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Aurini, the Cosmo Lavish of the internet.


(see Making Money by Terry Pratchett)


I don't know if this comparison works, I don't think Aurini's fat or gangrenous enough to be Cosmo Lavish

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I don't know if this comparison works, I don't think Aurini's fat or gangrenous enough to be Cosmo Lavish


Maybe only on the inside.


I think it's the combination of the Lord Vetinari facial hair and the disillusions of being a massive intelligence that pulled it into mind. 

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There's a component of gamergate that has insisted that the "right" person needs to review games. So someone who's not into JRPGs shouldn't review a Final Fantasy game, or an SJW shouldn't review a Baoynetta. So when a person of Native American descent reviews Never Alone, a game about Inuit culture...gamergate (#notallgaters*) thinks he shouldn't have reviewed it because he's biased.  Because how can a Native American objectively review a game that stars a Native American? 

*To be fair, there are plenty of people in the thread disagreeing with the OP, but there are also people fully on board with the sentiment that Daniel Starkey shouldn't have reviewed it.

Also, KiA is fucking insane. Someone suggested that the Mexican proverb "They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds." was a fitting motto for gamergate. It's a quote that's been floating around lately due to the violence in Mexico, particularly with the murder of 43 student teachers by a drug cartel. Supporting gamergate is like being murdered for being a student protestor in Mexico.  The link between the proverb and that massacre is noted in the thread, not that anyone seems to notice.  They just mock the idea of cultural appropriation instead.

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There's a component of gamergate that has insisted that the "right" person needs to review games. So someone who's not into JRPGs shouldn't review a Final Fantasy game, or an SJW shouldn't review a Baoynetta. So when a person of Native American descent reviews Never Alone, a game about Inuit culture...gamergate (#notallgaters*) thinks he shouldn't have reviewed it because he's biased.  Because how can a Native American objectively review a game that stars a Native American? 



Ha yeah, that really cuts to the whole problem with how people use the word objectivity. It's basically an attack on people for having a point of view that is not that of a straight, white, able-bodied male.

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There's a component of gamergate that has insisted that the "right" person needs to review games. So someone who's not into JRPGs shouldn't review a Final Fantasy game, or an SJW shouldn't review a Baoynetta. So when a person of Native American descent reviews Never Alone, a game about Inuit culture...gamergate (#notallgaters*) thinks he shouldn't have reviewed it because he's biased.  Because how can a Native American objectively review a game that stars a Native American? 


That's a lovely review, although much of then sentiment is something I can't let myself think about too much, otherwise I get all depressed and nihilistic.

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Ha yeah, that really cuts to the whole problem with how people use the word objectivity. It's basically an attack on people for having a point of view that is not that of a straight, white, able-bodied male.

I think it's more general than that, even. Or more specific? Depends on your point of view I guess. It's an attack on people for having a point of view that is different from your own. (The general "your".) Which, yeah, in this case happens to be mostly as you describe.

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Yeah, and just to be clear I wasn't disagreeing with you, in case it came off like that. Just adding to what you said, I guess.

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My favorite KotakuInAction quote of the day, from this elegant deconstruction of academia:


What seriously pisses me off is that these assholes get to issue their bloviating drivel whilst making use of the technologies stemming from the giants of reason like Newton, Lavoisier, and Maxwell.

We need a 'postmodernism experience'. Put them on a shitty little island until their 'different ways of knowing' and jazz-hands social critique meets the problem of 'how do we make fire?'

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My favorite KotakuInAction quote of the day, from this elegant deconstruction of academia:


Hush, no one tell them that Newton was so devout a Christian that it made his contemporaries uncomfortable and that he conducted as much research into alchemy and numerology as into calculus and physics. Giants of reason, all of them.


I never get tired of the STEM circle-jerk that is geek/nerd/gamer culture. They turn every scientist they get their hands on into philosopher-kings worthy of worship as readily as the American right turns every Founding Father into a Bible-thumper. Most scientists weren't and aren't idiot-savants obsessed with only their particular specialty. Historically, until the past half-century, any so-called scientist, as if it's useful to distinguish them so doggedly from other academics, had a rounded education including the humanities and would be much more likely to be sympathetic to social justice or at least have no stake in #GamerGate's culture war.


But no, Newton is totally a bro and he'd be here on Reddit with us laughing at these stupid white knights while we tell each other logic problems. Morons.

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Agreed. Not only is that quote representative of a misunderstanding of science, it's also representative of a misunderstanding of postmodernism.

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What are you talking about? Don't you Fucking Love Science, have a 24 hour loop of Cosmos with St. Neil Degrasse Tyson going on your rig/shrine built from /r/pcmasterrace, and post science memes on the bulletin board of your local church?

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it's also representative of a misunderstanding of postmodernism.


Speaking of which, these people really need some post-structuralism in their lives.

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He was also recently on the You Are Not So Smart podcast, a very fun interview. The Dunning-Kruger effect is really tragic and hilarious intertwined. Tragilarious.

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Okay, can we put Bloviating on the list?


The list currently consists of:



Ad Hominem



And it is a list of terms that idiots see other, smarter, people use to excoriate someone on the internet and then decide to use as their one word that makes them look clever.

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In case anyone missed it, Mike Cernovich is doing his thing again, documented on the archive. It should be noted his attitude is "I HAVE NO REGRETS" but deletes tweets like these the moment he starts catching heat for it.


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Context, please! As far as I can tell, Randi Harper is a female coder and therefore GG/Cernovich are digging dirt on her and spreading her address around. Is that the whole thing or have they come up with tenuous reasoning for targeting her?

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Randi Harper is freebsdgirl - she made the GGBlocker that made it almost impossible for Gamergate to get anywhere. She works at Kixeye now which is a game developer who I don't really know, but she is clearly a legit code slinger.

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she made the GGBlocker that made it almost impossible for Gamergate to get anywhere


Ah, this is the bit I hadn't managed to find, thanks. I don't quite understand who is supposed to be using this blocker, though. People who don't support GG, and want to click on links to their boycott websites for research or whatever without giving them traffic? How does that cause GG any significant impediment?

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Good read, thanks. Made me consider what I said in a meeting yesterday. 


The worst part is, saying "I don't know" in certain settings is completely frowned upon. If my boss asks me why, saying "I don't know, I'll have to do some reading or an assay" makes him pretty angry. Coming up with some incredible bullshit calms him down and lets me fix the not knowing. 

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Ah, this is the bit I hadn't managed to find, thanks. I don't quite understand who is supposed to be using this blocker, though. People who don't support GG, and want to click on links to their boycott websites for research or whatever without giving them traffic? How does that cause GG any significant impediment?

I was confused as well, but he meant GGautoblocker. It's a sort of twitter blocklist. GGBlocker is a tool made by/for gaters instead.

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I use GGautoblocker to block GG people, so I guess GGBlocker is the opposite as osmosisch is saying. That said, I'm really enjoying using it because frankly I don't want GG on my radar anymore. I don't really think it's important to engage with them on a personal level at this stage in the game.

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I have stopped paying attention to the terminology. GG blocker blocks GGs, right?


But yeah, the idea was more or less floating around to have a shared block list but Harper made it useful. You largely don't have to deal with GG much any more with the autoblocker on.

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