ThunderPeel2001 Posted February 5, 2013 Who is this guy? Indeed. Hey newbie, here's some reading for you: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThunderPeel2001 Posted February 5, 2013 Bah. Can't delete posts :-/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roderick Posted February 5, 2013 Who am I? I don't know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miffy495 Posted February 5, 2013 Woke up this morning to discover that a water main outside my house had broken last night. Set off for a 14 hour day of school/work without a shower. Joy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syntheticgerbil Posted February 5, 2013 Shit, is your yard all flooded? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pabosher Posted February 5, 2013 Who am I? I don't know. Indeed. Hey newbie, here's some reading for you: Who is this guy? I hate you all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luftmensch Posted February 5, 2013 Here's some stuff about my boat. I originally posted it here. As I embark on the (probably ill-fated) task of stumbling around making some kind of action 2D platformer, I'm closing in on another project that's been looming up my queue for well over a year and a half now: My boat. fig. a: Yeah, it's a boat, take my word on that. It doesn't look like much right now, but even if I take my sweet time on this, I'm within one or two weeks of just being done forever. The number of pieces I need to complete before I can put this thing on the water and go sailing can be counted on one hand: Make the flotation presentable (fig. b ) Route a slot in the bottom for the daggerboard to stick out (the long rectangular hole in the middle is where it goes in) Paint the inside and outside Reinstall all the hardware/seats (everything from seats to oarlocks has been installed before, but was removed to facilitate painting) Tie the sailing rig in place (fig. c) fig. b: The only thing keeping this tub afloat is pink foam insulation Me and my dad picked the kit for this boat from Chesapeake Light Craft. They sell all the necessary components (as well as a lot of the tools) you need to put together a seaworthy boat, including the wood (precut mahogany plywood, which sounds lame but is really high-quality stuff) and all the hardware. In this case, we're building the Northeaster Dory, which weighs about 100lbs. and can carry about 800lbs, so two people can easily carry this into the water if there isn't trailer access, and then four people can all load in and go sailing. fig. c: From left to right: The tiller extension (lets you manipulate the rudder from the middle of the boat), the mast (with a stainless steel rail for the sail as well as a gooseneck that the boom attaches to), and the boom. Our dory doesn't have a name as-of-yet, and still needs to be registered and all that good boat stuff, but that's all clerical work. The actual nitty-gritty hard work of making the damned thing is palpably close to conclusion. We even already have a trailer to tote it around. I'm getting pretty stoked. If you have any suggestions for names, shoot. Max and Dory are the two popular albeit unoriginal contenders right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luftmensch Posted February 5, 2013 So this sort of shit makes me feel like an incredible asshole. I've always been aware of that stereotype of the rabid coffee drinker who is the grumpiest piece of shit until he's had his coffee fix, but somehow my idea had always been "Christ, that guy's an asshole, people like that are just shitty and need to have some self-control." I mean, if you know that not having coffee will make you grumpy, you should probably take some mental steps to prepare yourself for unfavorable human interactions, right? Just take the modicum of time to breath deeply, and keep your head low until you've got that caffeine in your system. Well it turns out I'm a huge asshole and a shitty person because I've been doing that for like a week now. Every day for quite a while now I've had some serious cravings to make myself cups of tea. I even have this huge John Wayne mug that has the collective residue of hundreds of cups of tea over the years caked on the inside, which I'm kind of proud of. But yeah, I've been drinking nonstop. I ran out of coffee a little while ago. I also kept catching myself blowing up on people and just feeling like an utter piece of shit. Anyway I figured enough is enough, I need the big guns. Literally the only coffee in the house is a jar of instant, which tastes like shit, so I mixed a french press full with two scoops of instant coffee and one scoop of Ovaltine to compensate (I mean that's still gross but it's kind of less gross), and within a few minutes I felt pretty awesome again. So apparently caffeine was the problem. But I'd been drinking tea the whole time? How do twelve cups of tea not add up to two cups of coffee? Coffee only has like three times the caffeine density. I felt like unwinding so I made a cup of tea, and I looked at the box and in little letters I find out that shit's decaffeinated. Look, family, I feel really bad about acting like a total piece of shit on you and blowing up all week. But you brought it upon yourselves pulling that fucking switcharoo on me. Also I still think that people who are jerks when they don't have their coffee are still assholes, but I think my eyes have been opened to the plight of coffee assholes, and I'm sorry for hating you. But get your act together you fucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miffy495 Posted February 6, 2013 Shit, is your yard all flooded? Nah. The street is in kind of rough shape, but the yard/house is ok. Lucky in that at least. I've imposed upon my partner to stay at her house for a few nights (hopefully that's all) while the city gets their shit together, because otherwise I'd be filling a bucket from a tank truck up the block when I want to wash my hands. I feel kinda bad about this, because my class schedule means I need to wake up about 4 hours earlier than her, and about 2 hours earlier than a sane person wakes up given the choice, which is why this is imposing and not just some nice time spent together. Oh well. I hate you all. That may mean something if we knew who you were. Who cares about the hate of a complete stranger though? Man, I wonder what Speedy Desiato would think. Remember that guy, everybody? He was pretty cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pabosher Posted February 6, 2013 He was a jerk. He told me he never liked any of you, before running off screaming manically into the sunset. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nachimir Posted February 6, 2013 Hey pabosher! I found out Speedy Desiato is going to GDC too you should probably take some mental steps to prepare yourself for unfavorable human interactions, right? Just take the modicum of time to breath deeply, and keep your head low Somewhat related to coffee assholes: One of my housemates is an insanely talkative morning person, and I'm decidedly not. I get more animated in the evening when she's tired. The only way it works well is if we cross paths midday to early evening, and outside of that it's all about the quote above. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roderick Posted February 6, 2013 This used to be a good community, when SpeedyDesiato was still here. Now it's just a bunch of asses. I'm out, please delete my account. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osmosisch Posted February 6, 2013 Yeah what's with this new kibosher dude. I say we put the kibosh on more people joining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pabosher Posted February 6, 2013 oh hey guys i'm back what's going on Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roderick Posted February 6, 2013 I for one am glad to see we managed to bully you into compliance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hermie Posted February 6, 2013 I'm really excited about GDC, you guys. Also about sociology or something? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lu Posted February 6, 2013 I'm really excited about GDC, you guys. Also about sociology or something? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pabosher Posted February 6, 2013 Sociology is not the same as Anthropology gtfo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syntheticgerbil Posted February 6, 2013 How'd you do that, Hermie? Are these three different users or one user with three personalities? Also it'd be nice if you guys used some capitalization in your name changes, sheesh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hermie Posted February 6, 2013 It's just a setting in your profile in this new board. You can change three times per month. Sociology is not the same as Anthropology gtfo. I knew I would get you with that one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Erkki Posted February 6, 2013 What happened to that pabosher guy? He popped in for a spell and now seems to be gone. Maybe it was a bot? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osmosisch Posted February 6, 2013 What happened to that pabosher guy? He popped in for a spell and now seems to be gone. Maybe it was a bot? It was you, wasn't it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subbes Posted February 7, 2013 What happened to that pabosher guy? He popped in for a spell and now seems to be gone. Maybe it was a bot? No, it was a boat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luftmensch Posted February 7, 2013 A lady friend I used to date texted me to tell me she would be in town for the first time in three years next month. It felt kind of badass to be able to say "Oh cool, while you're in town do you want to go sailing? In my boat? That I built? With my hands?" I won't send her photos until it actually looks like not a complete PoS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites