
Important If True 33: The Meme Scream

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Important If True 33:

Important If True 33

The Meme Scream
AAAAAAaahhhHHGHhggg! Oh, excuse us, that was just our podcasting equipment warming up. When you taste something gross, what compels you to tell your friend to try it? Or worse, to keep eating it? If we hear someone has wished for something, why the compulsion to wish it away? If something great is on TV, why violate it? In short: Why do we do things we know are bad for us? If we knew, we wouldn't be here. Join us!

Discussed: the trash kids love to eat, Jake's dark compulsion, Jake's twisted perverted self-flagellation, Jelly Belly Gourmet Candy Corn, the gross taste more cleanly, Philip K. Dick's "A Gross Taste Cleanly," off-brand candy bars, Jokerz, beef gelatin, vegan Tylenol, saving animal fats in a jar, existential meme crises, 11:11 wishes, Nick getting his wish, casting wishes by tossing change into bodies of water, wish inflation, nickel poisoning...?, meme forensics, violators and snipes, surprising truth in industry jargon, Important If True Home Violator Kit, Nick's dreams, the Dean Scream, 45 human brains unearthed in Spain, 45brains.online, saponification, the tragic loop of time travel, throwing our brains in the trash, unprestigious awards, bowling for babies, trophies for millennials, parents collecting wine corks and restaurant matchbooks, childhood failure

Send us your questions at questions@importantiftrue.com. If you enjoyed this and would like to subscribe to an ad-free feed, please consider supporting Idle Thumbs by backing our Patreon.

Chris' Endorsement: Frank Lantz's fractal-like browser game Universal Paperclips

Jake's Endorsement: Barbie Trashes Her Dreamhouse art project photo set

Nick's Endorsement: Fairfax Breakfast Sandwich, a very healthy choice


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This was a GOOD episode!

Also, an Important If True violator is something I didn't knew I needed in my life until now

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Just cause they seemed curious/confused about this on the cast.


Beef or pork gelatin is a key ingredient in jelly style sweets and lots of other jelly textured things, like Tylenol capsules it sounds like. Vegetarians and vegans don't need to buy special products to get around this, we just check the ingredients and find the brands that use a non animal ingredient or don't have jelly. 

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i wanted to say thanks for recording this episode even though it was so late and youd been fighting with the recording equipment for 3 hours! i would have gone home. i hope you all had the best sleep of your lives after that


also wanted to add that when i was in elementary i got an award possibly worse than "most improved", which was "most consistent"

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3 hours ago, goldfish said:

"most consistent"


This is a very good unprestigious award. 

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I think the least prestigious award I have is this one I got for stacking chess pieces. I don’t remember how many other people competed, so 2nd place might just be last place in this context.



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6 hours ago, Kyir said:

I think the least prestigious award I have is this one I got for stacking chess pieces. I don’t remember how many other people competed, so 2nd place might just be last place in this context.


Wow, that is one hell of an unprestigious award.

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Weird food:

As a seven year old I would eat "peanut butter, butter, honey, and cheese" sandwiches. This was invented when I wouldn't eat anything while staying with my mother at Cub Scout camp she was working at. Some how I ate this combonation of food stuffs, and it became a staple of my diet through elementary school. I do not consider returning to it.



The water-mark icon of a channels on the lower right side of the screen is often called a "bug". My favorite is when the bugs pile up over each other as footage is aired and re-aired from other sources. wiki refers to it as a more euphemized name. 


I wonder if there's an equivalent of a podcast sponsorship advertisement violator? :P

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"If only those brains could tell of what happened there," thought the grandson of one of the brains, as he added the finishing touches to his latest online-toaster design.



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A weird side note to the fake Coors Lite can story: I have a fake Pennzoil can that came out of my grandparents' garage. I keep spare change in it.

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Please, coin-based wishes are so 20th century. Now we're all about putting locks on stuff.

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Interestingly, there's actually a board game called Tragedy Looper...


Each "day" (turn), players and the mastermind play three face-down cards onto the characters, then reveal them to move the characters around or affect their paranoia or goodwill stats. At the end of each day (turn), if the scenario has a tragedy set for that day, it happens if the conditions are met, i.e., certain characters have certain stats or are in a certain location together (or not together) with others. As tragedies happen, players loop back in time, restarting the scenario from the beginning and trying to deduce who the culprit was and why the tragedy occurred.


Apparently this came out 6 years ago. Or will come out 6 years ago. I can't be sure.

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Oh, and the other thing that whole discussion reminded me of was a weapon in an old Amiga game (Starglider 2) called the Time Warp Cube. From the manual (esp the second paragraph):



Port number two is reserved for time-warp energy cubes. These amazing devices are small computers housed in a compact cube. Put as simply as is possible, the computer controls an electromagnetic chamber which has the ability to store a slice of  projected time. When the seal to the chamber is opened, or destroyed, anything within close proximity to the cube is trapped in time, and then projected backwards an arbitrary amount, say one second - which has the effect of making moving objects collide with their time-warped clones.

This remarkable device was developed by Professor Halsen Taymar as a practical project for his PhD, and its use was subsequently banned by all members of the Free Worlds Federation after Taymar demonstrated its power by trapping the entire cast of his least favourite soap opera in a one week infinite time-warp cycle. This feat had a number of knock-on effects - Professor Taymar was given a job at the head of an advanced weapons research team on the moon of Broadway, and the plot of the soap  opera was altered by the time-warp cubes to such an extent that the lead character found out that she was actually her own grandmother. The audience ratings soared sky-high, and nobody noticed that every new episode was the same as the previous one.

Some may argue that this was the case beforehand, anyway.


Sadly, they never reveal the name of that soap opera.

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