
Winter Wizard Jam Team Building Thread

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Use this thread to find teammates and contributors. If you have found a team, please edit your post to reflect that.


If you need to recruit a teammate, please post:

A brief pitch of your game, or a general idea of what you would like to explore. (e.g. ‘I’m going to make the definitive krampus simulator” or “I have nothing particular in mind, but am interested in exploring holiday themed supernatural child punishment”)

What you bring to the team (Art, code, music, etc).

What you need for your team (Pixel art, C# code, 8-bit music, etc).
The best way to contact you. (PM, E-mail, Slack, Twitter, etc.)

Optional: Your timezone, for easier collaboration.

Optional: If you know what engine you're using, that might be handy for folks to know.


If you need a team, or just want to contribute assets, please post:

What you're interested in doing for the jam (art, code, music, etc)
The best way to contact you. (PM, E-mail, Slack, Tinder, Snapchat etc.)

​Optional: Your timezone, for easier collaboration.

Optional: What sort of game you're interested in working on.

Optional: Your experience level and a sample (or a link to a sample) of your work.


​This thread only works if you are willing to reach out and ask someone else to join your team! Before you make your own post, make sure you read the others!

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Looking to join a team.

Stuff what I can do:

  • musics
  • writing (I haven't done much fiction but write a weekly blog and pretty sure I can do whatever)
  • programming: I'm good at Haxe and AS3, I've done plenty of C++ in my spare time but am rather rusty, and I can probably pick up a new language since they're all pretty much the same
  • 2d art and animation

pm or email me if you think i could be helpful on something or have any questions :)

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I have a bunch of programming experience in Java, Javascript, Various vlavours of the C tree, Clojure, and have dabbled a tiny bit in Unity but have not made any real games yet & am eager to try my hand at it.


I can be contacted via PM, or my email is the same as username @gmail


I'm in CET and available evenings mostly, what with having a day job & children

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I am a music composer. I have written instrumentals for documentary films that have played on the big screen as well as a couple of independent features. I have oodles of instrumentals I can contribute or I can write new original music in the spirit of Chiptune, QUAKE (huge fan of Reznor), or something completely new based on your preferences. Email me for samples!  There are some instrumentals here too:  https://gardenonatrampoline.bandcamp.com/album/near-life-experience

Looking forward to gettin some experience writing for games and working with creative people!

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Hi, Stieg Retlin here, animator and illustrator. I can offer 2D character and effects animation, and other 2D art assets. I am proficient at Flash timeline animation and photoshop animation. Walk cycles? Jumps? Explosions? I can help. 


See some animation examples at:



Contact me at: 



Best of luck on your game!


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Music & Music


I'm on PST, though I collaborate well over e-mail. I like the sound of bells so it'll be appropriate to this jam.


Twitter in the signature is the best way to get at me.

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Hey all. My names Dustin and I'm the ultimate amature at games.

I'm looking to join up with anyone who needs help. My skills are questionable in creative endeavors, but I can make original music and have written a good deal in my life. Most recently I was an editor at Middle of Nowhere Gaming but I had to quit when I moved to Japan. You can find my work at http://middleofnowheregaming.com/tag/dustin-laroe/

I can copy edit, so if someone out there has words or stories or dialogue that requires editing or review, I can help.

I'm stuck in Japan, so it's Tokyo time zone for me, not sure if that's a deal breaker or not, but I'm relatively decent with working with people in different time zones. I do it in my real job.

Anyway, I can be reached at Dustin.laroe@gmail.com. I wanna help out.


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I talked in another thread, but hi hello, I'm interested primarily in writing music, but I'm willing to throw my consummately inexperienced hand in at some writing or something like that.  PM would be a fine way to contact me, plus my e-mail hartley.jordan2@gmail.com.  I'm in England, so that timezone, I'm interested in working on literally any kind of game.  I've just finished my master's in Sound and Music for Interactive Games, and I'm really looking to get some good practical real world experience with this stuff.  I've got some links below, the top one is film and coursework for hypothetical games and stuff like that, the bottom one is more just songs and stuff.  I have a bit of experience with audio in UE4 and also using the audio/music middleware Wwise, so if any of that's being used, I can try to ply my limited expertise there.

