
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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About MrHoatzin

  • Rank
    Once Upon a Kingzjester
  • Birthday March 20

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    San Antonio, TX
  1. Soft White Underbelly

    As an artist who makes a lot of social justicey work with teens, they are an invaluable source of qualitative information (we did a huge installation art piece on drugs a few years back), but I can't force myself to watch them casually.
  2. Switch 2

    It's just like good ole Ninty to mush a bunch of readily available tech components together for novel interface ends. I read somewhere that Nintendo stock fell 5% after the announcement and that this heralds the end of Nintendo as the pinnacle of innovation blah blah, but having looked it up, it looks like Nintendo stock has since (a week ago ¬¬) more than corrected. Regardless NTDOY is trading near its all-time record highs and people write weird shit about stuff.
  3. Is it time to move back here?

    Going back to forums is so trad hipster.
  4. Plug your shit

    Word Salsa is a San Antonio Tricentennial Art Object traveling around town for the duration of the celebration year. Dozens of San Antonio poets throughout the ages contributed their bodies of work, we fed them to a robot and taught it to think like a San Antonio poet. When prompted, it produces a brand new, unique poem, reads it out loud and prints it on a numbered card. Create art with the press of a button! We'll move it around town to various venues in the coming year. Are there any San Anto thumbs who might actually be able to write a Word Salsa of their own?
  5. Plug your shit

    Man this is pretty sweet!
  6. Heyo Thumbs fam, how've you been? Some of you might know that for the last few years I have been teaching at this creative youth development nonprofit in San Antonio. It is a long-term after-school art program, project-based learning, free to students and all that fun stuff. My studio focuses on anything made on or with computers, new media, transmedia and video game design. This summer, with the extended summer hours, we're gonna have a little game jam project. And we have a little bit of a budget and we'd really like to bring a GUEST ARTIST for two or three weeks to work with/alongside our students. I was hoping you guys could RECOMMEND SOME GAME JAM ROCKSTARS. Someone who is experienced and comfortable with producing stuff in jam environments, but any and all accomplished indies and like game creators would be fair game. I'm hoping this someone would be a programmer and be able to speak to the engineering side of games. In this context, artists who program and anyone who can convert their ideas into games on their own but don't consider themselves programmers are fair game. They don't have to be US-based but it would be easier if they were. We were thinking about making it a Unity+Processing+PICO8 focus, with students picking groups and what they want to work in. There will be a theme, prolly something to do with tricentennial of (the colonization of) San Antonio which is this year. The residency would fall sometime end of June, beginning of July. Just collecting names right now, so no one is out of reach. Any leads?
  7. Star Wars Episode 8

    God, so much pedantic negativity! I didn't expect that coming here. I thought the movie was p great, very nicely designed. The structure and pacing and reshuffled familiar setpieces doing new things reminded me of a good Telltale game, which I'll gladly take from the Disney machine. It set fire to the reheated lore pile of the previous five movies, did weird shit with the force and angered a bunch of nerds. These are all good things.
  8. The pin appears as bad Coop's hair tie, definitely near the end, but might be in throughout and we somehow missed it. The camera even lingers on it.
  9. Designer Notes 31: Margaret Robertson

    I really enjoyed this episode! Quality conversation! I only wish Margaret had recorded the convo on her side. The Skype compression really made it a struggle to keep up with. Also is anyone else having dns issues trying to reach
  10. Fresh Indie Game Compendium Extraordinaire

    Hello thread i started a billion years ago when there was three indie games in the world, how've u been? Anyway, I'm here to plug Date Me Super Senpai It's an inclusive dating sim set in a superhero high school and it was made over the last year in an after-school art program in San Antonio by a bunch of weirdo teens (and myself and two other adults in the capacity of producer/teaching artist). It's our first big video game project in the new media studio. Check it out!
  11. As a relatively fresh dad, I've had my share of extreme new feelings at parent-child relationships on tv and film. I'm also not a stranger to the creative process, or killing children as a story device for that matter. And it is not like I have never damned any auteurs on the basis the unredeemableness or irresponsibility of their work (Gaspar Noé can freely go have a gruesome occult death somewhere which also unmakes all his movies, there is no universe in which his work needs to exist). That said, (with all those caveats ) I am not that bothered by Chekhov's kid getting run over. The whole vector of the action with the run-stop-caught-run-stop-caught-run-stop-get run over-caught was stilted with that choice Lynchian foreboding and that choice Lynchian purposeful slow clunkiness. Carl's face carries the whole weird scene, and is probably better than all extra faces there. I couldn't help but think as it was happening how fun it must've been for the kid to shoot his own grody death scene, which prolly made it easier to stomach.
  12. Both coins are dimes, no? Also is the indian dime a real thing?
  13. Hm, I thought this was the same guy but I guess not. So many identical looking white dudes :/