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Favorite Games

Found 5 results

  1. howdy y'all, i wish to say, that the final collected version of the nine "...of the killer" funny cartoon horror games is now available for anyone who wants to play them all at once. i posted the first two here, back in the day... a lot has happened since then... it's an incredible story! you wouldn't believe it! since then my adventures have multiplied beyond recall. i barely made it out alive. some weren't so lucky! well, anyway. here are the computer games. "courage the cowardly dog meets walter benjamin's angel of history". czech em out: peace, garmentdistrict / thecatamites
  2. Team JethKo - Knee Deep

    Team JethKo - Knee Deep is a detective adventure with role-playing elements & turn-based combat. What started as a small project turned into a huge thing that took almost a year of work. [: In this game I put ideas into action that have accompanied me since my teenage years & have now become reality. Graphics (apart from facesets & backgrounds), music & story are made by me again. In this concoction I celebrate the cartoons & the music of the 90s & Americana. I also wanted to promote the Artbreeder website with the backgrounds & facesets. [; The focus of this thing is on humor & very far-fetched puzzles. [: I hope you enjoy the game. Inspiration: Sam & Max, The Tick, Duckman, Hotline Miami 2. Grunge, Funk Metal, Nu Metal, Rave, Hip Hop, Jungle. Jethro is fed up. He doesn't want to interview more D-celebrities for this smear sheet, for which he is hired as a writer. He's after a big story again. Then he hears of mysterious murders of young women plaguing Chillcottin City. It's high time he reunited with his old pal Aoko to stir up the underworld of Chillcottins & the tech company that runs the place. Chillcottin City is located where New England & the majestic Sequoia forests meet the Rocky Mountains, the Great Plains & the Bayous. The city is ruled almost dictatorially by a tech mogul, Robert E. Ternel, who even has ambitions to be crowned the new mayor. Robert E. Ternel's corporation dominates the entire urban economy with its cybernetic & genetic engineering products. The nebulous religious fanatic Mr. Person Man is also said to be in cahoots with him. Characters: Jethro Adimari, 33, is a passionate journalist & a failure. His wife Michelle loves him, although he is self-pitying and generally not the brightest. His wife doesn't like the fact that he spends so much time with Aoko when he's feeling adventurous again. He adores his red Isetta "Richthofen". Aoko Kitamoto, 27, is an unemployed justice fighter waiting to use violence against the good-for-nothing again. She loves video games, pop culture, being out of work & violence. And many more quirky Chillcottin originals! The villains: No Clip Norman, Grimace, Moon Logic, Weird Rado Karadzic, Ant Ass Andy, and others. * Approximately 4 hours of hard-hitting puzzle action with challenging battles!! * Deep turn-based combat!! * Limited save options!! * Humor!! * Things to find but also to miss!! * High score will be shown to you at the end of this thing!! * Hand drawn stuff!! * Backgrounds were cobbled together using state-of-the-art AI technology!! * Totally wacky characters!! * A Lovestory?? Sound track: Here is the link to the OST: DOWNLOAD: GET THE GAME FOR 0$ AT ITCH.IO!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (just donate 0$ to download the full game!!!!!) The game contains language & themes that some may find inappropriate. Nothing in this thing is meant to be malicious or hurt anyone. Have fun puzzling. *: "When you look into the nostalgia long enough, the nostalgia will look back at you!"
  3. Hello all, Thank you for letting me on the forum. I heard people here liked video games, so I will post video games I.T.T. as I make them. The first is titled Voice of the Killer. Protagonist BB has started a new job at the call center, but from the sea she hears the horrible Voice of the Killer. This game is a mystery you can explore with the arrows. It is available for free here: I will post more when I have more games.
  4. Hello, I'm Fanomatic! It's been a while! In Wizard Jam 5 (2017) me and a friend (CEJ) started working on a retro point & click adventure game (then known as "person shaped thing"). I've worked on that project since then and have now completed a demo of it. It's now called "Animal Cruelty" and so far I have put together a fully playable PC windows demo of the first room. It features two playable characters, sounds, music, an NPC and many interactions. Here are some screenshots: Let the maniacal laughter commence! Meet interesting characters! If you want to try the demo you can do so here The full game will be free and will include two more playable rooms (plus an intro and an outro) as well as one more playable character. I try to keep it somewhat small and manageble. You can follow my progress on Twitter: And on Facebook: I wanted to post this here since the project was born on idlethumbs. I hope you enjoy it!
  5. I'm willing to bet we have a pretty varied taste and palate among the board when it comes to stand-up comedians, and it's been a while since I've discovered anyone new, so I'd love to get some recommendations going in here. Try not to list too many in one post, try to say why a comedian is good or why you might like them if you like others, and also this isn't generic comedy recommendations (because we could start a whole other thread for sitcoms and such). I'm really shitty about sounding like an asshole by analyzing comedy, but maybe you aren't. (I won't judge you if you also are; in fact, I'll appreciate it.) John Mulaney - The Comeback Kid I missed this when it released in 2015, I guess. I just watched it and it was great. John Mulaney is one of my absolute favorites (his previous two specials are also extremely good). His poise on stage has gotten so much better since 2009 and it's actually really a joy to simply watch him move - he has excellent physical comedy skills lurking just below the surface to enhance all his jokes. There are some moments here that edge toward offensive, but only because of the sort of white male implications of what he's saying (i.e., college is academic nonsense, kids are all special snowflakes these days). It's nowhere near as bad as your average Louis CK show, but typically I like John because the vast majority of his material eschews issues for pop culture irreverence. (Notwithstanding his breakout routine "Chase Through the Subway," which is either a pitch perfect set about male privilege or a tone deaf rape joke, depending on your perspective, but one I definitely think is always worth discussing.)