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About badatstuff

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/12/1989

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2538 profile views
  1. [Dev Log] Pegasus Launch

    Love this concept, would love to do sound or music or both if you need them!
  2. [Released] Betrayal and Manipulation

    Yo, what style you looking for?
  3. [RELEASED] A Wish Upon A Star

    I like the sound of this, message me on here if you want music and possibly sound design.
  4. WIZARD JAM 7 // Team Seeking

    What I'm doing: Music/sound design Contact Info: Message me on here, I can get Slack ready if you need. Time Zone: GMT usually, but 10th-17th I'll be on EST. Portfolio:
  5. WIZARD JAM 7 // Welcome Thread

    Is there to be any pre-Jam team building?
  6. WIZARD JAM 7 // Welcome Thread

    I'm gonna be on vacation for a week of this jam and I am still super excited to get involved!
  7. Thank you! I'd love to work with you again on something, In Search of Paradise was cool as hell.
  8. Does this project need any music? Because it looks cool and chill as hell and I want to make music in whatever style you want for it.
  9. WJ6 Team Seeking

    What I'm doing: Music, sound design, maybe some writing if you need it? Contact Info: PM. Time Zone: GMT, but I wake and sleep very early. Portfolio: I've done a few games in previous jams too, I do orchestral, electronic, rock, metal, folk, country, pop, whatever you like, plus sound effects/design.
  10. WJ6 Team Recruiting

    This thread is for recruiting team members! If you have a game idea and need help from a reader with a particular set of skills, post in this thread, preferably in the following format to make it easy for people to skim the thread and find you. You should also look for collaborators in the team seeking thread and come join the #wizardjam channel on the Idle Thumbs Slack channel and see if anyone can help out. Or just drop in and chit-chat with us while you're working on your game! And if you have enough members, please edit your post and note that. This is the recruiting/LFM thread; if you want to post what you're able to contribute and have someone else find you, use the Team Seeking/LFG thread. Format: Pitch: Game Pitch (Try and keep this to one or two sentences!) What I need: What you need (Artist, programmer, writer, etc) What I'm doing: What you're contributing Contact Info: Your contact info (PM, email, whatever) And optionally: Time Zone: It's probably easier to work with people who aren't 12 hours off from you? But maybe it's fine. Portfolio: A link to your portfolio / website / whatever if you have one, so people can check your style. Then whatever else you want. Example: Pitch: I wanna make 'You, Fisher', a 3D stealth fishing game about casting lines without being spotted by security, and catching as many fish as possible before sunrise. I want to learn UE4 and C++ What I Need: 3D artist who can animate some fish (and help with design!) Audio person to make some sneaky music and fish noises. Smoky jazz? What I'm doing: Programming in UE4, Sam Fisher impressions Contact info: PM me on the forums or message me on the Idle Thumbs Slack channel Time Zone: EST (UTC -5) but I'm usually up late Portfolio: Here's my website with some gifs of other games I've made! [LINK] I've been a fan of Splinter Cell since first seeing screenshots of their dynamic shadows in ~2005 and I have a Sam Fisher bust above my fireplace. I'd like the game to have a light stealth system, fully rigged realistic humanoid characters, and a dynamic music system that's entirely early-2000s style drum and bass but made exclusively out of samples of water splashing and seagull noises. Template: Pitch: What I need: What I'm doing: Contact Info: Time Zone: Portfolio:
  11. WJ6 Team Seeking

    This thread is for folks seeking a team to work with! If you have a particular set of skills and want to contribute to someone elses game, post in this thread, preferably in the following format to make it easy for people to skim the thread and find you. You can also drop by the #wizardjam channel on the Idle Thumbs Slack channel and chat with people to find teammates. Or just drop in and chit-chat with us while you're working on your game! And if you find a team, please edit your post and note that. This is the team seeking/LFG thread; if you have a game idea and want to recruit people, use the recruiting/LFM thread. Format: What I'm Doing: What you're able to contribute and your experience level Contact Info: Your contact info (PM, email, whatever) And optionally: Time Zone: It's probably easier to work with people who aren't 12 hours off from you? But maybe it's fine. Portfolio: A link to your portfolio / website / whatever if you have one, so people can check your style. Then whatever else you want. Example: What I'm Doing: Programming; I'm a web developer and don't know any game engines but would like to learn. Contact info: PM me on the forums or message me on the Idle Thumbs Slack channel Time Zone: EST (UTC -5) but I'm usually up late Portfolio: I've never made a video game but here's my website! [LINK] I've been programming for a long time and am a terrible artist, I'd like to team up with someone who has a little Unity experience that can help teach me and also do art. Willing to work 24 hours a day for 2 weeks straight and my cat can do a perfect Wario impression. Template: Pitch: What I'm doing: Contact Info: Time Zone: Portfolio:
  12. WIZARD JAM 6 // Welcome Thread

    I make my biannual return to say yes, and yes again.
  13. [Streams] Post Your Streams Here

    Hey, you twice complimented my music, so thanks for your support, you're a good dude!
  14. [Release] Order Order

    I'm taking this as a compliment and there's no way you can stop me!
  15. [Released] Get Hoisted!

    I've sent you a link for a music idea, I've made a couple of versions of coin sounds I can show you at some point, and I was wondering if you wanted goofy mouth sounds for the running man?