Twig Posted March 17, 2016 I think Skyward Sword had a bit less opening bullshit after watching Danielle play a couple hours of Twilight Princess on Twitch the other night, but I could be misremembering. you 100% are misremembering Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dium Posted March 17, 2016 It felt like roughly half of Skyward Sword was introductions or tutorialization. I eventually really liked TP and SS but I don't think I have the patience to replay either of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vader Posted March 18, 2016 I have really great memories playing Skyward Sword when it came out my junior year of college, but that was generally a really fun year for me so my memory could be somewhat skewed by that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vulpes Absurda Posted March 18, 2016 Skyward Sword is the only Zelda game (aside from the obvious) that I would call bad. It has a few great moments but most of it is just such a slog. Probably doesn't help that that was the first Zelda after I had played one of the souls games though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vader Posted March 18, 2016 I remember skyward sword having a bunch of clever puzzles and gameplay elements, particularly in the sections leading up to dungeons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted March 18, 2016 It's a wonderful game underneath a very thick layer of hand holding. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SecretAsianMan Posted March 18, 2016 I have mixed feelings about Skyward Sword. I actually like Fi's design and think she's an interesting character. I particularly liked her behaving like an AI and the idea of having said AI inhabiting the Master Sword (although I was sad at the end when you seal her into an endless sleep). But on the flip side, she's SUPER annoying, possibly worse than Navi who I eventually learned to just tune out. Fi constantly pops up to tell you things you already know, something you can't avoid. I agree with Vader about there being some clever puzzles and combat (highlights for me are fighting Ghirahim and Koloktos who is probably my favorite Zelda boss). On the other hand there are the repeated fights with the Imprisoned which drove me nuts. Those were neither fun nor clever. In general, I think the brilliant parts are some of the best in any Zelda and the annoying parts some of the worst. It's fun enough that I occasionally want to replay it, until I remember the parts that I hate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolzig Posted March 19, 2016 Damn, I really had to fight to find the Star Fox First Print edition in Finnish shops, but I finally managed to find it available in one shop for not a ripoff price. Can't wait, next month is going to be fun. The controlling sounds interesting and will propably take some learning, but I trust Miyamoto has solved the issues with it that some people reported earlier in the gameplay demo sessions. This month the My Nintendo thing is supposed to start. Lets see what that will be about. Finally they at least included Finland in to that for the first time so that's great. We were never part of Club Nintendo for example even though we got the point cards with some games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BusbyBerkeley Posted March 22, 2016 Rumor going around that Nintendo will shut down production on Wii U this year. I'm seeing lots of people gloating about how trash Nintendo is now in comments sections, which yeah, I'm reading comments sections on games news sites so what do I expect. Its probably my favorite console since the DS. No one else does local multiplayer or platformers better than Nintendo, and those are my favorite things in games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vulpes Absurda Posted March 22, 2016 Honestly the fact that they might be shuting down the Wii U this quickly just makes me think that the NX will be backwards compatible. I wouldn't worry too much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vader Posted March 23, 2016 I hope so. I'll be so mad if Zelda U is an NX 'sclusive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolzig Posted March 23, 2016 Zelda U won't be a NX exclusive. But there is a very big possibility that it will get the Twilight Princess treatment and launch on two platforms. I have really enjoyed Wii U ever since I got it in Christmas 2013. What a wonderful console. Loads of great games in the eShop and Nintendo's own line up has been truly remarkable. If they can make NX backwards compatible with Wii U, then that would excellent. They just need to solve how to synchronize the gamepad then to NX. Isn't it kind of locked and synchronized to one specific console? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dartmonkey Posted March 23, 2016 No, it can be synced to any console like any of the other controllers. I think it's highly unlikely Nintendo will ditch Wii U games with the console. Making NX backwards compatible allows them to launch a console with a library of great games already on store shelves. They'll have to be careful not to balls-up the messaging but a big 'Playable on NX' sticker should do the trick nicely. I've been playing Yoshi's Woolly World. Don't let anyone tell you that's an easy game. I'm going for all the doohickeys and I've only 100% the very first level. Nightmare. Skyward Sword is the only Zelda game (aside from the obvious) that I would call bad. Oooh, shots fired! Is any Zelda game really bad? I can't imagine a Zelda virgin having a bad time with any of them. I really liked Skyward Sword, although the Sky Fortress hub could've been better. I remember Twilight Princess being pretty slow. Majora's might be taxing if you're not down with the time limit. But even then, they're still solid, solid games. I think the first two are difficult to revisit - the rest hold up well (CDi notwithstanding, though I've got no experience with those). I need me some Pikmin 3, Xenoblade X and Captain Toad and possibly Star Fox and I'll be up to date with Wii U. There are a couple of eShop games I wouldn't mind (Kerbal!) but those are the essentials. Mario Maker actually makes me want to get NSMBU for some decent Nintendo-authored level design! