Dewar Posted May 31, 2016 Good team coordination helps too, calling out where turrets and Bastions are hanging out. I imagine it would be next to impossible without a team who's talking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JonCole Posted June 1, 2016 For capture point two of Anubis, I've found that the best strategy is putting a tank + 2x DPS on mid-lane, Hanzo/Widowmaker on right side, and Junkrat/Pharah/Reaper + support on left. Snipers on right can clear anything on that pocket left side when you grapple/climb up on the small platform there, I often clear out at least one turret/bastion/handful of Symmetra turrets from that position. Tank + DPS pulls aggro hard and hopefully absorbs/wastes enemy ults during the push. Then the left team can do serious damage while the whole team is focused on the harassing sniper and heavy hitting mid-squad. The times I've won on that point have been mega close and have really required every person being on point. I've been defeated on defense by similar strategies, and earlier today got wrecked by a team that had a really good forward Symmetra teleporter and switched to all Genji/Reaper/Tracer as soon as cap point 1 was complete then they rush capped the cap 2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
singlespace Posted June 1, 2016 hen do you use Mercy's rez? It feels like such a waste to use it on one person and sometimes even two, but then you just hold it for 5 minutes because the first time someone dies all the deaths become staggered. Judge from the rates: if your team is managing to sustain well, you're charging fast, and you don't think they other team has an ult then burn it low. If you're getting a lot of burst damage against your team, people are falling quick, you suspect they have an ult lined up, or you need to make a big push or hold soon, then save it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korax Posted June 1, 2016 I played some, but enough characters were horribly broken that I didn't go back. For instance, Tracer can basically constantly rewind time, meaning you can only kill her if you get a one-hit kill, which is pretty impossible when she can also jump constantly. *shrug* Overwatch is already on the edge of too-fast-paced for me. Yeah, it was fun at first, but when people figured out that the greatly reduced cooldowns meant that you could always be activating an ability, it just became a mess. It turned capturing control points from relatively directed mayhem into a ten-minute-long coin flip. Mei was similarly difficult to eliminate, because as long as you had your finger on the ice cocoon button, you could just avoid killing blows left and right. This week it's "Super Shimada Bros." All Hanzo and Genji on Hanamura, with some tweaks to cooldown rates. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prettyunsmart Posted June 1, 2016 Has anyone else been playing Arcade mode? It doesn't count towards your Profile stats(you still get XP and level up though) but makes up for it by being completely insane and a lot of fun. It's Overwatch but on set maps and with some modifiers and it changes each week. This week it's(I think) double health, abilities charge 4 times as fast and ultimates charge faster also. With these settings as Pharah you can spend the entire match in the air since your Shift boost ability takes 3 seconds to recharge. Just managed to live through an entire 10 minute match as her thanks to this. It's nuts and I love it. In the open beta, the arcade mode was a random hero thing, which was actually pretty fun. It forced everyone to try characters they weren't familiar with, and (at least for me) made the whole thing feel like it had lower stakes. I'll definitely be playing some arcade mode as they cycle through different options. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salacious Snake Posted June 1, 2016 Yeah, the random hero brawl was cool. I'll definitely play that again when it rolls around. Arcade was fun for a minute. I haven't really played Hanzo or Genji, so I should do the new one in order to learn them a bit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korax Posted June 1, 2016 Also, now I want a brawl variant called "Complete Mei-hem" that's all Mei on winter/snow-themed maps. Though I don't know how well that would actually work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted June 1, 2016 It's not really a great environment to learn them to be fair. its a bit messy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted June 1, 2016 I played the all Hanzos and Genji Arcade-mode on Hanamura. It was interesting. I am not very good with Genji, but I did some stuff with Hanzo that felt bad-ass. Also one of the POGs was Genji deflecting Genji shurikens from two Genjis and killing them both with the deflect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted June 2, 2016 I don't think I like the mechanic that lets you switch mid game. I know that Blizzard says it's a major part of the strategy, and I get it, but it seems tough to coordinate that with any efficiency when I'm with friends in voice chat, let alone with randoms. It feels like a strategic layer that's just going to be used by the top 10% to bludgeon the rest of us. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nappi Posted June 2, 2016 I see people switching characters much less often than I did early on (which was probably caused by new players testing out different characters mid-game), and most of the time the switch has been for the better, e.g. addressing questions like "Why don't we have a medic?" and "Why is there no turrets to defend the point?" I rarely switch characters, but when I do it is because I feel that I'm getting nothing done with the character I have chosen against the current group of enemies. I am not ranked/matched high enough to see more sophisticated character switching strategies ("Ok, for the next checkpoint we need two snipers, and..."). Or maybe I have, but didn't realize it because I didn't understand what was going on. So, I prefer mid-game switching to being locked into using a character that is useless for the duration of the match. However, I can see that it can get tough at higher levels. This game is really cool. Recently, I have been playing as Lucio, because with him I can help the team even if I suck (due to passive healing ability), but he can still be pretty deadly when used correctly. I can't stress enough how important it is for my enjoyment that the game focuses on congratulating me on good plays, instead of showing me how bad I am doing compared