eRonin Posted May 27, 2016 The currency system in this game is almost identical to Hearthstone. In game gold is basically dust, but since you can't turn things into gold, loot boxes will occasionally include gold. The "legendary" amount of gold you get is 500, so two will get you any legendary skin you want; just like how in Hearthstone, dusting two legends will net you a legend of your choice. Not a fan of how it works in Hearthstone, and not a fan of how it works here, but at least you don't need the contents of a loot box to play, unlike in Hearthstone, where you need to earn cards to actually play the game. edit: I'm a dummy, you need to disenchant 4 legendaries to get you a new legendary card. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
njoos Posted May 27, 2016 Getting a duplicate legendary doesn't get you 500 credits though? I think it should. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted May 27, 2016 It's interesting to me that I've seen very few reviews mention how few maps and modes there are for a full-price release. Without wishing to get into the whole 'price of content' debate, it feels like those complaints were a lot more prominent with the likes of Titanfall, Splatoon and Destiny. Perhaps Blizzard have done a better job of communicating expectations in terms of what this game is going to be in advance of release -- or maybe Overwatch just offers a lot more variety within what initially seems like a more limited framework? I don't know if it's in the forefront of anyone's mind, but Blizzard is legendary for supporting games. I wonder if that institutional knowledge just sort of permeates how people talk about their games? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted May 27, 2016 Oh my gosh y'all. Try playing a custom game with all A.I. set to easy. It's worth doing at least once. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
singlespace Posted May 27, 2016 I know it's crazy, I finished a game last night and one of the cards was for the rocketress which said 32 direct hits with a rocket of 36 fired?! Some of which hit me when she was flying around at max height. Considering the rockets are moving projectiles, this person most have been a maths and probobiliry genius. Saying that, there does seems to be a lot of auto aim. And there's a huge amount of customisation with your controls in the settings. I just need some practice, these guys have probably played CoD or destiny every day for the past two years. I would guess it's more the old Quake 3 Arena players: Pharah's rocket launcher feels quite similar and some people have logged thousands of hours in that game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
undermind9 Posted May 28, 2016 The amount of currency you get from a dupe is very small though! If you're only getting 5-15 credits for each dupe, it's gonna take you a while to get that 1000 credit skin you want. Polygon actually did a short story about loot boxes - quick notes - -Dupe items give 20% of value -Level XP bar caps out at lvl23 @ 22k per level -At lvl100 you roll over with "prestige" and start over and so level 101 would be another 1 match level gain etc. -They also did some rough expectations (from their own 100 box purchase) 1 in 3 boxes gets an epic, 1 in 10 legendary overall based on their 100 box sample it would be $600-700 in boxes or ~1000-1200 hrs of play. Based on ~2700 pts per match for 738 games:100 boxes, 8minutes a match math seems good, and if they support this game like any of their other IPs should be no problem for most people. I'm well past 300 in diablo, starcraft ate a lot of time, dota/wc3 is easy double that time, and dont want to talk about the WoW time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korax Posted May 28, 2016 Just sent requests to everyone on the Consolidated ID ExchangeTM. I'm Korax#1293, if'n you maybe want to play sometime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted May 28, 2016 How do you all play D.Va? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eRonin Posted May 28, 2016 How do you all play D.Va? Use your shield aaaaaall the time. Get in close and shoot and don't stop shooting never stop shooting you don't need to reload so why did you stop shooting shoot aaaaall the time. Except when you're using your shield you can't shoot while you're shielding (technically your shield is you shooting a lot). Don't forget your boost ability can be used vertically, and naturally it pairs well with your ulti. But seriously your shield is such on a low cooldown, you should use it as much as possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marginalgloss Posted May 28, 2016 …reader, I bought the game. I’m having a lot of fun! It’s excellent, but you didn’t need me to tell you that. Given that I’m drawn to medics and support classes (and I’m a bit rusty at multiplayer shooters) I’ve been having a great time romping around with Lucio and Mercy. But since I figured out how to play as Zenyatta — staying at the back of the engagement and picking out friends/foes with orbs, while snatching the occasional kill with his (surprisingly potent) attacks — I think he might be my favourite character to so far. Symmetra, though, is totally confounding to me. Overwatch really has got that thing where I end up thinking about it endlessly while I should be doing other stuff. My next goal is to get good at another tank or offensive hero; I’ve played around a bit with Zarya, but her weapon is rather tricky to use. I didn't realise that you're supposed to use her shields to charge it up until I started reading up on the game online. I’m thinking perhaps I'll try…Winston? Or the porcine juice-quaffer? Or the nice robot lady - though everyone seems to want to be her, but nobody seems to know how. I saw a D.Va player firing endlessly across the map at long range last night. It was very strange. Mei is fun, too. There’s an article to be written there on how playing her is like living with social anxiety: just throw up a wall between you and your problems; turn into