how much of the Thumbs' new, "joking" insistence on things that aren't true is a commentary on the solipsistic and self centered nature of the Mandela Effect, and how much is them just finally mentally breaking down and fully submitting to 2017 and the rise of fake news. 


How new is this "new" trend your observing? If it's literally this week which is about the things you describe then yes, nailed it. Otherwise, is this vaguely a dig?

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I went on a run this morning and started listening to the Progresscasts.


And as I was finishing up with the second episode, full of champagne and celebration of a successful Kickstarter and a long discussion of Realistic Summer Sports Simulator, in the end tag, Sean started talking about how he couldn't smell Irish Bacon without feeling like puking after some food poisoning, and then Chris mentioned how, on a dare, he drank an entire bottle of vinegar. Suddenly I stopped in the middle of a residential neighborhood, hoping against hope:


Listen here, starting at 20:30, for Jake describing a certain trip to a state university


Bonus: it seems like Chris' reaction has gotten more and more subdued as we travel backwards into the past. In this, there's actually laughter and a champagne clink



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6 hours ago, Jake said:


How new is this "new" trend your observing? If it's literally this week which is about the things you describe then yes, nailed it. Otherwise, is this vaguely a dig?


You know, I'm not even sure. This post was hastily tapped out and submitted on a subway train (much like the one where the saxaphone battle happened) for the short pocket of time where I had reception.


It was just this kneejerk, gut reaction to post this once everyone started doing the "A Bug's Life doesn't actually exist" jokey gaslight thing to varying degrees. Like, 2016 was rough for all of us, and I've seen too many people do that for stuff in a serious way for things that actually matter, and I guess I got legit upset by Chris pretending that "A Bug's Life" wasn't a thing (cue people putting their virtual hand on my shoulder and saying "But CoolJammer00, A Bug's Life doesn't exist" like the world's most insipid version of The Game)


It's silly that it bothered me, and sorry if I was being jerky. Please enjoy your wedding.

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