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Favorite Games

Found 13 results

  1. Team JethKo - Knee Deep

    Team JethKo - Knee Deep is a detective adventure with role-playing elements & turn-based combat. What started as a small project turned into a huge thing that took almost a year of work. [: In this game I put ideas into action that have accompanied me since my teenage years & have now become reality. Graphics (apart from facesets & backgrounds), music & story are made by me again. In this concoction I celebrate the cartoons & the music of the 90s & Americana. I also wanted to promote the Artbreeder website with the backgrounds & facesets. [; The focus of this thing is on humor & very far-fetched puzzles. [: I hope you enjoy the game. Inspiration: Sam & Max, The Tick, Duckman, Hotline Miami 2. Grunge, Funk Metal, Nu Metal, Rave, Hip Hop, Jungle. Jethro is fed up. He doesn't want to interview more D-celebrities for this smear sheet, for which he is hired as a writer. He's after a big story again. Then he hears of mysterious murders of young women plaguing Chillcottin City. It's high time he reunited with his old pal Aoko to stir up the underworld of Chillcottins & the tech company that runs the place. Chillcottin City is located where New England & the majestic Sequoia forests meet the Rocky Mountains, the Great Plains & the Bayous. The city is ruled almost dictatorially by a tech mogul, Robert E. Ternel, who even has ambitions to be crowned the new mayor. Robert E. Ternel's corporation dominates the entire urban economy with its cybernetic & genetic engineering products. The nebulous religious fanatic Mr. Person Man is also said to be in cahoots with him. Characters: Jethro Adimari, 33, is a passionate journalist & a failure. His wife Michelle loves him, although he is self-pitying and generally not the brightest. His wife doesn't like the fact that he spends so much time with Aoko when he's feeling adventurous again. He adores his red Isetta "Richthofen". Aoko Kitamoto, 27, is an unemployed justice fighter waiting to use violence against the good-for-nothing again. She loves video games, pop culture, being out of work & violence. And many more quirky Chillcottin originals! The villains: No Clip Norman, Grimace, Moon Logic, Weird Rado Karadzic, Ant Ass Andy, and others. * Approximately 4 hours of hard-hitting puzzle action with challenging battles!! * Deep turn-based combat!! * Limited save options!! * Humor!! * Things to find but also to miss!! * High score will be shown to you at the end of this thing!! * Hand drawn stuff!! * Backgrounds were cobbled together using state-of-the-art AI technology!! * Totally wacky characters!! * A Lovestory?? Sound track: Here is the link to the OST: DOWNLOAD: GET THE GAME FOR 0$ AT ITCH.IO!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (just donate 0$ to download the full game!!!!!) The game contains language & themes that some may find inappropriate. Nothing in this thing is meant to be malicious or hurt anyone. Have fun puzzling. *: "When you look into the nostalgia long enough, the nostalgia will look back at you!"
  2. I've got a pretty big games backlog, and my Big FPS Playthrough really helped make a dent in it, so I'm going to do the same with adventure games and once more post my thoughts here. It'll likely take a long time - I don't have that much time for gaming at the moment - so this thread may not get updated very regularly. I'll give up on a game or resort to a walkthrough if I get too stuck or am not enjoying it. I'm going to try and stick to the original experience, so no mods unless it's needed to recreate that experience (say, if the audio is terrible played straight on modern computers). I'll allow some genre-mixing, but I'm not going to count interactive novels, puzzle games, narrative experiences - I'm mainly looking for the meat and potatoes inventory/dialogue/exploration Lucasartsian experience. Some I've played previously and will replay if I liked them, post what I can remember of my reasons if I didn't. I'm only playing games I own, so if anyone really wants me to play a particular game not on the list, they'll have to buy it for me! Note: this thread was on hold from 2022 to 2025, and after resuming it I decided that going forward I would only post my most positive experiences. So the list below was originally much longer but I've cleared out a bunch of titles. I'll now update it as I go rather than ticking titles off. My list:
  3. Hello, I'm Fanomatic! It's been a while! In Wizard Jam 5 (2017) me and a friend (CEJ) started working on a retro point & click adventure game (then known as "person shaped thing"). I've worked on that project since then and have now completed a demo of it. It's now called "Animal Cruelty" and so far I have put together a fully playable PC windows demo of the first room. It features two playable characters, sounds, music, an NPC and many interactions. Here are some screenshots: Let the maniacal laughter commence! Meet interesting characters! If you want to try the demo you can do so here The full game will be free and will include two more playable rooms (plus an intro and an outro) as well as one more playable character. I try to keep it somewhat small and manageble. You can follow my progress on Twitter: And on Facebook: I wanted to post this here since the project was born on idlethumbs. I hope you enjoy it!
  4. Announcing the latest Dan And Ben game: Lair Of The Clockwork God, out now on Windows, Linux, Mac (Steam & GOG), Switch, XBox One, and PS4/5! “A brilliant, joyous, clever and generous experience.” 4.5/5 – ThumbSticks “This is a gag delivery device with a seriously good hit rate” 83% – PC Gamer “Great mash-up of indie platforming and classic adventuring.” 8/10 – TheSixthAxis On Steam On GOG On Steam bundled with the first two Dan & Ben games at an overall discount Nintendo Switch XBox One Comes with FREE visual novel prequel, Devil's Kiss! Please wishlist/buy/review/promote!
  5. Hi guys! Our Interactive Fiction/Gamebook is out! Help Mikey to survive the Infected Zone and reach the Safe Area! The trailer The start of the story: The beginning Available for Android and iOS! We would be grateful for your feedback guys!
  6. For years I imagined making a completely FMV interactive story/puzzle game (think Myst but made entirely with videos). Last year I finally got around to figuring out how to make the game mechanics work, and little by little put together Yeli Orog. The game takes place in Asturias, Spain and was filmed in various locations there: Yeli Orog is a FMV interactive story game about an immense archaeological discovery: A bizarre stone tablet written in the Celtiberian language found buried underneath an ancient dolmen in northern Spain. The inscription written on the tablet tells a ghoulish tale believed to be the Celtiberian origin myth. You play the role of Johnny Robin, an archaeologist sent to Asturias, Spain to assist in the recovery of Celtiberian remains. Upon arrival to Asturias you find yourself unexpectedly transported to an alien world, experiencing first-hand the terrifying story written on the ancient tablet. If you are a fan of Myst-like games, interactive stories with puzzle elements, and FMV games, I think you will appreciate Yeli Orog. If you have any questions about the game let me know. Here is the steam page, the game will be released on July 13th: Here is the trailer: Some in-game screenshots:
  7. Chronicles of cyberpunk: Awakening