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Edit: I think we're full up, sorry!


For the Winter Wizard Jam, I'm on a mission to turn the world of winter jam games upside down. To that end, I'll be recruiting a crack team of the most brilliant, driven, skilled developers I can find to build the next big thing in winter game jam games.


Do you have what it takes to change the face of winter gaming as we know it?


We have a number of exciting positions available: 


Quality Assurance Associate

Community Manager

Creative Director / Lead Designer

Art Director

Graphic / UI Designer

Senior Producer

Technical Lead
Gameplay Engineer
Graphics Engineer


Don't see a position that fits your unbelievable skillset? Submit an application with what you'd like to do, and we'll see if there's a place for you on the team.


Join us, and lets make something great, together.


Chief Executive Officer / Executive Producer

BigDog Productions


My hope is that this format will give folks with specific skills that don't fit into a smaller jam-sized dev team a place to be involved and learn a bit about development. It'll be kinda like game development roleplay. No experience required, we'll form up, take design pitches from team members, then see if 6+ heads are better than one. I will be primarily working as a producer (and if needed, Unity3D consultant) on this project. 


To apply, PM me with your desired role, timezone / availability, and optionally a portfolio so we can gauge the teams strengths. If you join, you'll be expected to communicate with the rest of the team via the Slack, and we'll be using industry standard tools for version control and task tracking (Perforce or Git, and Hansoft or Jira, depending on how many people join up, due to licensing).


Disclaimer: This might end up being a real mess, but I think it'll be a good time.

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I am interested at joining a team or help in some way:


What I could do or know:

  • Art - Characters (Manga style), Backgrounds.
  • Ren´py and Tyrano Builder Visual Novel engines.
  • 3D model (3d studio which I know more and a bit of Maya, which I know way less).

Contact: PM (here)

Timezone: UTC - 3 (Brazil).

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Looking to join a team


Stuff I do:


3D Art, mostly environments and props, but also familiar with visual effects and stuff in Unreal. My Work here.


Email is the best  way to get in touch thinkklinck@gmail.com and I'm on the east coast (EST -5).

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I can write stuff.


If you wanna do a story thing.


Holler at me. My non-fiction, critical work is in my signature.


EDIT: Twitter is in my signature. Guess you can add me there? E-mail is thecineaste01@gmail.com.


(I have zero programming, modeling, and music skills. aka I'm useless but hey if you want to do a story thing...)


EDIT 2: I know Twine.



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Hello! I'm a programmer, mostly C/C++ but I know a mix of other languages like python, javascript, lua, squirrel, etc. I've also done a bunch with graphics, and I can write hlsl/glsl/cg shaders if need be. I'm considering working alone on a pico-8 game for this jam, but if there's a team I'm a good fit for I'd be interested in getting involved.

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I know and like python a bunch if someone wanted someone to help them with a project using that. My free time + amateur knowledge of python would hamper me from being  in charge of anything, but I'm all for being delegated some work. Please feel free to PM me. I have no preference on theme/idea, but am willing to help if anyone wants it!

I'm in the Pacific timezone in the US.

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I'm interested in joining a team

Offering: Writing and possibly VO



I've been writing for years and have a smattering of articles and short stories around the web as well as a couple of titles on Amazon.  However, the best example of my work for our purposes here would be my serial fiction podcast The Redshift Chronicles.  You can find it on iTunes, Stitcher or redshiftchronicles.com (which just points to the iTunes page). Free to download and a pretty accurate sample of my writing and voice acting.  (Though I'm hesitant to call it acting). 


No preference on theme.  Just looking to contribute to a good project.


Best way to contact me is through Twitter or eMail.  I'm off work for the first week of the jam so I'll have a healthy chunk of time to work on it.  

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I'm interested in joining a team

Offering: getting some coding practice, maybe design or writing; also I can usually do some music haha


Recently, I've worked on two projects for the video game club at my university, the first as a lead story designer and the second as a composer, sound designer, and level designer. These are all really small teams so we end up wearing a lot of hats. I'm a second year, hopeful computer science major trying to break into the video game industry, so I'd love to get more practice coding specifically. 


