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About Sunless

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  1. Hello, I just released an adventure game I've been working on for a while called Abney Park. It's a short game about taking a walk through a park/ cemetery in London. Some of you might have seen the game I made for the latest Wizard Jam, Super Pools n' Ghosts. It's similar in style to that but a bit larger in scope. There may also be some ghosts in this game. It's free on for anyone who would like to play it! I'd love to hear your feedback if you do!
  2. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Thanks to everyone for the feedback! Haven't had much time to work on the game since last week. Trying to figure out a way to stop her movement while in conversation. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out soon.
  3. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Thanks for the feedback guys! I should be able to upload a build with bug fixes and a few improvements later this week!
  4. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Thank you, this is really helpful!
  5. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Windows version should be working now.
  6. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Thanks so much for letting me know! I'll upload those files now.
  7. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    My Game is up on! If you play it please let me know what you think! Also I made my game on a mac, if you are playing on PC or Linux can you please let me know if it works for you? Enjoy!
  8. [RELEASE] Transmission Lost

    This looks amazing! Can't wait to play it.
  9. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Thanks for the great feedback guys! I think my game is done, only thing thats annoying me is the flickering UI in this gif. Not sure why its happening, seems to only happen when 2 or more animated pieces of UI are displayed. But at this point I think I'll just tag it as 'known: shippable'
  10. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Thanks! Its my first time ever doing UI for a game, I'm having fun with it. Theres stuff that just isn't possible in other mediums. Its also much easier than figuring out how to make a start screen (just had to place a few sprites in the game) so really its just because I'm lazy
  11. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Tested out my game this morning and started having some weird graphical bugs. Weird lighting and duplicated player model). I have no idea what I'm doing!
  12. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Replaced the main character. All thats left is to add a bit more set dressing and polish the dialogue UI up a bit.
  13. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Trying out some different shaders.
  14. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Hamburger mode has been implemented!
  15. [RELEASE] Super Pools n' Ghosts

    Hmm... Made some changes and now I'm getting some weird graphical glitches. (Textures disappearing and reappearing, also the ghosts are just supposed to be transparent)