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"Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

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If Colbert *had* actually asked that question it would have been excellent satire of how ridiculous gg beliefs are, except that people actually do think this way. Poe's Law strikes again.

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Well, if you believe that Leigh Alexander et al are literally attempting to kill gamers using a magic spell, it's fair to point out, I guess, that nobody has yet actually attempted physically to kill game journalists using the only tools they, without access to magic, possess.

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So among getting some ad campaigns pulled, gamergate has achieved that their biggest enemy is getting more and more recognition.

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All those gaming journalists killed by gamers


I am having difficulty interpreting that in a way other than the man being unhinged


As someone who has basically made it his mission in life to debunk and discredit Anita, I'd say that's a pretty fair assessment. I've not watched a lot of Colbert, so I don't know much about his politics, but I'm going to guess that he's pretty left wing, so the kinds of things that Thunderf00t was expecting him to 'take Anita to task' on seem entirely out of character.


EDIT: That kind of reads like I've made it my mission in life to discredit Anita. I meant Thunderf00t.

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I recently watched the video of Mr Venaman talking to Peter Molineux and stumbled opon the moment of Peter praising Sean for his work on TWD. It was such a powerful moment of validation that I actually teared up and have the urge to hug the shit out of Sean every time I see him in videos of hear him on the podcast.

This may seem like I want that validation for myself and am envious but actually it's about ethics in video game journalism.

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No journalists involved? Check.
No advertising money involved? Check.
Participants with a known feminist agenda? Check.

This checks out guys. It's totally about ethics in game journalism.

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i appreciate they made it all white guys except the woman they made up to hang out with them. Their first intellectually honest move?

HEY! There's a purple skull faced guy, that's diversity! Also, there's two women, the character on the Pegasus is a woman.

Actually, are most or all of those based on actual people? Boogie is in the bottom left, Milo is the statue looking character with the laurel wreath?

Edited: Oh yeah, and that's IA there in the middle with the wig, duh. They guy who owns 8chan is holding the 8chan banner. Don't recognize the rest.

Edited edit: Pretty sure that's supposed to be Sommers on the flying horse.

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HEY! There's a purple skull faced guy, that's diversity! Also, there's two women, the character on the Pegasus is a woman.

Actually, are most or all of those based on actual people? Boogie is in the bottom left, Milo is the statue looking character with the laurel wreath?

Edited: Oh yeah, and that's IA there in the middle with the wig, duh. They guy who owns 8chan is holding the 8chan banner. Don't recognize the rest.

Edited edit: Pretty sure that's supposed to be Sommers on the flying horse.


Yeah, and TotalBiscuit in the back, "InternetAristocrat" with the wig, and the skull is also one of the youtubers, I think. No idea about the rest.



It's interesting that they depict their "enemy" as a many-headed monster that needs to be defeated, not equivalent evil warriors or people they simply disagree with. I would actually love to see Leigh and Anita in bad-ass demon armor in this style.

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I'm pretty sure one of the women is Vivian James, the fake anime lady they invented to agree with them.

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OK, obviously a lot of bad things have come out of GamerGate. But the fanart is tremendous.


I think it's telling that they are fighting a completely fictional animal.


Also... half of them are dressed as white knights.


So we continue GG's complete ignorance of irony.

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Yep, and there's a couple of youtubers in there I'm not familiar with (Sargon and MundaneMatt). This YouTube comment (about that picture) kills me though:


"Hey Colbert, they're lying to you about #notyourshield, ask this white guy for the truth!"

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Telling Colbert to talk to Adam Baldwin is probably a big mistake, because the odds of them knowing each other personally / working together is WAY higher than Baldwin actually knowing any of the GamerGate chumps. Which is to say, his frankness will either put Colbert off, or Baldwin will rein in the crazy and not represent GamerGate how its members want it represented.


Also that "thunderfoot" guy is crazy. How is Anita Sarkeesian getting MORE and BIGGER air time / recognition a "nail in her coffin"? Unless that was some sort of threat he was making to her.

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OK, obviously a lot of bad things have come out of GamerGate. But the fanart is tremendous.




The Shittiest Wizard! Just look at that bullshit hat he's wearing. And his blatant disregard for human anatomy! Dude just does whatever the fuck he wants with his stupid limbs.


I'm pretty sure the Angel up at the top of the image, next to Sommers on her stupid Griffin, is Thunderf00t. Which is ironic, because isn't he a prominent atheist?

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I would actually love to see Leigh and Anita in bad-ass demon armor in this style.


Blambo, we need you!


Watched the segment of the Colbert Report over my lunch break, that went really well!  Actually better than I expected even. 


I'm starting to wonder if that picture isn't actually mocking gg.  Is this an army of angry, pasty faced, identically anonymous soldiers backing up the "heroes"? And the hydrapus appears to be chained with razor wire, meaning that feminism is a dangerous beast you must keep cruelly chained up lest it escape? Picture is fucking weird the more I look at it.


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Blambo, we need you!


Watched the segment of the Colbert Report over my lunch break, that went really well!  Actually better than I expected even. 


I'm starting to wonder if that picture isn't actually mocking gg.  Is this an army of angry, pasty faced, identically anonymous soldiers backing up the "heroes"? And the hydrapus appears to be chained with razor wire, meaning that feminism is a dangerous beast you must keep cruelly chained up lest it escape? Picture is fucking weird the more I look at it.



If you look at the back of the canvas of the original painting with a blacklight, you'll see the plans for a feminist illuminati conspiracy to make GG heroes look ironically bad.

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I don't really know why but this message in particular really got to me more than anything else said directly to me...


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Without knowing anything about the exchange, I feel totally comfortable saying that that was almost certainly something someone else said to them and that absorbing and reusing the language used to shut them down in the past is totally within their MO. 

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've seen 'either you're ignorant or lying' used against Gaters. It's just one of those things that gets thrown around, I think, like 'nice ad hominem!'.

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I think I also just have an exceptionally strong negative reaction to being accused of lying. Probably some minor childhood trauma or something. I get unnaturally angry when it happens. :(

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Arthur Chu gives a heartbreaking take on GamerGate:


But today Felicia Day crosses the street if she sees two guys in “Call of Duty” shirts. Today Felicia Day knows there are “fans” of hers diligently working to track her down, violate her privacy, collect her address. Today if Felicia Day saw a weird, depressed, standoffish Arthur Chu at a reception … she’d probably just walk briskly past me on the way to her car.

And that 23-year-old version of me, today, would storm out and head home, hating himself the whole way back. And today if he logged online he’d have a roar of voices from his fellow gamers feeding that resentment — telling him to blame his problems on “elitist,” “popular” voices in the hobby, on out-of-touch women who don’t understand him, like Felicia Day and Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn.

They’d tell him to vent his feelings about the “corrupt elites” ruining everything, that his energy could be usefully applied in barraging advertisers with emails and flooding celebrities’ Twitter accounts with probing questions. He’d get recruited into a pseudo-military outfit complete with “operations” and “targets.”

And the world would become just a little bit worse.



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