    Hi! In my previous post I told about my game Chronicles of cyberpunk and here I will post updates about the second part of this game Chronicles of cyberpunk: Awakening. This is an independent game, you don't need to play the first part to understand what is happening, since there will be a brief retelling of the events of the first part in the beginning Unreal Engine working on it since January 8, 2017 (and the first part was released on January 7) twitter instagram
  8. Hello, I just released an adventure game I've been working on for a while called Abney Park. It's a short game about taking a walk through a park/ cemetery in London. Some of you might have seen the game I made for the latest Wizard Jam, Super Pools n' Ghosts. It's similar in style to that but a bit larger in scope. There may also be some ghosts in this game. It's free on for anyone who would like to play it! I'd love to hear your feedback if you do!
  9. "Person Shaped Thing" (Working Title) is an old school point & click adventure game developed in Adventure Game Studio. A dead guinea pig and its test-subject buddies needs to escape a castle owned by a mad scientist to regain its freedom, but it won't be easy! Point & click your way through a Frankenstein-inspired castle in order to get away from the clutches of the mad scientist and put an end to his evil plans once and for all! The game is being developed by me and CEJ.
  10. Hey everyone, I'm the gameplay designer and engineer on Apartment: A Separated Place. It's an indie game about the relationships we have with the important people in our lives — whether they are romantic, familial, platonic, or otherwise. We're in the final 48 hours of our Kickstarter campaign to polish up the game's art and music, and I thought you all might be interested in what we've made! You can get a demo of our game here! In Apartment you play as Nick Connor, a comic artist whose girlfriend, Madison, has just left him. You get to explore his mental and emotional state in the wake of his break up. Nick mopes around his apartment in an introspective daze, chewing over his thoughts and looking at the things that spark memories of the times they shared together. As an artist, Nick turns to illustration to memorialize these special moments, whether they were good or bad. You also get to step into the lives of Nick's neighbors: a displaced loner, an uncertain newlywed, a lost daughter, a grieving widow. We convey story through mechanics that put players in the shoes of our characters. In the game we experiment with different mechanics through a series of playable vignettes tailored to tell the stories of Nick’s his neighbors. Every neighbor vignette uses a different gameplay style unique to that experience. One of our favorite examples can be seen in the Kinda Funny Games Let's Play below, which shows the first part of Rose's story. I'd love to talk more about the game with you. Let me know what you think and any questions you have! Here's a fun Let’s Play video by Kinda Funny's Greg and Tim. They play a bit of Rose's story. Here's a more serious Let’s Play video by MinerStewy. He plays a bit of Jim's story.
  11. The Fall

