Ben X

Back to the Future

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I assume it would only involve voice acting which is less intensive. But then again, Marty would now sound like a 50 year old. And with Marty at that age Doc would be really really old.

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I assume it would only involve voice acting which is less intensive. But then again, Marty would now sound like a 50 year old. And with Marty at that age Doc would be really really old.
Unless Doc travelled through time to 2010 to find Marty as a 50 year old...

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It's your shareholders Marty! Something's got to be done about your shareholders!

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I'm wondering whether Telltale might step away from pure adventure for these games. After all, at least half of the stuff you remember from the films is cool action sequences.

I reckon Fox and Lloyd would be interested in doing the voices (or FMV zomg!) If Bobs Gale and Zemeckis give it their seal of approval. Then again, neither of them did the cartoon (except for Lloyd's live-action education book-ends), and there are cost and availability issues. Maybe they'll go for Dan Castelleneta!

Maybe they'll get Eric Stoltz :)

I think Hollywood stars are a little out of TT's price range, especially when they could probably get passable imitations for a fraction of the price. Love to be wrong about this, though. As for Gale and Zemekis being involved... surely not? Maybe Gale. Maybe. Again, love to be wrong

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Like I say, cost issues. I doubt it'll happen too, but I can imagine the actors not turning it down automatically. Chris Lloyd played Doc in a series of adverts selling Tivo or something recently, after he asked the Bobs if they were cool with it. (Oh, and he did some horrible Microsoft conference VTs.)

Not saying the Bobs would be involved, but that if they give their approval then that would make it more likely for Fox and Lloyd to be up for it. And Gale is still very involved with the fan community, disc transfers, extras, that sort of thing, so I wouldn't be surprised if he made himself available to TT to some extent.

Anyway, as massive a fan of BTTF as I am, I really won't mind different voice actors being used as long as they're good. I just hope the games reflect and enhance the franchise well. Having said that, I would be saddened if Biff was in the games but not played by Tom Wilson. That's the one role I'd find it difficult to accept another actor in, for some reason.

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Anyway, as massive a fan of BTTF as I am, I really won't mind different voice actors being used as long as they're good. I just hope the games reflect and enhance the franchise well.

Yep. That's quite a tall order, but I hope they manage that as well.

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Not saying the Bobs would be involved, but that if they give their approval then that would make it more likely for Fox and Lloyd to be up for it. And Gale is still very involved with the fan community, disc transfers, extras, that sort of thing, so I wouldn't be surprised if he made himself available to TT to some extent.

Lloyd and Gale onboard, baby! Wooo!

Hope they get Wilson too...

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I'm now thinking the Back To The Future license should have gone to Rockstar instead of Telltale...

Yeah, 'cause the movie is all about driving the car around and blowing shit up. There is absolutely nothing that an adventure game could bring to the table that an open world in which you can tommygun nuns can't.

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Yeah, 'cause the movie is all about driving the car around and blowing shit up.

Remember that part of the movie where Marty has sex with a hooker, then runs her over and takes his money back? And the hooker turns out to be his mom?

And the way Doc calls Marty all the time wanting to go bowling?

If Telltale leaves those parts out I'll be disappointed.

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And then Marty kept driving until it reached a small town where he became a doctor.

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My wishes were granted and my hopes are becoming true.

Christopher Lloyd returns to the world of video games!

Also cool that Bob Gale is in the project, though I don't think he will do much if he is just a consult. More likely he will just give advices if in need and Telltale team makes most of the work by themselves.

Oh I would really like to be in the voice recording studio when Lloyd is there to act his part.

Hopefully they can get some good voice actor to be Marty McFly. Getting Michael J. Fox is pretty much impossible I think.

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I dig.

I full throttle.

The image looks nice. But it will probably be a semi cartoony 3D game. So, I'll wait for the actual screenshots before passing real judgment.

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I really hope J. Fox is well enough to voice Marty. It wouldn't be right without him :(

I believe Telltale only got Christopher Lloyd for their game. Telltale is making really interesting games now, but I do hope there would be another Monkey Island coming out at some point.

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