Dewar Posted May 26, 2016 I found out that I indeed cannot aim in this game, nor can I get good positioning for any of the close range heroes to be effective with them, but healing with Mercy and the ability to switch between healing and damage boost makes the old TF2 Medic formula much better. Edit: I don't understand how anyone hits anything in this game. I see replays and people are hitting like 75 percent of their shots and I'm lucky if I get to 20% Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted May 26, 2016 I know it's crazy, I finished a game last night and one of the cards was for the rocketress which said 32 direct hits with a rocket of 36 fired?! Some of which hit me when she was flying around at max height. Considering the rockets are moving projectiles, this person most have been a maths and probobiliry genius. Saying that, there does seems to be a lot of auto aim. And there's a huge amount of customisation with your controls in the settings. I just need some practice, these guys have probably played CoD or destiny every day for the past two years. I'm a little annoyed that accuracy is a stat in this game, as I quite often play heros with splash damage and I'll constantly unload round corners or doors keeping successfully the attacking team at bay. Why not give me the stat: 25% of the teams damage felt whilst firing blind. I practically single handedly when a round with Zarya doing this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nappi Posted May 26, 2016 I was not interested in this game at all until I saw some Quick Looks and heard it discussed in the podcast. I seldom play online shooters but it sounds like this could be fun even if I'm a complete n00b. Seriously considering buying this game now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted May 26, 2016 I really like how easy it is to jump in for one game, enjoy it and be done 10 minutes later. I never got that with TF2 as games could start to really drag if the teams were too even. It's great if you want to play something before you head off for work in the morning etc. I'm finding the public games getting better, people are starting to figure out how the heroes work and using them effectively. I still get the odd game where most of the team is made up of people who charge objectives alone and we get steamrolled, but for the most part I'm getting balanced games. I'm playing as McCree most of the time if I'm attacking, his gun is 100% accurate so it's best to stay behind and pick off enemies from far away, then if you're going to get in close use a flash bang and then right click to unload at point blank into whoever you blinded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted May 26, 2016 ...I quite often play heros with splash damage and I'll constantly unload round corners or doors keeping successfully the attacking team at bay. Why not give me the stat: 25% of the teams damage felt whilst firing blind. I practically single handedly when a round with Zarya doing thisThis is often how I play as well. I consider myself a long-range harasser. I'm like one of those lizards that throws up its collar to make itself look more threatening. I spam shots constantly as if to say, "Don't come in here, there are so many of us!"A similar thing I do is run behind enemy lines with Genji, Tracer, or Reaper. The other team can't stand to be flanked and I end up drawing 2-3 of them out of the main fight for a minute or so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted May 26, 2016 I'm playing as McCree most of the time if I'm attacking, his gun is 100% accurate so it's best to stay behind and pick off enemies from far away, then if you're going to get in close use a flash bang and then right click to unload at point blank into whoever you blinded. My most played is suddenly also McCree after last night, and I recommend the exact opposite style. He didn't click at all with me through all the phases of the beta, and then I realized I could just ANNIHILATE people without all this fancy standoff drawing and aiming. Get up in someone's grill, unload all 6 chambers, dodge roll to instant reload and do it again. I'm still not nearly patient enough with his ultimate though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 26, 2016 I was not interested in this game at all until I saw some Quick Looks and heard it discussed in the podcast. I seldom play online shooters but it sounds like this could be fun even if I'm a complete n00b. Seriously considering buying this game now. My experience so far has been that it's fun to play with friends, but playing with randoms I've been running into a wall of people that are a ton more skilled than I. Not sure if matchmaking will begin to even out and make more fair matches, or if Blizzard are even implementing an MMR type system at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted May 26, 2016 Have you tried Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Symmetra, or Lucio Dewar? I'd be interested in hearing what your experiences are like with these characters since you are having difficulty with more skilled players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 26, 2016 I tried Reinhardt once, but it's probably worth another shot. I'll definitely take a look at that list tonight and see if I do any better with them. The heroes that I've put a reasonable amount of time into are: Mercy: By far the one I'm the best at, and I actually really enjoy playing as her, but it would be nice to not have to play it every time Tracer: Surprisingly, maybe the one I'm best at besides mercy. Spread shot with the SMGs means that accuracy isn't as important as some other characters, and I'm pretty good at flitting around and staying alive. Not really that effective at killing though Pharah: Another one I enjoy, rockets are a bit easier to hit with and it's easy to jump away and stay alive, but I don't really do a ton of damage. Even in one miracle match where I had 32/38 direct hits, I had 5 kills Roadhog: I'm pretty decent with the hook, but I die so incredibly fast before I get more than a couple of shotgun shots off. I feel like everyone else lives forever as Roadhog, but I feel so fragile. Winston: I really like the gun since it doesn't require much aim, but I can't ever land the jump right and once again I die so fast Hanzo: I can't hit much with the bow besides by accident, and despite seeing multiple team kills with the dragon in one match, I can't seem to do much useful with that either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gamebeast23456 Posted May 26, 2016 I've really enjoyed my progression in this game, even over the course of only three or four hours. When I first started playing at the bottom of the matchmaking pool, I always had to play as Mercy because having a healer gives a huge advantage early on. I really enjoyed my time with Mercy, and I'll always hop back onto healing if no one else is, but I've also started to join matches at relatively higher levels where I get a chance to slot into different roles and experiment more. I, unlike Remo, had limited patience when it came to familiarizing myself with all the different classes, I've just been learning as I go along. This is the best multiplayer experience I've had at least since Rocket League, and maybe since I first started playing Modern Warfare long ago. So much fun, and I love the positive spin that the game has, it always wants you to come away feeling good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
undermind9 Posted May 26, 2016 Pharah rockets dont do a whole lot of damage, but with direct hits & (lucky) headshot will certainly start getting kills. It is more of a sustainable damage & coupled with a teammate on the ground can start doing work to the squishiers. dont expect to take down a Reinhardt shield anytime soon though I had a really good time with some Thumbs last night on PC, it was the first time I was on a team with coordinated team talk - calling out flanking people, prioritizing targets, asking for heals or rez, we mostly had great success. Also talking about counters or hero swaps out-loud made for a more dynamic game and much more enjoyable than pubs where someone will play reaper or widowmaker the whole time - no matter the match-up. I'm sure its artificial - and actually finally coordinate, counter pick, and have ults, but feels like a rubber-band mechanic at the end of a match that somehow other team who was getting rolled shows up to cap a point and extend the match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zerofiftyone Posted May 26, 2016 I tried Reinhardt once, but it's probably worth another shot. I'll definitely take a look at that list tonight and see if I do any better with them. The heroes that I've put a reasonable amount of time into are: Mercy: By far the one I'm the best at, and I actually really enjoy playing as her, but it would be nice to not have to play it every time Tracer: Surprisingly, maybe the one I'm best at besides mercy. Spread shot with the SMGs means that accuracy isn't as important as some other characters, and I'm pretty good at flitting around and staying alive. Not really that effective at killing though Pharah: Another one I enjoy, rockets are a bit easier to hit with and it's easy to jump away and stay alive, but I don't really do a ton of damage. Even in one miracle match where I had 32/38 direct hits, I had 5 kills Roadhog: I'm pretty decent with the hook, but I die so incredibly fast before I get more than a couple of shotgun shots off. I feel like everyone else lives forever as Roadhog, but I feel so fragile. Winston: I really like the gun since it doesn't require much aim, but I can't ever land the jump right and once again I die so fast Hanzo: I can't hit much with the bow besides by accident, and despite seeing multiple team kills with the dragon in one match, I can't seem to do much useful with that either. The key to Roadhog (in my experience) is positioning and drinking your juice at the right moments. You're at your strongest when you can pull someone into a secluded area where they don't have support from their team. Your primary fire has a very short range, so if you're shooting at anything farther than arm's length, use the secondary fire. If you get caught in a high-damage ability that you know you can't run away from, stop and drink your juice and a lot of the time you can negate the damage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted May 26, 2016 I love that you call it drinking your juice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 26, 2016 Hmm, maybe I was playing too