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vulpes Absurda Posted March 23, 2016 Is it a bad game? Well A: The motion controls outside of a handful of boss fights were more a hassle then anything else. B: There was no sense of exploration to any of it. At all. Except maybe on that stupid bird but I think I'd rather reenact the needle scene from Dead Space 2 then ever spend any meaningful time steering that thing ever again. C: As nice as the world itself looked I thought most of the character design was awful and I hated interacting with all of them. Also Ghirahim was as I remember a tad homophobic but that's a whole other issue. D: Most of the boss fights were repeats of fight you'd already had or just kind of bland. E: I have nothing to say about the dungeons as I don't remember any of them which I would say warrants putting them in the bad column. Now for the good: A: it had some pretty landscapes. B: The boss fight in the water temple is so much fun that I got way too into it and hurt my shoulder swinging the Wiimote. In short, yes I do think it's a bad game. I'm sure someone could enjoy it. I did parts of it! Also I can totally imagine a Zelda Virgin having a bad time with it. My brother had barely played any Zelda and was so bored by this game he just stopped playing it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolzig Posted April 21, 2016 Just got Star Fox Zero First Print edition through the mail. Can't wait to play both Zero and Guard now. Also was cool that the delivery came one day before the official release date. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
undermind9 Posted April 21, 2016 im very interested in hearing opinions about SF0 - there are many mixed reviews - including an editorial about the controls killing the fun in the game and sending the wiiU back to its original release gimmick as if no one has iterated & improved on it over the last few years. i want this game to be great, but if its as bad with the controls as others are reporting it'll be a "Skip" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griddlelol Posted April 22, 2016 Star Fox is a weird one for me. I remember I never owned the N64 game, but my friend did. I used to watch him play it, and occasionally play myself (although I was awful so I had more fun watching). The game felt so long and so difficult and so interesting as a child. I then got the 3DS version and finished it in an afternoon. So incredibly disappointed that my memory of the game was nothing like the actual game. If SF0 is anything like SF64 then I am not going near it. I prefer my memory of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolzig Posted April 27, 2016 Holy crap the new Euro and America Humble Nintendo Bundle is awesome. And seems to be really selling incredibly fast huge amounts. 63000 bundles just today. That's even a really great selection of games. Shame I have already most of those. Especially Affordable Space Adventures for just 1 dollar is insane. The game is worth so much more. And regarding Star Fox, I have had no problems with the controls. As fluid as Splatoon controls for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperBiasedMan Posted April 27, 2016 The bundle is really cool and I'm intrigued, though I can only use the 3DS games and the only one I want but don't have is Shantae. I'm curious what else gets added to it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dartmonkey Posted April 27, 2016 I'm willing to bet Spin the Bottle will be one of the additions, another Knapnok game. Supposed to be a fun party game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolzig Posted May 3, 2016 Holy shit, Runbow and Swords & Soldiers II just got added to the Humble Nintendo Bundle. This is awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eRonin Posted May 4, 2016 Awesome! Getting 8 friends into my tiny apartment may be a problem, however. As is finding all the controllers for them xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roderick Posted May 4, 2016 Oh shit, Swords & Soldiers II is an excellent game. What a great addition to the bundle! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griddlelol Posted May 4, 2016 Oh if anyone wants Shantae for WiiU, just PM me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marginalgloss Posted May 7, 2016 So I've just started playing Xenoblade Chronicles -- the Wii original via eshop download, not the latest game -- on the Wii U. And it's very good, but there's this one (weird) issue that's bugging me with the gamepad controls: When I push the left analog stick all the way forward, my character starts running in the wrong direction, i.e. towards the camera, opposite to how it should be. I can't see any reason for this, and it hasn't done this with any other game so far. I can't tell if it's a system thing or if it's a problem specific to the game. So far I'm getting through it by just not pushing the left stick all the way to the end of its travel, which still seems to let me run at full speed forward, but it's really quite annoying. Has anyone else encountered anything like this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites