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When I was at GDC, I showed off my student game to Tripwire (of Killing Floor, Red Orchestra fame), and they loved it. They were really into it, in fact. Said I was a prime candidate for a position they were filling. That's an almost direct quote! Well, awesome! So I kept in contact with the guy. "We're not hiring quite yet". Oh okay. Kept in contact. "Still not hiring, but let's talk on the phone." Did it. "Still not hiring, but in a month or two we will be." Okay. Nothing from him around that time. I email him. "We already filled the position." Well fuck. Now I'm sad. Of all the companies to actually respond to me, they were my number one choice. They're keeping my resume on file, though! Yay. Aghhh.

In other less sad news, I made it through the initial phone screening and now the programming test for another company. I've got the first of two additional one-hour coding-focused phone screenings next week. I hate live programming tests. I am bad at tests in general, and now I have to do it live in FRONT OF PEOPLE. Ugh.

And also I've got an enormous project due Friday at midnight. WORK WORK WORK.

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Whatever you do, don't stop developing stuff. Best approach is: simple but impressive, don't go for the big projects.

btw, programming tests for interviews also tell a lot about the company you're applying to. The shittier the test, the worse idea the company with regards to software developers.

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This was a hilarious experience.

Background info: I am the son of immigrants from two different countries. My mother is from the Portuguese islands, lived there 'til she was 13 or so. They had like no electricity just about. Very, VERY old timey way of life even for those decades. World War 2 ravaged Europe had better infrastructure. So when it comes to technology and critical thinking (she lived with nuns a few years; Roman Catholic church was strong back then) my mother is... slow on the uptake. That said.

Tonight, she watched Inception. And understood nothing.

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Whatever you do, don't stop developing stuff. Best approach is: simple but impressive, don't go for the big projects.

I really wish I would do more of this. It's hard to stay motivated when I keep getting shut down. U:

btw, programming tests for interviews also tell a lot about the company you're applying to. The shittier the test, the worse idea the company with regards to software developers.

Yeah. Although, honestly, all I want at this point is a job to pay the bills. I don't care about anything else. It could be the shittiest job in the world, and I'd take it. And then proceed to continue looking for a better job! Hell, even if I get a really shitty job, at least I can still work on my own little side projects as a hobby.

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I'm going to steal this from Scott Lynch because it adequately describes the terrible fucking day I've had attempting to assemble a pool, several tables and what seems to be a portal to Gael'thoth, but I'm assured is actually a washing machine.


Oh, it's death for you, my boy

but not for a good long time.

An elastic interval, shall we say, between points A and B

where B is the furnace, and A a fine assortment

of power tools.

Yes, we're going to have some words, you and I

Though whether they'll come before or after

the piranha

is an open question.

I like to give my whims room to breathe.

See, I never understood how events might conspire to make a supervillain

but congratulations!

I’m fresh from the forge.

With hex wrench imprints on nine fingers.

In fact, if I ever see another piece of lacquered particleboard



I'm going to punch a baby dolphin to death. Yes.

And take the corpse to a childrens' hospital.

And give it to a kid hooked up to a dialysis machine.

Because it's not like he'll be able to run away.

Not easily.

By the way, when I said piranha

you thought I meant tank?

I meant solution.

Seems I spent my aquatic horror budget on the blue-ringed octopus.


You wouldn't think you could slip such a thing through customs

(and honestly you're not supposed to)

but have you ever read Bruce Schneier's blog? Edifying stuff.

Anyhow, pay attention now

As this concerns you:

My Allen Wrenches have just come white-orange off the fire

and tied up like that, you look like a table.

So much like a table.

In very serious need

of tightening.

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I've just been drafted to play tamourine and triangle in a band competition in two weeks.

Hitting things is fun:D

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I miss playing an instrument. ):

Unfortunately, the only one I was ever really any good at is a NOISY one. Hard to play trumpet in an apartment complex.

In other words, I'm jealous! Grats.

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My bro just got a delicious electric piano. I'm so jealous, but i can't afford one at the moment:( I'm trying to pick up playing again, so when i go over i spend a half hour practicing. So far i've taught myself two Grade 2 pieces and a Grade 3 piece. I actually have a teaching diploma and grade 8 in the electronic organ from 12 years agi, but looking at the piano grades they look a lot harder than i remember my organ pieces being! Maybe the addition of pedals adds as much complexity to the pieces as the more complicated (looking) 2 hand piano pieces. Or maybe I just misremember and i'm old and crochety.

