Dosed Posted March 18, 2017 MAAAANNNN have I just ran into a streak of bad luck in this game. If you're not in Diamond then I'll just tell you now there are hundreds of player who don't deserve to be and quite frankly don't have a basic understanding of the game. I've had games recently go from a comfortable 2-0 lead to a 2-3 loss because Bastion wouldn't change when they've got a Roadhog, Genji and D.VA to counter him. I messaged the Bastion player "pls change" in between rounds and they changed to a second healer which we'd needed for the last round. We got into a 99% overtime battle, thanks to them changing, but ultimately still lost to a sub-par team. It astounds me that people don't know when to change. Or that they need to be told to do it at Diamond levels of play. How do they get this far? What do people think about the Lucio NERF/(???)BUFF(???)? I find it weird them focusing on such a well balanced character when they could focus on Winston, McCree or Sombra. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted April 15, 2017 I've gotten 3 patches in the last two days. Is this happening for anyone else? We were playing PvE and my wife got kicked and then it started downloading a patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beasteh Posted April 15, 2017 It's not just you, I've had to wait before launching the game a couple times. How's everybody liking the PvE? Even on Normal difficulty it's been a challenge. I think you need co-ordination which you don't get with randos. All you get from them is abuse when the team fails (and my teams fail often). I'm not sure how to play Tracer well, and I can't take the pressure of being Mercy (you're single-handedly responsible for keeping everyone alive, plus people get SUPER angry if you're not psychic enough to know when they're going to charge in, so they die while you're off healing someone else). The "all heroes" version is pretty good though. Lucio tears it up! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted April 15, 2017 I like it, especially with the constrained selection of heroes. The third time I played it, someone used Reinhardt in really useful ways and now I'm excited about trying him out specifically so I can charge the shielded bots and the detonators . I've played as Mercy, Torbjorn, and Zarya. Zarya was really useful. So were the other two, but Zarya wasn't specifically authored to be useful in this scenario. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marginalgloss Posted April 18, 2017 I had a few rounds on the Uprising game mode last night. It's fun, and really quite challenging on anything above Normal difficulty. There's something about fighting the robot hordes that seems to encourage players to ignore the objective and charge off on their own, even more than is normally the case in Overwatch. I often found myself trying to hold the objective alone while the rest of my team tried to dally pointlessly with the enemy. People think they can handle it because it's just dumb AI, but there's a tendency to underestimate the way in which the robots can and will come from all directions. At times it reminds me of Left 4 Dead in the sense in which if one player goes down the situation suddenly becomes critical - if you can't revive them, you're very unlikely to survive because the firepower and self-healing of the default team is incredibly limited. It's an interesting dynamic - I'm not sure they've quite nailed it yet, but yeah, the 'all heroes' version is a good time. Still, as with the Halloween mission, I'm always really impressed at how much extra content (skins, voice acting, cutscenes, etc) they've added for what is effectively just a very comprehensive mod for their own game. To an extent it feels like they're still playing for time while they work on new 'real' game modes/maps, but if this is what treading water looks like, I'm hoping that a proper coop mode will be really impressive - if it ever appears. Surely it will - though I do wonder if it could ever be as attractive as the main game... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dosed Posted April 21, 2017 I really like the PVE stuff and I'm really glad the skins revolved around something Overwatch based and not a seasonal real life thing. I hope they keep doing that. The Blackwatch stuff is so interesting and McCree's and Genji's skins are just fantastic. I'd be really surprised if they ever did a full-blown co-op thing as I would've expected that to ship with the game, and would be pretty difficult to get right after the game has been out for so long. I've started playing a few different characters now instead of just Soldier as I was getting sick of him in ranked games and I could only play a few characters. I decided to give Mei a go... in the week where she was fundamentally broken and had a moment of "hmmm... how come when I play her noone ever gets frozen but enemy Meis freeze me instantly". And it was completely justified. Bad luck I guess. Then I tried Pharah and my God is she difficult to play. She's pretty dependent on the setup of your team and I find it super hard to get direct hits with her. I played a few rounds of Mystery Heroes and got Tracer who I went on a rampage with and that's that. She's gonna be my new main for a while I think. I used to think of her as a character you'd use to just get up in people's business, but after playing her and watching some guides she's way better at just pouncing out of position enemies. Or chasing down low health enemies and cleaning up. What have you guys been playing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eRonin Posted April 24, 2017 I've been playing mostly ranked lately after being dumped in bronze this season and trying to claw my way back up to silver. I'm most successful when I play Mercy or Reinhardt, but when I need to play a high-damage character I just opt for Soldier 90% of the time (generally I lose when this has to happen); sometimes picking Genji. Genji and Lucio are my favourite heroes to play but I'm not actually any good with either of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dosed Posted April 25, 2017 I found a lot of my problems when I was playing at lower levels were due to positioning. As Soldier you ALWAYS want to take the high ground especially at the beginning of maps. Like on KIng's Row when you're defending up on the roof behind the statue is a great place to be. There's plenty of guides online about where to be. I'd also try to be constantly aware of where you are in regards to your team as you don't ever want to overextend or get into a 2v1 or even worse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dosed Posted May 10, 2017 It's nearly the 1 year anniversary of OW! Are we pumped!? Who's on the hype train for a new hero? Do you think they'll finally drop the Doomfist bomb shell? I wonder what he'll be like? Tank or DPS? Sluggish and a big hitter or a glass cannon? I'd honestly be surprised if they dropped him for the celebration as I think Orisa is still in a terrible place and she came out relatively recently. She seems so out of place to me in the world of OW. Did you guys play much competitive? I'm at 3169 at the moment after a high of 3266 super near the start of the season. I fell down to 2704 which kind of shows how much of a variance there is in terms of team mates/luck/trolls/leaers etc. Surely I can't be varying day to day to the tune of 600+ SR? I'm maining Tracer at the moment and I'm planning on getting her golden guns. She's so much fun. I gave Pharah a go but man is she hard to play. I'm also gonna try Rein out a bit more as I love him so much. It's super hard to practice those characters in QP due to them being so dependent on team comp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eRonin Posted May 11, 2017 I play competitive but I'm at like 1400 SR soooo. I just play it over quick play because a game with 5 DPS and a lone healer that tries their best to wrangle the dumb kids gets old really really fast and it feels like it's slowly becoming TDM instead of an objective based game. At least in comp people pretend to care about the payload. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dosed Posted May 23, 2017 I made it into Masters! Yay! Now for GM. But probably not. Although the other day I got placed against the 137th ranked Tracer and beat them. If I play European morning times I come against people who are a good 500SR higher than me and I manage to hold my own somehow. I've actually made a new account to practice other characters in comp and I'm trying out Ana, Rein and Pharah. Strangely enough Pharah is probably my least favourite of the 3. ANNIVERSARY STUFF TODAY! woot woot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 23, 2017 My wife plays this daily, she's much better than me a this point and just got her silver portrait frame. I'm planning on playing with her during this event, because she's been nice enough to play HotS with me during that event. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mjukis Posted May 24, 2017 I tried playing this yesterday, I managed 3 rounds before I got a headache and had to quit. Man, I wish I could enjoy this as much as my friends do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dosed Posted May 25, 2017 Oh that's a shame. Any ideas what caused the headache? What do you think is putting you off it so much? I'd like to offer some "it gets more [adjective here]" advice but I'm not sure if it'll help coz I pretty much loved it from the outset. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mjukis Posted May 26, 2017 I felt generally overwhelmed, the game moves so fast and I can't track much more than "the baddies are coming from that way". I don't know the characters, not the maps, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dosed Posted May 27, 2017 Yeah, I get that. I still get overwhelmed even with a few hundred hours under my belt. Have you been tempted back to try it? I found just picking a character and sticking with them helped a lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chummer Posted August 7, 2017 Picked up the game when it went on sale during the anniversary event and I've been loving it! This is only the 3rd multiplayer game that has really captured me in any way, the first two being Team Fortress 2 and then Titanfall. Considering the latter, it's no surprise that I'm in love with Lucio. Skirting around my team while wall riding and getting the vertical drops on enemies and then booping them to their deaths is so much fun! A new development with me is that unlike with those first two games, OW has me going online and learning how to get better. While I'm not really any good still, it's fun feeling myself apply theoretical knowledge into games and watching it work (positioning, countering, team fights). One of the most useful lessons I've learned is 'be flexible' and is has resulted in me trying out new heroes to fill a need and having lots of fun. I'm trying to up my D.VA, Soldier, Sombra, and Reaper play now. I'll throw this out as well: I've got ~100 matches in quick play, but the move to comp has proved much more enjoyable. I'm just below silver, but I've had moments in most all my recent games where I just want to yell because the tension is so good. I've also gotten into the habit of turning off voice and chat and that's been real helpful as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted August 7, 2017 I continue to enjoy Competitive with voice-chat and text-chat off at SR1130. I'm starting to figure out when and where I can use Doomfist effectively. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miffy495 Posted August 9, 2017 Yay summer games! After quite a while back, I'm definitely down for a bunch more Overwatch. Missed all of those summer skins last year (didn't get the game until the Christmas sale), so I'm looking forward to good times and dope loot boxes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites