
Oculus rift

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I remember one of the Oculus guys talking about this and that it can be a little strange to be looking over someones shoulder in Gears of War, but that it can be just as immersive. I suppose it all depends on how you handle the camera stuff.


Glad it's not being completely ignored then!


Mario 64 style camera? It would make sense that way.

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Well in third person games, the camera orbits around an object instead of just pivoting in place, so that'd be the weird part.

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Definitely on my list of things I NEED to have in my life, just as soon as they put out a "glasses friendly" version. Stupid eyeballs, so much trouble. Can't wait til I can beam the internet directly into my brain!

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from what i have heard the rift is pretty glasses friendly. i don't wear them, but my rift seems like you could fit a pair in there (which apparently works) and also it comes with several lenses of different types

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Yeah when I tested it it was with glasses on. (Big ol vintage frames and all) I only used it for a few minutes though, so I can't speak on effects from prolonged use.

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5CHei.png - Great Scott!!


I'm gonna be first in line for the consumer version of that thing! Except I'll be at home and I'll be furiously clicking the BUY NOW button, which is even better than waiting in line! Fuck lines!

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Also, I totally tried the 1080p version of this at Pax Aus. It is way way better but I still think it needs to be twice that res (since obviously it's effectively half of whatever res it's actually doing)

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I was under the impression that Carmack was 100% on board at the start of the project (not as a team-member, but as enthusiastically outspoken,) and then at some point, around the time they changed from Doom 3 to Unity, it was rumored he had cooled somewhat, due to having much higher requirements for the techinical specs than what they landed on. I wonder what really happened, and how his role will affect that stuff.

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It's funny how one man leaving one company for another can have such profound implications. Damn this is cool news (in more than one sense).

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But how long will it take for Carmack to become bored again?

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Don't we all get bored doing the same thing for months (years in Carmack's case) on end? It's hard to believe sometimes but he actually is a human.

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Absolutely. All that the new consoles are doing is improving their specs (to a level we already can observe in PC games)


It's the new and incredibly broad possibility space that the Oculus promises that makes it so dang exciting.

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