
Neptune's Bountiful Pride: The Sequel

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I am not good at this game. But enjoying it, nonetheless. The naming convention is a big deal. 

I also want to learn to be not terrible. Not sure where/when to research. Perhaps I should focus on a small core of planets and ignore expense next time as frontiers will shift.

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Does anyone know how this handles research and trading? 


For example: I'm researching weapons 1. I trade for Weapons 1 and acquire it. What happens to my research? 


NP1 would nullify that research. I haven't tested it, but I think your research points stack against the next level of research, I could be wrong.

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More questions: Is there a way to search for cheapest economy/industry/science upgrade like there was in NP1? Or is it all about quick upgrade?

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Murdoc, research points are nullified when trading, i remember reading somewhere.

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So if you have like 70/144 for a T1 tech and get traded the T2 you don't start with 70/288, correct?


Yes, that's accurate. So if you're trading for techs and don't need one urgently, try to choose the one where you have the least progress.

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I woke up this morning and what my scanners show is not looking good...

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I woke up this morning and what my scanners show is not looking good...

I have to imagine this is what it's like to be an actual world leader. 

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Fervently hoping for a future where presidential hopefuls campaign on how good they were at playing games like Neptune's Pride.

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Game 3 is less than 48 hours in and I think I've already made a huge mistake.

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I woke up this morning and what my scanners show is not looking good...


I sincerely hope you are not who I think you are. 

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Quick question for those who played the original NP.

Am I remembering correctly that you used to be able to get both ship speed & ship distance modifiers?


I seem to remember end games where the journey's went from taking 4-5 hours to 40-50 minutes. It was absolutely horrific to be part of, but damn if it didn't solve late game stagnation.

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Yes, the original had speed research. Instead, NP2 has the ability to build warp gates at stars, and you can travel between gates three times as fast. HOWEVER, they're expensive and persist through ownership changes, like industry and science (but unlike econ).

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I'm about to open Neptune's Pride while I have my breakfast and I feel terrible. Like waking to find a mail from an ex in the post, that unrealistic desire for forgiveness of past sin's by both sides, accompanied by the more realistic realisation it will probably just end in both of us hurting each other even more.


That said, I'm still going to open the damn thing.


Fuck this game

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I sincerely hope you are not who I think you are. 


Murdoc's alias is the easiest to figure out, so he's probably who you think he is.

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This lunch break needs more leaderboards


So here is Game 3's day 3.



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Pieter Weinhandler's blog was hacked by one of the players in Game 1.


Also, I'm thoroughly depressed about Game 1. It feels like I'm getting nowhere and am tired of keeping up this charade we call peace between me and my neighbors, delaying the inevitable invasion from the vastly superior force next to me. Yet I always log in every day, sometimes multiple times a day, to plan my useless moves..

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