to others. I might also have just been lucky (or ranked sufficiently low), but I have rarely seen any serious assholery in the chat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted June 2, 2016 My experience lately is teams that completely switch up at certain points in the map. It pretty much seems like they have planned teams for each map at each point and switch between them, plus a person who will switch to a medic-killer role once I start doing well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted June 2, 2016 Yes that's also how I switch, if I feel like I'm not contributing or I'm just dying way too quick I try a different character to see if it will help and it usually does. Sometimes it's not even the characters of the other team but the fact that they know how to deal with Bastion or whoever that makes me switch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prawks Posted June 2, 2016 I have a feeling the competitive mode will be much different in regards to choosing and switching characters. I think pick/ban might be nice to try out, though it would probably need to function differently somehow from DotA because of changing sides on the map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JonCole Posted June 2, 2016 It would be interesting if they made it so you could still change characters mid-match, but you had a limited number of changes. So you could make your setup more reactive, but you'd have to calculate your choices much more actively and then live when them if you use all your swaps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted June 2, 2016 Reaper needs voice-lines like "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words... will never hurt me." And "I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever bounces off of me... sticks to you." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted June 2, 2016 When playing Quick Play it's a shame that it never seems to do anything to try to balance the teams. I was playing this evening and the team I was on trounced the other team 4 games in a row(we even beat them when attacking on Anubis!) until I just got bored and left the game to find a new one. It would be nice if it mixed up the teams between matches if it's going that way. To give an example of how poor the other team were they only made it to the first capture point on Anubis once and none of my team died that match. :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JonCole Posted June 2, 2016 There is a server change in event of severe skill mismatch thing, but I've only seen it happen a couple times. I think the round has to end in a couple minutes twice in a row, or something like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted June 2, 2016 I've seen the message for that, it does happen. The games aren't enough of a community to play with the same people for like 5 rounds. For some reason it's not super appealing the way a TF2 server was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted June 2, 2016 Reaper needs voice-lines like "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words... will never hurt me." And "I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever bounces off of me... sticks to you." Loooool. I totally read them in his voice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted June 3, 2016 I stopped saving up for skins and just started buying non-skin stuff I like. It feels nice to personalize my characters a bit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted June 3, 2016 I've seen the message for that, it does happen. The games aren't enough of a community to play with the same people for like 5 rounds. For some reason it's not super appealing the way a TF2 server was. I think that's because it's not a server, it's just some people thrown together who will probably never see each other again. TF2 servers had a sense of community about them which is lost when you just join random games with random people, just like what happened in WOW when they introduced the cross server Dungeon Finder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tabacco Posted June 3, 2016 I tried it out a little bit last night, but was running into some horrible network lag. I'll try again this weekend and hope it was just temporary transit troubles upstream somewhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilds Posted June 4, 2016 I see people switching characters much less often than I did early on (which was probably caused by new players testing out different characters mid-game), and most of the time the switch has been for the better, e.g. addressing questions like "Why don't we have a medic?" and "Why is there no turrets to defend the point?" I rarely switch characters, but when I do it is because I feel that I'm getting nothing done with the character I have chosen against the current group of enemies. I am not ranked/matched high enough to see more sophisticated character switching strategies ("Ok, for the next checkpoint we need two snipers, and..."). Or maybe I have, but didn't realize it because I didn't understand what was going on. So, I prefer mid-game switching to being locked into using a character that is useless for the duration of the match. However, I can see that it can get tough at higher levels. This game is really cool. Recently, I have been playing as Lucio, because with him I can help the team even if I suck (due to passive healing ability), but he can still be pretty deadly when used correctly. I can't stress enough how important it is for my enjoyment that the game focuses on congratulating me on good plays, instead of showing me how bad I am doing compared to others. I might also have just been lucky (or ranked sufficiently low), but I have rarely seen any serious assholery in the chat. I actually think they should encourage MORE switching, especially when someone's doing poorly with a class. They've got tooltip suggestions for everything else, after all. "Hey, you've died three times without getting a single kill as Widowmaker, maybe do you want to try someone else?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted June 5, 2016 I'm getting better at switching, but there are still certain combinations I have no clue how to beat, such as a Bastion, Turret, and a Rinehart crammed into the corner of a control point. You can't snipe them, you can get above or behind them with Farah or Tracer. *shrug* A lot of our losses come to people with two Bastions, two Torbjorn, a Rinehart, and a healer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites