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No, the forum is much older than that. We don't even have thumbs anymore. They atrophied and fell off. Strangely, Miyamoto upending the teatable still works:


Anyway, welcome. We're a very nice gaming forum, promise. After years and years of trying different ones out, this is the only forum I've decided to stick with. Well, mixnmojo back in the day, but I migrated. Hope you stick around.

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Someone linked me the podcast a few days ago and consider me a fan, giggled all the way through the recent Dreamcast and look forward to hearing more and chatting about vidya games here.

Also i am not a spambo10000100100010001111100viagr<error>

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Hello Idle Thumbs forum, I found out about Idle Thumbs through the podcast thread on Something Awful. I wrote this there the other week that pretty much breaks down why I am digging on you man-children

As a 34 year old man who keeps his deep love of video and computer games a shameful secret from my real world, I cannot begin to say how much I enjoy Idle Thumbs.

They dont have that predictable format that other podcasts have but still remain topical. I think they assume that if you're listening, then you are well up to date on all the news from either the internet or other podcasts. So that gives them more freedom and it turns to well-informed friends talking about video games quite naturally. They are also very very funny. When they talk about games they played, its just that, not a review. I probably enjoy it so much because none of my friends nowadays play video games or computer games and when they did, this is how you'd talk about it. Much more interesting to listen to someone's experience of playing a game.

The editing pushes it up a notch, some comedy muscle being flexed there all the time.

Idle Thumbs. My dirty little secret. This is the dawning of a brand new day!

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No, the forum is much older than that. We don't even have thumbs anymore. They atrophied and fell off. Strangely, Miyamoto upending the teatable still works:


Give us back our thumbs!!! :tdown:

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Hello Idle Thumbs forum, I found out about Idle Thumbs through the podcast thread on Something Awful. I wrote this there the other week that pretty much breaks down why I am digging on you man-children

Someone linked me the podcast a few days ago and consider me a fan, giggled all the way through the recent Dreamcast and look forward to hearing more and chatting about vidya games here.

Also i am not a spambo10000100100010001111100viagr<error>

Welcome folks!

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I'm starting to think there's some kind of deliberate behind-the-scenes reason they are missing...

I don't know why they're missing. We've messed around with the forum template and software a bunch, and at this point a lot of it is just kind of broken in ways that don't cripple anything but are sort of annoying.

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I don't know why they're missing. We've messed around with the forum template and software a bunch, and at this point a lot of it is just kind of broken in ways that don't cripple anything but are sort of annoying.

Haha, I guess Kingzjester had a rant about them in a thread elsewhere a month or so ago so I figured it was a vast conspiracy theory against the thumbs.

I don't think anyone but us old farts miss them and those that used them to rate games they were currently playing in their signature.

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I think I am to blame for them missing now. When I made them the first time, I made them for a weird home page widget where we got to rate random things. When I inserted them into the forum smilies I vaguely remember linking outside of the designated smilies folder and into their whereabouts as the site template images proper, reasoning that there was no point in having duplicate images on the server.

And then they deleted the front end of the site and took the images folder with them. Yoke is on me, so much for the initially rational-seeming web design practices. No but srsly, fix the smilies. K, thx, bye.

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Hello. Started listening (from the beginning) about 6 months ago. Finally decided to sign up.

Some of you might have seen the handle around if you've been around the PennyArcade forums, or if you've played Smash Brothers Brawl tournaments in the southwest...or if you were a Super Mario Kart Battle Mode enthusiast...

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Hey there thumbs! Finally signed up for your fancy forums. I'm actually a long-time reader of the site, so really should have done this yonks ago. I've never quite got the hang of forums though, so we'll have to wait and see if I manage to do better than posting 3 times and fading into the background.

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All someone has to do is upload 3 little gifs to:



Seriously, though. Can't someone just ftp the thumbs images to the above folder?

Here's the files:




Just FTP them... go on, you know you want to...

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Fodder has not introduced himself yet, but I would like to draw attention to the fine, fine avatar his account sports, which appears to be the green guy from that ancient Bruce Lee game:


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I loved that game. I like how they have him spending most of his time collecting lanterns and avoiding touching spikes, just like in his movies.

Anyway, hello. When I'm not posting on forums and listening to excellent podcasts, I make video games. Traditionally, quite poor ones, but recently much better ones.

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