Best way to contact: email - zach@virginia.edu or zsd4yr@virginia.edu (aliases)

timezone: eastern US


No real preference of game, just looking to contribute to a good project and learn along the way!




P.s. I have attached a copy of a zipped java project (hopefully that works!) it's of a game I created as a project for my introductory Java class last year. It's a remake of the old arcade game, Joust. Please feel free to check it out / tell me if its broken or something

Joust - Zachary Danz : Will Gent.zip

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Hey guys!


I'm like to join a team.

I make music & create sound effects. and I can also help implement sounds through FMOD. I'm a classically trained musician/composer but my compositions range from orchestral to ambient electronic to metal. I've worked on games in the past, including one Ludum Dare game jam. I currently work on a few long term game projects. 


No preference on game type, I've done a lot of sci-fi stuff but I'm open to anything. Mostly just want to get involved with the community and make some cool stuff!




Contact: jmviolin@gmail.com or PM here

Timezone: EST


Can check out my music here: https://soundcloud.com/jaimemarcelo

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yo I will do code stuff for a team

I work as a programmer (though not game stuff, ASP.NET c# web applications). I know game maker okay, used AGS a lot many years ago, and most of the other 2d frameworks (construct, etc) are pretty easy to pick up. Never used unity and have always had some difficulty grokking 3d stuff though so don't look to me there unless you don't have any better options.


you can contact me @circadianwolf or PMs should send me an email.



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Dear wizards, I finally joined the forum so I can help everyone who wants to jam. Programming, maybe some game design or writing, but you know, whatever. C, C++, Python, maybe some Unity stuff? I think I learned some Unity stuff, and could learn it again. How hard can it be to make a game, am I right?


Go ahead and DM me for contact info and I reside in PST (UTC-8). Special bonus if you are Seattle-area local for jamming.

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Hi there.  I'm looking to join a team!


What I offer:

 - Programming:  I do it for a living, so I'm pretty decent.  I'm not familiar with any game engines/frameworks, but I'm willing to learn them!  Just for you <3.

 - Writing:  I do it, but not for a living.  Am I any good?  I guess that will be a surprise.


I work full time, and I live in Austin, so if those are factors, um... now you know?  PM me if you're interested!


PS: I promise I'm not a spy.

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I'm looking to recruit teammate(s):


I'm planning to create an entry in the well established




I'll be working with  Unity (Personal edition).

I feel like i have a good base game idea but it needs to be flocked with boughs of winter holiday ideas/themes.


I'm able to work on code but am certainly willing to collaborate on that with any interested parties.


I need a 3D artist that is interested in modeling/animating goofy hands / thumbs.

I need a 2D artist of some cool sort.

Would love to have anybody with interest in sound/music.

Would love to have anybody else along for the ride in any capacity.

Tis the season for community collaboration after all!


PM me if you have interest or are curious for further details!

I am EST.

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I'm a very amateur voice guy (actor would be giving myself too much credit) with very amateur equipment. If you want over dramatic acting or just a deep voice, I'm available. You can find my readings of various copypasta at https://SoundCloud.com/LordUb3r (I particularly like https://soundcloud.com/lordub3r/i-party-and-u-dont). My equipment isn't that great and I have moderate experience with audacity, so professional grade sound is not really possible.

You can email me at LordUb3r@gmail.com. I'm on PST and unemployed, so my availability is pretty good.

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Hello! I'm usually just a podcast reader, but this jam got me to blow the dust off my forum account.


I'm looking for a team! I'm a programmer with some experience in C#, JavaScript and Lua. I've also got experience in Unity and GameMaker. The most recent thing I worked on that was worth showing was this. Oh, I also did the UI coding and other random coding tasks of this. Other than that if you really want to see my folder of nearly half finished prototypes let me know (you don't).


I'm open to whatever forms of communication is necessary, though I generally prefer text based chat. I'm in the Pacific Time zone; specifically, San Francisco Bay Area, California. I do work full time (but I could sneak in some text chat) so I'd only be available to work during the evenings or on weekends. I'm open to working on any kind of game. I'm just looking for more experience and fun!


PM me if that sounds like someone you'd like to have on your team!

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I can write stuff.


If you wanna do a story thing.


Holler at me. My non-fiction, critical work is in my signature.

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