
WJ4 "Why I Jam" Audio Compilation

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Hey, Wizard Jam community!


I'd like to put together an audio advertisement for Wizard Jam 4 to highlight the different voices and personalities of our community. 


Here's how to participate

1. Record yourself with loose adherence to the following script (the shorter/tighter, the better and more useable)

2. Upload your mp3 file in this thread

3. Check back in for the compilation



I'm [name/handle] (optional)

I've made [past wizard jam games] (optional)

and I jam because [reason] (required)



We're hoping to edit this in a couple ways - long versions, short versions, and if we get it really well produced we might even try to convince the Idle Thumbs to tack it onto the end of a podcast episode!


Below I've included a longer intro that we might put at the beginning of the pitch, and it includes my own "Why I Jam" response.


Have fun, and I look forward to hearing your voices :)


- Jon




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As far as the "Why I Jam" question goes, think of your past game(s) - what was in them?


Explosions? Pizza? Rat Kings? Dots? Thumbs? Guns? 

Did you do the art? the sound? the design? the code? 

Did you finish your project? collaborate? learn a new skill? meet a new friend?


We all get something out of this process, and whether common or unique I think they're all worth hearing :)

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We could also use some background music for the ad - I'm thinking something fun, but probably without vocals, and it has to be something freely available.

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Here's mine. It's a bit bass-heavy, but that's sort of just how my voice is! I tried EQing it, but I figured I'd just leave it flat so you could make any changes as you saw necessary.

WJ4 - WhyIJam - Synnah.wav

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26 minutes ago, phill said:

This section is going to need an explicit content warning because you all have sexy as heck voices, btw.


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1 hour ago, Spenny said:

Well, here's a thing. I talk kind of slow and spacey so hopefully it's pretty easy to cut out what you need.



Inspiring story :) We'll grab bits for the ad, but we'll include the full thing in the unabridged version!

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10 hours ago, Spenny said:

Well, here's a thing. I talk kind of slow and spacey so hopefully it's pretty easy to cut out what you need.



This is damn cool. I love seeing jam games grow up to be fully fledged awesome things!


Edit: Also, so many robots :D

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2 hours ago, gerbilsinspace said:

Damn it Travis, only one robot allowed.


Sounds like a robot duel is in order.

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Hey! Hopefully this is also helpful for the edit! I joined the forum after being a listener for a long time just to join the Jam! The last one seemed SO MUCH FUN! 


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