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Oh boy oh boy Bojack Horseman Season 2 was released last night! 


I only checked out the first episode, but man it was excellent. I really like Bojack. His transformation over the first season was amazing, and where he's going to go in the second season can only get better.

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Spenny's totally original Steven Universe theory:

Steven was created when Greg Universe and Rose Quartz tried to fuse. Steven was an accident. This is informed by the way Greg reacted when seeing Steven and Connie fuse.

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Might wanna spoiler that, given that there are people in this thread who have just explicitly stated they aren't caught up on the series.

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I finally had a chance to binge on some Steven Universe this weekend and it's exactly as good as everyone here has been claiming. The boundless optimism and just general attitude that Steven has makes him such an amazingly charismatic and interesting character. It's like the creators of this show realized that smiling is awesome and set out to make a show that produces the highest number of Smiles per Minute possible. And that Giant Woman song? Fucking priceless. Also, the line "you're no son of mine" was some immaculate comedic timing.


I've watched the first 21 episodes so far and it looks like Hulu has everything up through episode 36 so it looks like my enjoyment will soon be cut off. Such an amazing show though.

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I just got completely caught up and man that show gets pretty intense sometimes.


I gotta say, I'm pretty jealous of kids. Cartoons nowadays are so much better.

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Also recently caught up with Steven Universe. I'm mad there isn't more of it. I'm ostensibly watching Bojack Horseman and enjoying that, but really all I crave is Steven Universe, which has gotten progressively better with almost every episode.

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Spenny's totally original Steven Universe theory:

Steven was created when Greg Universe and Rose Quartz tried to fuse. Steven was an accident. This is informed by the way Greg reacted when seeing Steven and Connie fuse.


It's been stated by show runners that Rose shape-shifted a womb so that she could have Steven.  I very much doubt this was by accident, but who knows.

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Also recently caught up with Steven Universe. I'm mad there isn't more of it. I'm ostensibly watching Bojack Horseman and enjoying that, but really all I crave is Steven Universe, which has gotten progressively better with almost every episode.


Have no fear, new episodes return August 6th!


Meat Mecha, I'm with you on Pearl.

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I sing along with the Steven Universe opening song every time.


Also Onion continues to be weird.

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I sing along with the Steven Universe opening song every time.


Also Onion continues to be weird.


I hate Onion from what I've seen so far. He just seems straight up evil the way he started trying to drop fucking cars on people when he had that replicator wand. That's maybe my one complaint with this show so far. He steals a thing from Steven, demands that he trade the replicator to get the item back, and then proceeds to try to fucking murder people with cars. Then they manage to stop him and Steven feels bad and lets him keep the toy anyways. And then they just fucking leave without ever acknowledging or doing anything about the fact that he just fucking tried to murder people and is probably a danger to himself and everyone around him. I just don't get what they are trying to do with this character.

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spoilers for the latest steven bomb i guess


I think he's just weird. I don't really want to read anything too deep into Onion as a character because his name is Onion but 

it always struck me as selfish cartoonery mischief, and not so much evil.


The episode I just watched he continued to be super weird and ostensibly menacing but then did a nice thing for Steven. So I dunno.

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I hate Onion from what I've seen so far. He just seems straight up evil the way he started trying to drop fucking cars on people when he had that replicator wand. That's maybe my one complaint with this show so far. He steals a thing from Steven, demands that he trade the replicator to get the item back, and then proceeds to try to fucking murder people with cars. Then they manage to stop him and Steven feels bad and lets him keep the toy anyways. And then they just fucking leave without ever acknowledging or doing anything about the fact that he just fucking tried to murder people and is probably a danger to himself and everyone around him. I just don't get what they are trying to do with this character.


Onion is a small child, probably no older than 6,  possibly with some form of non-verbal Autism Spectrum Disorder. Being a small child, if you give him something extremely powerful, he's going to do stupid stuff with it. That's just a kid being dumb, at least in the world of Steven Universe.


Read Vrai Kaiser's write-up of Onion Friend on The Mary Sue for more Onion insights.

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Onion talk, not really very spoilery at all but I'm being careful:


Part of what makes Onion weird in the context of this show is how Steven reacts to him. Steven, who continues to attempt to make friends with almost every other character, including the clearly villainous Peridot, is really only antagonistic with Onion and Onion alone. I think that dynamic has the potential to be interesting, but Onion episodes haven't really been my favorite so far.

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Some thoughts I had about SU

It just occurred to me, given gems lifespan of thousands of years, how recently Rose Quartz went away from the perspective of the Crystal Gems. From their point of view, it's like having your mom/sister/girlfriend die and on the same week having to adopt and raise her child. I guess that's one reason why emotions tend to run high.


I suspect at this point that Steven's ability to fuse is the cornerstone of Rose's master plan. If two little kids fusing can make a 6 foot tall amazon, imagine what he could accomplish fusing with three or four people, or the entire population of beach city... or more. There's no reason to believe there's a limit on what he can do with this power, and it would presumably be enough to fend off anything the homeworld can send -- while simultaneously not giving humans the power to mount their own expansion, since Steven wouldn't stand for it. Thus, the ultimate shield to protect Earth without giving the at-times-questionable leadership any power they shouldn't have.

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So you're saying that...


Rose's ultimate plan is a city-wide dance party?


Sounds legit.

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Have no fear, new episodes return August 6th!


Whoops, nope, pushed back to September. 

I should probably feel more self-conscious about how ravenous I am for more of this cartoon show.

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I just got caught up on BoJack Horseman last night and that is also a super good show! I saw the first episode like half a year ago and didn't follow up because my first impression of it was just as a clever but empty series of jokes ala Family Guy, but it's actually a lot better than that. Every character comes off as a one-note joke at first, but none of them really are as simple as they seem, and like Arrested Development things that might seem like throwaway gags turn out to be important later.

It's good. Funny, but not cheerful. Sad, but kind of hopeful.

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I started watching Rick and Morty. At first, some of the humor seemed a bit juvenile but after a few episodes the show has grown on me a ton and my love for it was cemented after seeing the Mr. Meeseeks episode. They just nail some of their concepts so well that it makes it easy to forgive any missteps.

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I have a hard time with how unpleasant Rick and Morty looks. The show is still good enough that I can get past it, but it's a thing that I have to actively ignore.

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Yeah, I guess it doesn't look all that great.


I can't even think about that Meeseeks episode without starting to shake with laughter though. I haven't seen something that struck me as that funny in quite a while. I literally sat in bed for a half hour after watching it trying to stop myself from laughing.


I'm sorry but the thought of a creature that starts and ends nearly every sentence with "Look at me!" and "I'm Mister Meeseeks!" even after he is going mad and plotting to murder Jerry so his existence can end was just too much for my dumb brain to handle.

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