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I really love that Dan Ryckert is watching anime now, and that his response to Akira was "a man's flesh filled a football stadium and crushed a lady because he was jealous of Canada's bike." I would legitimately enjoy the hell out of some premium Danime podcast or something.


Also, the next thing on his list is apparently Redline, which is exactly the anime I would recommend to Dan Ryckert.

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Does any else who listens to the slate culture gabfest ever feel like smashing a bottle over Steven Thompon's head ?


Between Taylor Swift and Emojios I kinda want him gone from the podcast. He is literally the old man railing against the world from his porch. His only purpose in my eyes is for Dana and Julie to argue against said old man positions.


I say dump and replace him with June Thomas (or Linda Holmes from Pop Culture Happy Hour just cause I am listening to her endorse that nymag emojio articles and not as a warning about how stuff that came into existence after she turned 35 is against the natural order of things).

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The latest Serial podcast got me thinking Adnan is again not guilty. Rounding out his personality plus that he has good behavior in his decade in jail just doesn't strike me much of a psychopath rather than someone living out their life there. The explanation for the "suspicious call" Adnan made sounds even more in line and the talk with the lawyer. Plus the recent talk with the lady from the Innocence Project on how most people who are not guilty will constantly hold that they are not guilty plus that having a psychopath/sociopath with a charming facade is rare has just got me thinking that it's probably all more pragmatic and not very mysterious.


If anything, it really got me thinking that jury cases like this suck and this is probably why there are so many in prison from decades ago who get released much later just because of faulty evidence or a rush to convict. I agree with the general consensus that if there's enough reasonable doubt, then Adnan should not have been convicted and I guess the case should have been left open. If I'm ever tossed into jury duty besides someone's speeding ticket as I have been in the past, I will keep it in mind.

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Holy podcasting crossover Batman!  The Brothers McElroy got into my Savage Lovecast.  Weird. I don't think Dan knew much about the brothers before having them on as guests.

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Holy podcasting crossover Batman!  The Brothers McElroy got into my Savage Lovecast.  Weird. I don't think Dan knew much about the brothers before having them on as guests.


Pretty sure Dan was once a guest on MBMBAM, but I can't remember for sure.

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I haven't listened to MBMBAM in a long time, kinda checked out after about 50 or 60 episodes.  It was fun for awhile, but started to get repetitive, which had less to do with the brothers and more to do with the questions they were getting tended to be on the boring side.  I remember there being sooooo many variations on "I like this girl, but don't know how to ask her out" questions.  Any advice show or column tends to get repeats, but at least with something like the Lovecast you get a lot questions about out of the norm sex stuff or non-typical relationship drama (particularly with the swingers and poly folk). 

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I'm new to the forums (I've been recently posting in the Twin Peaks Rewatch sub) so I apologize in advance if this seems self-promotional but I do a podcast about gaming and feminism if that's up anyone's alley. We do a lot of community interviews with developers, journalists, fan creators, etc. and a news segment on bits of writing or events in the community we find interesting to jaw on about. New episodes are up every Tuesday. 



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I'm new to the forums (I've been recently posting in the Twin Peaks Rewatch sub) so I apologize in advance if this seems self-promotional but I do a podcast about gaming and feminism if that's up anyone's alley. We do a lot of community interviews with developers, journalists, fan creators, etc. and a news segment on bits of writing or events in the community we find interesting to jaw on about. New episodes are up every Tuesday. 




I'll cosign this recommendation, listened to an episode in September with a guest who I follow on Twitter (Soha Kareem) and it was an enjoyable listen.

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I'm new to the forums (I've been recently posting in the Twin Peaks Rewatch sub) so I apologize in advance if this seems self-promotional but I do a podcast about gaming and feminism if that's up anyone's alley. We do a lot of community interviews with developers, journalists, fan creators, etc. and a news segment on bits of writing or events in the community we find interesting to jaw on about. New episodes are up every Tuesday. 




I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet, so it's possible I'm just being sleepy and blind.  But do you have just a plain RSS feed for subscribing?  Not seeing one.

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I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet, so it's possible I'm just being sleepy and blind.  But do you have just a plain RSS feed for subscribing?  Not seeing one.


I think it's just http://justicepoints.com/category/podcast/feed/


I'm not entirely sure, I use PocketCasts's internal discovery thing. But that xml has all the iTunes tags in it so I think it's a proper podcast RSS.

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Yeah, that's our feed, I should stick a link to that somewhere on our sidebar. (I am terrible at that end of things!)

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Sweet, new gaming podcast! I enjoyed the Gay Witch Aesthetic. And I appreciate some good cover art.

One thing, though you might be aware of it, I would love better sound quality on the cast. I'll keep listening regardless, that'd just be a nice bonus. :tup:

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The McElroy brothers (from My Brother My Brother and Me) and their dad have started a D&D campaign podcast called the Adventure Zone. Episode 2 came out yesterday. I think it's really funny and worth checking out. www.maximumfun.org/shows/adventure-zone

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Sweet, new gaming podcast! I enjoyed the Gay Witch Aesthetic. And I appreciate some good cover art.

One thing, though you might be aware of it, I would love better sound quality on the cast. I'll keep listening regardless, that'd just be a nice bonus. :tup:


That's been one of our continual struggles - we got better mics, we started recording with Skype, but unfortunately I have no idea how to polish the sound quality aside from a couple of things in Audacity and we have very little control over how our guests sound.  I am learning as we go along but I just have no idea how to make that extra leap to sounding professional.


But thank you for enjoying it.

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The McElroy brothers (from My Brother My Brother and Me) and their dad have started a D&D campaign podcast called the Adventure Zone. Episode 2 came out yesterday. I think it's really funny and worth checking out. www.maximumfun.org/shows/adventure-zone



I listened to the first one and got a kick out of it, pretty excited that there is a second episode. 

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That's been one of our continual struggles - we got better mics, we started recording with Skype, but unfortunately I have no idea how to polish the sound quality aside from a couple of things in Audacity and we have very little control over how our guests sound.  I am learning as we go along but I just have no idea how to make that extra leap to sounding professional.


But thank you for enjoying it.


Bah, sorry. I figured after this many episodes it had probably come up but thought I should say anyway.

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That's been one of our continual struggles - we got better mics, we started recording with Skype, but unfortunately I have no idea how to polish the sound quality aside from a couple of things in Audacity and we have very little control over how our guests sound.  I am learning as we go along but I just have no idea how to make that extra leap to sounding professional.


But thank you for enjoying it.


Out of curiousity, do you record directly from Skype audio or do you record locally? Back when I used to do a podcast, local recordings did a lot to increase the sound quality. Of course, as you mention it didn't help much with guests who we didn't want to burden with installing Audacity locally to make it all work.

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I record with a 3rd party for Skype, should I just record directly into Audacity? FWIW, I know some people have everyone record their own audio and then editor syncs it up but I have no idea how that method works.

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