    The Fall is a game that I feel like came out of nowhere, I heard of it on IRC and because Giant Bomb (In particular, Vinny, which is worth mentioning) did a quicklook ( The game, an atmospheric adventure game about robots, is only $10 on steam at full price, and, while it is only a few hours long, depending on how long it takes to figure out the puzzles, it left my very satisfied. In fact, I thought it was amazing. It seems to be episodic, and it is unclear to me whether the $10 purchase is just for the first episode, but if it is I have no complaints, as I think it is entirely justified, and it also tells a very satisfying narrative in the space it has, it does not feel lacking. For those unfamiliar (I assume most people, since I was) the quick look is a better illustration than any description I can give, but Ill try anyway. Imagine a game with the visual styling and atmosphere of The Swapper, but about robots and AI, and the problems they face, and also more of an adventure game than a puzzle game (no item combination, but picking up items and using them elsewhere in one off ways to solve adventure game style puzzles). If it is not clear from what i have already said, I adore this game and highly recommend it. It is not, however, without faults. Most of the criticism I have for it has to do with the controls. The game has some combat, though it is not the focus, and that part isn't terrible, but is a bit clunky. I got used to it and ended up not minding it, but it certainly isn't the draw. Its not awful though, its no Dreamfall. Anyway, has anyone else played it? I would love to talk about it, the subject matter and style are incredible and I really wish more games, or things in general, were like this. I also feel that this game has been relatively under the radar in the press (much like The Swapper as well) and would love to see it get more attention. Oh I should probably say the developer. It was made by Over the Moon Games ( and as far as I know it is their first game, but I don't know who is there and what else they may have done. Apparently the game was kickstarted, but I was not aware of it until very recently. As I said before, I think it is great and highly recommend it.
  12. Hi everyone! I'm afraid my bi-annual plugfest has now become annual, because within a year of releasing Ben There, Dan That!, Zombie Cow Studios Size Five Games has released the sequel, Time Gentlemen, Please! The new game, co-designed and co-written by me, is available for £3/$5-ish here (demo available). If you haven't played the first game, it's pay-what-you-want, min. £2, but you're probably better off buying the double-bundle for £3 total on Steam. I hope you guys can try it out, and enjoy it. If you do, please pass it on to all your friends, family, employees, people in the street!
  13. I'm afraid it's already time for my bi-annual plugfest again. *ahem* Part-time Idle Thumbs forumite, and my best mate, Dan Marshall has launched Zombie Cow Studios Size Five Games. He has a few games for download, including 'Ben There, Dan That!', an adventure game written by me and Dan. It's a tribute to the classic Lucasarts adventures, and is now available as a Special Edition on a "pay what you want" pricing scheme. [EDIT: you're probably best off buying it in a bundle with the sequel these days] Please pass it on to anyone who you think might enjoy it, and direct any questions or requests for exclusive site content (interviews, etc) to, and we'll be more than happy to help. Thanks everyone, and see you in two years for the next plugarama!