
Dota Today 2: The Lord's Pitch

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I queued solo a month or so back and randomly ended up in a game with Vanaman, Breckon and Finol.  Someone didn't load so we ended up just partying up, but it was really unexpected.

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In Lol once, I had turn down a friend's invite because I was in a full group, we got matched against said friend. I had to lane against him, just in case there weren't hurt feelings yet.

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Complete aside, weird that when I queued with a couple random idlethumbs channel people, we randomly got matched with you.

Hah yeah. And we won! I would've partied up at that point but it was time for a break. U:

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Oh, sorry, yeah, I meant once you've read enough skills/items that you feel somewhat comfortable with that. But once you feel ready to actually try playing the game, don't bother with the bots because it is much more worthwhile to give the automatcher enough data to put you with people at your own level. It's also much more educational because you will see people do all kinds of weird shit that bots would never do.


playing vs. bots is fine !! Just play a solo game with bots and take middle lane (the bot there will leave). You can learn about the very core tenants of the game and try out some heroes without the typical 'sit in fountain reading item descriptions while 3 russians swear at you' intro a lot of people have. 


Once you have a decent idea how things work, then you can queue into matchmaking and start grindin that dota knowledge.

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I've started playing my first Lords Management game... and it's Awesome. Nauts.

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Just listened to the podcast and found the question of how to start off in DOTA pretty interesting. When I started off in LoL I started alongside my brother which was good as we were able to learn together.  We also had a friend that we played basketball with once a week who had played for a while.  Every week we'd ask him questions like "what is jungling, why shouldn't I build this item, etc." which helped a lot.  Also watching the pros after gathering the basics can definitely help.

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thankfully! I either lose horribly or dominate as ck, never an inbetween.

I win most of my Kunkka games! :D


Kunkka is the best.

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I win most of my Kunkka games! :D


Kunkka is the best.


The worst thing with Kunkka is when people don't understand how his x marks the spot works, and i unintentionally helped someone juke past us because my team is still chasing him before he returns.

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Haha yeah that happens a lot. I'm pretty good at hitting the X-Torrent combos, though, so it's not a big deal.


Kunkka's so fun, though. Especially solo hard lane, because they expect to destroy you (and probably should!), but instead just get cleaved to death. Mmmm.

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Are you one of those Kunkka's who stops at level 2 on X, or do you go all the way?


When I first got Dota 2 I think Kunkka was my most played hero, but I haven't played him in probably a year now, I miss him.

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I go all the way, but I don't really put any points in it until I've maxed everything else, unless I feel like it on a whim.

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I've started playing my first Lords Management game... and it's Awesome. Nauts.

oh hey me too. the amount of shit going on at any time is absurd. how does this ever become manageable ?  

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I actually find Awesomenauts relatively easy to read, because there isn't an insane amount of lords/abilities. Fairly quick to learn what the variables are.

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oh whoops i missed the "nauts" bit at the end. I haven't played that one!


I tried out LoL and i just saw how many things are at play (the position of your hero, the items that you buy, how to react to what the other enemy heroes are, how to work with your team, when to use abilities, plus a million more) that all mean the difference between winning and losing. Then on top of that there are layers of strategy and team tactics. Then there's probably a ton of things that are important and i'm not even aware of them. 


it's daunting. 

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Just curious because I don't remember hearing/reading it, but any concrete idea of how often you guys are going to do the cast? 

Because we are bonkers we're doing it weekly right now. CAN YOU EVEN STAND IT?

Ep 3 was recorded last week as I'm in LA -- we have Telltale writer Pierre Shorette on. We recorded it remotely so the sound quality isn't up to Thumbs quality but hopefully you guys enjoy it.

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Awesome, I can definitely stand it and look forward to hearing it. Great cast so far, I just got into Dota myself so im slowly grasping what you all are talking about.

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I'm happy Brad stood up for conceed voting because life's too short to go through the motions on a definitively over game. If 5 players are ready to throw the towel in, they should be allowed to do so.


I also liked the bad-habits leoric discussion. That's a great hero to start with :)

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Yeah but no one believes that when I tell them. ):

At any rate, an official built in vote mechanic that requires unanimous desire to surrender is better than "everyone leave at once".

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I wouldn't trust my team enough to be the first one to disconnect unless I was in a 5 stack.  The odds that someone is going to stay just to make someone get an abandon are pretty high, especially if you're getting beaten hard enough for everyone to agree to gg.

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At my level the odds of finding four other people who speak english seem to not be very good. It makes it really difficult to figure out what anyone is doing or communicate at all much less convince them to all leave.

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I've only just started playing Dota 2, but from what I've played of LoL the surrender option definitely felt like it had its place. You did occasionally get the people who whinge on chat calling for surrender votes too early, but the combination of a delay before surrender votes could be started (10m I think?) and delays after failed votes meant that it was only marginally more annoying than them just spamming the chat. The other issue mentioned seems a bit trickier - surrendering when you might have been able to turn it around and win - but in practice if you're in with a shot (and human beings on average seem pretty optimistic about thinking that), you won't support a vote for a surrender.

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It's 20m which is for anyone with experience in the vast majority of cases enough time to tell whether you have a chance.

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