I'm going to be playing (banging?) with my sis-in-law's band. She is trying to get me assigned a slide whistle piece as well, but the current guy is reluctant to give that one up!

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... the terrible fucking day I've had attempting to assemble a pool, several tables and what seems to be a portal to Gael'thoth, but I'm assured is actually a washing machine.

Pics or it didn't happen

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I tried to learn piano once (as my trumpet teacher also knew piano), but it went nowhere fast. I don't even remember why. Maybe she thought I sucked. OR MORE LIKELY I WAS A GODLY TRUMPET PLAYER AND SHE DIDN'T WANT TO RUIN ME.

Man the more I think about it, the more I miss playing the trumpet. I need to get a sound-proofed room! Or a house. U:

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I had a technical interview that went moderately well! The questions were kind of easy, but at the same time, I know I did better than many programmers would have. Woohoo! One more phone interview, and then an on-site.

Ah, this is bad. I'm getting optimistic again. Last time that happened I missed my flight to an interview in Michigan, had to book a replacement flight, got there two hours late without any sleep, and didn't get the job. LET'S NOT DO THAT AGAIN, EH?

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The cats have fleas, despite my treating them with Frontline.

I spent an hour this evening wrangling two yowling balls of fur into the tub, lathering them up, then waiting 5 minutes before rinsing them off. The fat orange cat was first, which was a good choice because he had more fight in him. The older black cat tried some sort of passive resistance interspersed with crazed scrabbling attempts to climb up me and burst my eardrums with his yelling. I have big red welts all over me from their frantic clawing.

I will have to stop by the vet tomorrow to get some Advantage, since Frontline no longer works; I also need to put a note on my neighbours' door saying "sorry about the sounds of attempted feline murder last night."

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Then buy Heartgard™ and veterinarian approved Royal Canin™ skin sensitive brand food to go with your Advantage™ and Frontline™!

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I don't think Heartguard is approved for cats - I've only ever seen the dog versions - but you're right, I should get them treated for tapeworms just in case they picked some up from the fleas.

I blame tropical storm Debby. I think the wet weather led to the feral cats (a pair of whom woke me up early with their yowling) sheltering in our stairwell and shedding eggs, plus wet weather tends to increase the number of fleas out there.

The black cat is already on prescription "sensitive" food, and steroids, because he has allergies of the kind that do far more damage to carpets and furniture than a lot of scratching.

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Everyone is loosing their job the end of next month. Here we go again>< Quote of the meeting "Ah sure, we're used to it".

(Got made redundant last year, a bunch of us got hired back by the former owners of the company we got made redundant from doing exactly the same thing.).

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Saw a bumper sticker the other day that said something like "Central Catholic Gives My Child The Advantage" and my first thought was, "DAYM LADY—way to advertize your kids flea problems."

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So, yesterday, I had the wonderful opportunity to chat to this man for over an hour. I took hold of that opportunity with both hands and didn't bloody let go, I tell you that much.


Also, here's me with a huge grin about said opportunity.


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Guess how much I hate you right now. It's much less than I envy you, yet still considerable. Nice going!

When will you be appearing on QI?

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I'm curious what you discussed, if you actually had an hour-long conversation that went beyond pleasantries. Nice photographs in any case!

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Oh goodness, a whole host of things. We were both drinking (as was the other gentleman in the majority of the conversation, seen behind my right shoulder) and I can't remember exactly, but it sort of bounded all over the place.

- Anthropology, and why I study it

- general anthropological figures

- linguistics and how he told his godson that if he wants to make his mark in the scientific world, he should take up linguistics, go somewhere remote, write down their language and then watch as it simply disappears

- the twitter joke trial (I remarked that, despite his joking, what the guy said was a very silly thing to say, and the response was "Yes, but you shouldn't go to jail for silliness; silliness is not a crime.")

- whether or not he would like to come to Durham to host a lecture in the series I'm hosting next academic year

- probably other things too - there was talk of Mark Cawardine, Last Chance to See, Douglas Adams ("I miss him every day; the biggest problem is that whenever a new piece of technology is announced, I don't have Douglas to ring me up and tell me what to think.")

- oh, I did actually bring up Fable and LittleBigPlanet, and how I want to do anthropological studies in the field. He then said something like "Something like Fable is do wonderful because the player controls the hero and they can do anything they choose." to which I berated him for sounding so PR. we laughed.

It was good.

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"Yes, but you shouldn't go to jail for silliness; silliness is not a crime."

I'm not sure whether to be very worried or very happy that I can hear this in his voice perfectly.

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