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About aqouli

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  1. Cartoons!

    Last night's Steven Universe has a Firewatch reference!
  2. Samantha West isn't quite a robot or artificial intelligence - it's actually a soundboard of pre-recorded clips being controlled by someone! On The Media did a story about this a year ago.
  3. Ori's combat is pretty awful up to the point where you realize that you can use Bash to reflect projectiles back to the tougher enemies. Makes quick work of them.
  4. My mind did a crazy loop on itself when Sean said "sharting". I did not know what he was saying at first, and for some reason I immediately leapt to the conclusion that it was the present continuous form for "Sade", just said really weirdly. I spent a few seconds trying to untangle what that would mean, and if I was missing out on some manner of Internet meme or something. This is doubly confusing for me since Sean doesn't seem that conscious of Internet memes at all, but I immediately rejected the idea of him saying the portmanteau for shit-farting. I immediately pushed it aside when it popped into my head, thinking no, Sean's way too innocent for that, I mean he doesn't even know what OC means. He didn't even know what "my waifu" was up until a couple of months ago!