front-and-center with him. His secondary fire doesn't have a ton of range on it either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dinosaursssssss Posted May 26, 2016 Reminder to everyone to come hang out in Slack and Discord and play Overwatch with us, last night we played some 5v5s with all thumbs and it was great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted May 26, 2016 Hello roadhog is the best 520 hook all day erry day crank the hog Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted May 27, 2016 I don't usually find myself caring much about cosmetics or loot, but the fact that you can get duplicates is fucking stupid imo. First time I've had a complaint about the game though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korax Posted May 27, 2016 I don't usually find myself caring much about cosmetics or loot, but the fact that you can get duplicates is fucking stupid imo. First time I've had a complaint about the game though. Yeah, kind of dumb, but at least you get some coins from it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zerofiftyone Posted May 27, 2016 I guess also as you level up more and more, the likelihood of getting a dupe also gets higher. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 27, 2016 Thanks for the recommendations. I had some good games with Reinhardt, Torbjorn, and Symmetra. i especially enjoyed Symmetra and she's in my regular rotation now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marginalgloss Posted May 27, 2016 This is probably the first game in years where I've been tempted to drop the full RRP of £55 on the PS4 digital edition - and I never spend that much on a single game. But this just looks so nice. On one hand, I had a really good time with the beta, and I don't doubt that I'd get that much value out of the game; but on the other, I just can't quell the squeamish feeling I get when spending over £30 or £40 on a digital product. And I've seen the disc for that price, but clearly this is a game I'll want to keep on my HDD for a while. It's interesting to me that I've seen very few reviews mention how few maps and modes there are for a full-price release. Without wishing to get into the whole 'price of content' debate, it feels like those complaints were a lot more prominent with the likes of Titanfall, Splatoon and Destiny. Perhaps Blizzard have done a better job of communicating expectations in terms of what this game is going to be in advance of release -- or maybe Overwatch just offers a lot more variety within what initially seems like a more limited framework? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dinosaursssssss Posted May 27, 2016 I guess also as you level up more and more, the likelihood of getting a dupe also gets higher. I would argue that this is actually a good thing, as getting more dupes means more currency, which means you'll be able to buy specific cosmetics you want faster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
njoos Posted May 27, 2016 dota2 has a no dupes system, if you buy 11 boxes of a box with 11 things in it you will get all 11 things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
njoos Posted May 27, 2016 This is probably the first game in years where I've been tempted to drop the full RRP of £55 on the PS4 digital edition - and I never spend that much on a single game. But this just looks so nice. On one hand, I had a really good time with the beta, and I don't doubt that I'd get that much value out of the game; but on the other, I just can't quell the squeamish feeling I get when spending over £30 or £40 on a digital product. And I've seen the disc for that price, but clearly this is a game I'll want to keep on my HDD for a while. It's interesting to me that I've seen very few reviews mention how few maps and modes there are for a full-price release. Without wishing to get into the whole 'price of content' debate, it feels like those complaints were a lot more prominent with the likes of Titanfall, Splatoon and Destiny. Perhaps Blizzard have done a better job of communicating expectations in terms of what this game is going to be in advance of release -- or maybe Overwatch just offers a lot more variety within what initially seems like a more limited framework? The value is in quality for competetive games more than quantity. Good maps, good hero balance, good hero variety, good netcode, good matchmaking. Look at LOMAs like dota and LoL, there is only one map but it is extremely well made and iterated on over and over. One could even argue that having too many maps would be bad, as mastering the maps and knowing how to use the maps with your given Lord is what makes online battle arena games fun. Too many maps, and the fun part of the game is delayed as the time it takes to get familiar with the given maps is increased. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zerofiftyone Posted May 27, 2016 I would argue that this is actually a good thing, as getting more dupes means more currency, which means you'll be able to buy specific cosmetics you want faster. The amount of currency you get from a dupe is very small though! If you're only getting 5-15 credits for each dupe, it's gonna take you a while to get that 1000 credit skin you want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites