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You can make the cat meow whenever you want, and I unlocked a farting cat that you could make fart on command.  Based on that, I'm assuming there is a reasonable chance that a puking cat variation does exist. 


Oh, you can also just pick shit up in your mouth and carry it around the house and drop it wherever.  There does not seem to be any point to this, besides that it's awesome. 


And you can open doors and cupboards, but you have to just sit there and keep banging on them with your paw from different angles until you finally get them to pop open.  Which is perfect. 


I don't want to oversell it, it's a super simple game.  But cute.  Unless there is some sort of secret, dark side to it like Hatoful Boyfriend or something (WHICH WOULD BE AMAZING, but I don't think that's the case). 

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This seems like the most appropriate thread for this.   Catlateral Damage came out this week!  It's a game whose entire point is to wander around your human's dwelling and knock their shit over. 


I backed it when it Kickstarted.  It's a neat toy, I spent about an hour playing with it last night.  I'd be hard pressed to recommend it at $10 unless you are super enamored with the idea, there's not much to it beyond knocking things over.  But it sure as hell is cute, and you can play as backers' cats and find pictures of backers' cats in the various houses/apartments. 


In theory my cat is in this game, I backed it at whatever the level was that let me submit a picture. 

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Today our apartment complex is installing carbon monoxide detectors and doing inspections, and because I'm at work, and my boyfriend has class, we have to lock our monster in the bathroom so he doesn't get out and he's going to be so angry at us tonight.

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oh poor little guy.  Does he normally do well with people in the house?  Obviously for his safety the bathroom is the best bet, but some cats dont give any cares to strangers walking in.  


When we were looking for places we did a walk through with our real estate agent and there was a cat on his cat-tree chilling, not even a hiss at three strangers walking through



Whenever we have work done at the house all 3 get locked in our bedroom.  If it is an all day affair they get their water, food, and litter box.  We always feel so bad and end up going to visit and making our work take even longer


my eldest is 50/50 on people, the youngest wants to observe and meet, and the third will hide behind the toilet until everyone is gone - will only come out for my brothers after a few hours and gets hungry

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He's not crazy about strangers. He doesn't like children (I think because they're loud) and is fairly indifferent to adults. We mostly have to lock him in the bathroom because I don't trust the maintenance crew to not let him out the door and he is a strictly indoor cat. The complex also specifically asked everyone to either kennel their pets or put them in the bathroom while the maintenance crews are in the apartments. It's just that since my boyfriend has a few hour stretches that he has class he has to shut him in the bathroom just in case the crew comes while he's gone.


If they're going to be any hammering or anything loud that freaks him out pretty bad. When he lived with my parents my brother would bring his kids and dog over (a large german shepard.) Jellybean would hiss at the children and hide from the dog.


Jellybean update: my boyfriend went home from school for lunch (he has a break between his morning and afternoon classes) & to let him out of the bathroom. He ran Jellybean through the apartment with the laser pointer. We moved his food & water from the kitchen to the bathroom so he has everything he needs in there, and when, after playing, he went into the bathroom to eat & my bf shut him back inside. I guess he's never felt such betrayal and has just been scratched at the door and yelling. Since he weighs over 20 pounds he shakes the door pretty hard and makes a LOT of noise, so I hope the maintenance crew actually makes it to our apartment and gets this done today so he doesn't have to get shut in the bathroom again tomorrow. It's not very fair to him. Our apartment complex does this thing where they put a notice on our door that they're coming by and then don't actually make it that day, so they put up another notice for the next day, and this happens like 3-4 days in a row.

Edited by jennegatron

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Did you feed him after midnight?  He could be turning into a gremlin. 

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They installed the smoke detector successfully & our bathroom wasn't totally destroyed at the end of the day & wanted to cuddle last night, which he's not usually that into. Poor fella. 

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I live with 2 cats.


That look in Daffodil's eye is probably fear.




Dudley probably looks like a cat you could pet.




You'd be wrong if you thought that.




At least they have each other, united in hate.



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Tig decided to skip the drawer phase of covering all our clothes in his hair. 



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The lady bought a new cat comb.  Our old one did a good job on Tig, but didn't pull very much out of Girlfriend or Mangus.  I think the new comb works.  If you don't already have a cat comb you like, I don't think we can recommend this one enough. 



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When I try and brush Jellybean, he refuses to stand still, so he just paces back and forth in front of me, rubbing his body on my legs and momentarily pausing to rub his face against the brush. I usually end up emptying the brush of hair about 4-5 times and have another brush-worth stuck to the shins of my pants.


This is something I will definitely look into

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Girlfriend and Tig both love being brushed, and react in a similar way as Jellybean.  Mangus hates being brushed and tries to run away when he sees it. 


I didn't mention, that big pile of hair is all from Girlfriend and only from a few minutes of brushing.  Our old brush would have only got a fraction of that out in the same amount of time.  She's the longest haired of the three cats, and gets increasingly grumpy as it gets warmer, I think because she just doesn't shed her winter coat fast enough. 

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The lady bought a new cat comb.  Our old one did a good job on Tig, but didn't pull very much out of Girlfriend or Mangus.  I think the new comb works.  If you don't already have a cat comb you like, I don't think we can recommend this one enough.


The Furminator! Yeah, my friend's got one of these, and his bossy bitch cat who usually can't stand to be touched or held loves to be groomed by it. It's got magic in it or something.

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Brushing and washing can both help.  We usually bathe our cats twice a year and try to brush them regularly during the spring and summer. 

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Tig does the same thing.  We finally just gave him his own cup on the table, which mostly keeps him out of ours (mostly). 

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We got this new rubber fish-shaped cat comb in one of our Meowboxes for Varin and he just LOVES it, it has two sides with different length nubbins for brushing and he just goes wild. And it pulls out a lot of hair as well. Despite being a shorthair, he has very dense fur and is shedding out his winter coat.

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