
LucasArts is no more

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Shieeeeet. Unsurprising and kind of the final bullet the old horse needed, but the end of an era man. My childhood was so dominated and possibly my whole life and career was influenced by their games, seeing them gone once and for all is outright sad (even if the real talent left yonks ago).

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It was really bound to happen, I was hoping that Disney would've breathed new life into it. But I forgot they're into licensing properties more than internally developing. A peer of mine elsewhere wrote (via twitter):


Disney has shut down LucasArts. Thank you Disney, for literally canceling my childhood.

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Not that I expected Lucasarts to do anything good any time soon but this still sucks. I don't see Disney selling off the properties or rereleasing their old games. I hope I'm wrong though.

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I didn't have a PC growing up, so I missed a lot of the classic Lucasarts games - but I got to play some of them at my friends' houses. I had so much fun with them that I ran one friend's PC through a VCR and made a tape of a full playthrough of Sam & Max so I could watch it at home.

Rest in peace, Lucasarts.

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I don't know what to say... I don't like modern Lucasarts and that part of me is happy to see it gone, but that also means that the old Lucasarts is gone, which gave us some of the best games ever and that part of me is sad.


I really hope Disney didn't kill off Lucasarts just to sell off the license to anyone willing to make a Star Wars game for a buck... We'll know soon enough if we get a Star Wars match 3 Facebook game?


But what does this mean to all the games? Wasn't Ron Gilbert trying to get the rights to his game back? How does this work now if the company is dead?

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“It is worth noting that we are looking for proven external partners who can help us provide video games to our fans,” the reps continued. “We still believe in the video game industry, we still will provide Star Wars games, we’re just looking at different models rather than internal production.

“They’re evaluating everything. There’s always a possibility that it [star Wars 1313] can still come out via licensing.”


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The thing I've always hated about the buy out is that Disney can now sit on the licenses for all of the original adventure games for the next 500 years or whenever they finish ruling the world and own all copyrights. Whichever comes first.

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Good riddance. Now a responsible team can develop star wars games.

But EA or Activision will probably get picked.

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Yoda Stories 2? I'm listening.

I'm a little sad for nostalgia's sake about LEC passing, but let's be honest, aside from Force Unleashed they hadn't made particularly wortwhile games in the last ten (fifteen?) years. A normal company should try that! Most companies can't even make a good game and not get closed immediately.

I'm drifting off. Farewell, Lucasarts! It was a mercy killing (Star Wars 1313? Yawn).

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It's rather depressing to see that most companies from my childhood are gone, except for the Japanese ones... Is there any non-Japanese company from those days that is still "alive"?


Oh... right... EA and Activision... now I'm really bummed out. :|

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In the mid-90s my family had a PC powerful enough to run Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis and Rebel Assault. I never got far in Indy because I could never work out the puzzles. Rebel Assault was kinda fun because it was Star Wars and I was starved of anything else. For me Lucasarts has always been a symbol of disappointment. The best SW games were made by other studios anyway (Lego Star Wars, KotOR, Rogue Squadron.) Take the licence away from their SW output and nobody would have played any of them. Who would've put up with Kyle-fuckin'-Katarn if he didn't have a lightsaber?! I always felt they were dropping the ball. Why was it left to Lara Croft to do the tomb raiding? Why is Nathan Drake doing what Indy should have been doing decades ago?!

I played Monkey Island 4, which I thought was great, but I get the feeling playing the original now would be a bit repetitive. I've had Grim Fandango on the shelf for years so maybe I'll play that as a salute. But in terms of the quality of SW/Indy games, this can only be a good thing.

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Jesus, naked Mario dude. You need to play both the original Monkey Island and Grim Fandango. None of which are repetitive. Only awesome.  B) Also, just play all the games. Day of the Tentacle. Sam & Max Hit The Road. The Dig. So many absolute classics.


LucasArts being gone is sad and people losing their jobs is sad. But really.. I had completely written them off ages ago and only had slim hopes for more of those Special Edition adventure remakes. Star Wars games had gone sour for a long time. It probably had a lot to do with awful management, beause I'm sure there were loads of talented persons working there.


Anyway, here's hoping this only means there a slightly higher probability that old adventure licenses get into the right hands, somehow..

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Mh, as everybody else said, nowadays LucasArts whatever, but still, Monkey 2 and Fate of Atlantis were probably two of the first PC games I played back in 1996 when we got a PC, Jedi Knight (which was fantastic and you are stupid and mean dartmonkey more like fartmonkey), Monkey 3 and Grim I anticipated and bought when they were released and I loved them, yeah, farewell LucasArts, part of my childhood just got cut down by a Mouse.


Okay, sounds neat, but it went down a long time ago, all by itself and "after a careful evaluation of current market place realities".


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Full Throttle 2 confirmed!


Fuller Throttle: Too Full a Throttle - Kickdown: Ben's Revengeance

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I remember back when the Charlie's Angels sequel was being advertised I got really confused.. "Is there a Full Throttle movie coming out?!"

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I really should get round to playing that Monkey Island 2: Special Edition. At least I bought it when it came out and cannot be blamed for LucasArts' demise. :tup:

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Do you know who did this, Tycho? It's amazing!

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