a glacier if anyone tries to talk to you, etc. Such a charming game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 28, 2016 It feels like every game I play in this is an ass-kicking. I'm still winning like 50% of the time, but it's an utter stomp, which makes it difficult to learn new characters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nappi Posted May 28, 2016 I have played a few matches here and there, and so far the game has been incredibly fun. I really really like how the game doesn't point out how shitty I actually am overall, but instead congratulates me about things I did well. I have gotten a couple of highlight plays and several commendations, and it always feels pretty good. I turned off the voice chat immediately, so I don't know how things are at the aural plane, but at least the text chat has been quite civil so far as well (mainly consisting of ggs and hfs). I have only played with randos so far, but I'd be interested to try how it feels to play as a part of a coordinated team. I have been most successful playing Torbjörn, but I guess that character is quite easy to do okay with, if you just protect and maintain your turret and correct the spare parts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted May 28, 2016 I find that it depends on the team you're in as to how easy it is to do well with a character. I've had games with Mercy where it's a breeze because the team is staying together and protecting me. I've had other times where the team is all over the place so it's tough to get anyone healed without getting destroyed by the other team on my way to them. I'm learning this the more I play that sometimes you can't play a character simply because they won't work well with the style/makeup of the team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 28, 2016 i think I've maybe heard three people talk the entire time I've been playing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
singlespace Posted May 29, 2016 I don't really hear much chatter in pub games either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korax Posted May 29, 2016 I immediately went into options and turned off team voice chat. I also make liberal use of the mute function in text chat. If randos talk to me, it's only at my discretion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted May 29, 2016 I appreciate the ability to quickly communicate with my team what enemy is where. Chatwheel options will cover basically everything else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
singlespace Posted May 29, 2016 It's a bit of an awkward problem, yeah? Communicating is really useful in team games, but there's always some people out there who ruin the experience in a wide variety of ways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gwardinen Posted May 29, 2016 I immediately went into options and turned off team voice chat. I also make liberal use of the mute function in text chat. If randos talk to me, it's only at my discretion. How do you actually mute people? I had a couple of games recently in which people were spamming callouts ("Protect the payload!") and had no idea how to stop it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
undermind9 Posted May 29, 2016 on PC - "P" default brings up the voice / chat mute channels. you can manually click off certain people or change which "Channel" you are in - group is green, team is blue - so if you are with friends and start talking it'll only be to them by default, not the randos its done with icons which is weird since everything else in this game is spelled out pretty clear, but it does for allow quick mute of certain folks while still staying with group chat. if you want to mute all easiest is to turn in-voice chat to 0 in the options Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted May 29, 2016 I don't think I've mentioned it by name, but Cynical Nerd has 8-minute long guide-videos on all of the heroes. They have been really useful for me. That's where I learned how to effectively use Zarya and I just watched the one of Reaper; I cleaned up with him now that I understand he is good for teleporting behind the enemy line and taking out tanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted May 29, 2016 Yeah there stuff I'm still learning all the time, like, D'va can fly with her dash if you point up, or maccree auto reloads when you roll (I found that in here ) So I played the game for like 8 hours now and only I've only just played on the dorando map, is that just random luck that I'm not getting that map, also only the second time today that I played on route 66, first time was after 6 hours. What's the map rotation been like for you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasari Posted May 29, 2016 I've had days where I only get Temple of Anubis. It's just entirely random, so sometimes you get really frustrating repeats. It'd be nice if they weighted it in favour of maps you haven't played recently, or let you filter out one or two maps you really don't like. I thought I had the game all but figured out, but I'm still coming across things I didn't know too. Turns out the number in the middle of the screen as Zarya is how much of a damage bonus you have, and you increase it by blocking damage with your barrier shields! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted May 29, 2016 I've had Kings Row a good few times today, but generally I'm getting a good mix. I'm still learning characters and I haven't even tried half of them yet. Those videos mentioned are a good way to get to know them, I previously didn't know how to get the level 3 turret. The community seems fine so far, most people don't talk or chat and just get on with things. Only negative I've had is just now, some guy called me "noob bastion" when I got play of the game for wiping out 5 people in tank mode. I mean... it helped us win the game, sorry if I'm meant to be taking out 5 people as a sniper instead? I just told him to piss off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites