BigJKO Posted October 22, 2014 I know about its origin and background and it doesn't make me hate the word any less. It's gone the way of emo and like: horribly distorted, bastardized and misused to the point in which society should drop it and move on. No, I think Blambo was just directing you to the way too large of a thread where we've already discussed every single pros/cons of that stupid word. And people's feelings about it. And people's feelings about being allowed to use it. And.. and.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
namman siggins Posted October 22, 2014 Ah, apologizes for the misunderstanding Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted October 23, 2014 NIIIIIIIIIICK I don't care if you need to physically kidnap him; make him be part of the 'cast more often. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forbin Posted October 23, 2014 Sean's a real DOTA pro. He prevented his team from buying more than one courier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wetworks Posted October 23, 2014 From the way Danielle was describing the Evil Within it's apparent that she missed a lot of little clues that help the player understand what is going on. First of all you play as a detective and not a journalist, you also have 2 detective partners at your side. I'm not sure how you can misunderstand that part. The story is intentionally confusing sort of like Inception, you never know what is going to happen or where you'll end up. To me this makes the story more interesting and keeps me on my toes. I like when a story has a strong sense of mystery that propels me to continue playing so I can try to make sense of what is happening on screen. Make no mistake, there are lots of subtle clues that are going on that you won't fully understand until you beat the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainFish Posted October 23, 2014 The way Evil Within was described it reminded me of that recent Alone in the Dark where you're driving around while everything is crumbling around you. Speaking of advergames a lot of them get played by this group, Men Drinkin' Coffee, in . I like their sense of humour, but even outside of that, I learned that there are way more of these weird games than I remember. Stand outs include the Izzy the Olympic mascot game and the Taco Bell fps where you kill things by squirting sauces of various heat levels. The Gummi Bear game Danielle was thinking of was the Sour Patch Kids game World Gone Sour ( ). Method Man did a song and as well. Why? I have no idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mondryle Posted October 23, 2014 I enjoyed the brief and unexpected detour into book talk. Will check it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Merus Posted October 23, 2014 The Cars movies have actually traditionally done pretty poorly compared to other Pixar films financially. It's the merchandising that made them so well-known. Monsters University, comparatively, did incredibly well. From Wikipedia's top grossing animated films list; green boxes are films still playing in theaters as of October 17th, yellow boxes are emphasis on my part. I can't believe Shrek the Third and Shrek Forever After are so high on this list. Hell, Shrek 2 made Lion King kind of money. (I'd guess that The Lego Movie didn't do as well as expected in part because the distributors encouraged piracy with a staggered release. After spending about six months blaming consumers, they eventually worked out they'd fucked up. Village Roadshow everybody: the reason we don't have good internet movie streaming in Australia.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
metuk Posted October 23, 2014 Chickenshit: (adj.) worthless or contemptible. Another one - in the UK there's an expression: "thick as pigshit" to imply someone is stupid. Don't think it's crossed the pond though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted October 23, 2014 Sean I laughed so hard at the Sophie's Choice of podcast listening. Ice Age movies made TWO BILLION DOLLARS?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Posted October 23, 2014 How did multiple people reference Hellmouths and not make a Buffy joke?I kind of wanted to just let it ride out and see what happened and was happier for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Golden Calf Posted October 23, 2014 I love it when multiple hosts have played the same game. This episode was pretty great for that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SecretAsianMan Posted October 23, 2014 During the ad spot for Naturebox, Chris said "Go to and enter the promo code thumbs for your free box of..." and for a brief moment I expected him to say "your free box of thumbs". And Sean is correct, the voice of Genie in Aladdin 2: The Return of Jafar was not Robin Williams, it was Dan Castellaneta, aka Homer Simpson. Robin Williams did return for the third movie, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, but not just for a paycheck. He returned because the studio apologized to him for using his voice in Aladdin merchandise despite previously agreeing not to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pepyri Posted October 23, 2014 Well I just sat in my bathroom for a solid 45 minutes because 80 Days is amazing. This is one of the most unique gaming experiences I've ever had, and I literally had never heard of it, seen it, or really had any way of knowing it would've existed before. I am just so pleased right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tberton Posted October 23, 2014 Thanks for all the added "shit" words, folks. Can't believe I forgot apeshit and chickenshit (although I think chickenshit has more of a cowardly connotation). And yeah, Chris, you're right, I forgot the verb use of "bullshit" which "horseshit" interestingly doesn't share. I am way too into this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperBiasedMan Posted October 23, 2014 Is there a TLD for .shit?Cause if there is you ought to register variousanimals.shit pretty quick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted October 23, 2014 Is there a TLD for .shit? Cause if there is you ought to register variousanimals.shit pretty quick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hermie Posted October 23, 2014 I've seen people tweeting and talking about how good 80 Days is, but I had no idea it had writing and story. I had the impression it was a purely mechanical game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aqouli Posted October 23, 2014 My mind did a crazy loop on itself when Sean said "sharting". I did not know what he was saying at first, and for some reason I immediately leapt to the conclusion that it was the present continuous form for "Sade", just said really weirdly. I spent a few seconds trying to untangle what that would mean, and if I was missing out on some manner of Internet meme or something. This is doubly confusing for me since Sean doesn't seem that conscious of Internet memes at all, but I immediately rejected the idea of him saying the portmanteau for shit-farting. I immediately pushed it aside when it popped into my head, thinking no, Sean's way too innocent for that, I mean he doesn't even know what OC means. He didn't even know what "my waifu" was up until a couple of months ago! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikemariano Posted October 23, 2014 My mind did a crazy loop on itself when Sean said "sharting". I did not know what he was saying at first, and for some reason I immediately leapt to the conclusion that it was the present continuous form for "Sade", just said really weirdly. I spent a few seconds trying to untangle what that would mean, and if I was missing out on some manner of Internet meme or something. This is doubly confusing for me since Sean doesn't seem that conscious of Internet memes at all, but I immediately rejected the idea of him saying the portmanteau for shit-farting. I immediately pushed it aside when it popped into my head, thinking no, Sean's way too innocent for that, I mean he doesn't even know what OC means. He didn't even know what "my waifu" was up until a couple of months ago! You're very kind. I did a similar thing and thought he said "sharding"—the process of splintering something into shards? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted October 23, 2014 After Chris' talk about his childhood fear of being carried away by balloons, I expected the Pixar talk to immediately veer into the idea of a five-year-old Chris watching Up and being terrified. (True story: Muntz was originally supposed to die by snagging his foot on a bunch of balloons and floating away instead of falling) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sclpls Posted October 23, 2014 For people that hadn't heard of 80 Days, I recommend you check out the website pockettactics from time to time. Anything worth playing on a phone or tablet will be covered there. It's the filter the iOS app store desperately needs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pepyri Posted October 23, 2014 For people that hadn't heard of 80 Days, I recommend you check out the website pockettactics from time to time. Anything worth playing on a phone or tablet will be covered there. It's the filter the iOS app store desperately needs. Is it me, or is everything on there for iPad? I'm not seeing a lot of iPhone submissions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted October 23, 2014 WHAT ABOUT ANDROID GOSH Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
undermind9 Posted October 23, 2014 After Chris' talk about his childhood fear of being carried away by balloons, I expected the Pixar talk to immediately veer into the idea of a five-year-old Chris watching Up and being terrified. (True story: Muntz was originally supposed to die by snagging his foot on a bunch of balloons and floating away instead of falling) This clip seems relative to balloon fears i forget where i was turned onto this...could have even been this podcast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites