Jake Posted May 21, 2012 So the new forums exist now. Exciting! Have a look around, make yourself at home, post crap. It's less busted and horrible now! (It even has a mobile theme for telephones!) The first thing you probably noticed (other than the whole forum looking different and being different) is that we've moved some of the forums around. Nothing was erased or anything though, don't worry! Gaming and Idle Banter are still in the same place, but specific episode discussions have been moved down to a unified "Shows" category. We've also started planting the seeds for the Book Podcast, so feel free to talk about some books! The Three Moves Ahead Gaming Discussion forum has been renamed Strategy Game Discussion and is a sub-forum of the main Gaming forum. While there are a bunch of new features (including, you know, the forums actually working right) we suspect there is some broken stuff around, too. If you see anything, heinous or minor, drop a note in here and we'll do our best to fix it. Known casualties: Any old video links got eaten. That said the new forum is way better at recognizing that stuff, so for instance, to embed a YouTube video, all you need to do is paste the URL into your post, and it'll drop in a YouTube player. Pretty sweet. Still to be completed: The forum theme is definitely in transition. We brought over enough so that it didn't feel totally alien, but there are plenty of tweaks to be made. Idle Banter hasn't got its custom post-apocalyptic theme right now. It's coming very soon. Unknowns: Lots. Let us know what's up! Thanks, guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steve Posted May 21, 2012 Pretty sweet forum. Your sweet mario avatar is stretched next to the forum topic text. So that's the only problem I'm pretty sure. EDIT: also my sweet viral marketer avatar has disappeared. What the heck. Guess I'll replace it with an avatar that isn't 6 years old. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Posted May 21, 2012 Your avatar's not showing up at all, a legitimate problem. I need to see that "virus" ("adult content") or I can't sleep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subbes Posted May 21, 2012 Here's a prob: that smiley of yours is just a broken image to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Posted May 21, 2012 Here's a prob: that smiley of yours is just a broken image to me. May be a server-side caching thing from moving the forums into their new location. Hang tight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steve Posted May 21, 2012 Your avatar's not showing up at all, a legitimate problem. I need to see that "virus" ("adult content") or I can't sleep. Now you just have to look at my actual face. Owned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steve Posted May 21, 2012 Noticed a bug: your sig says "Marketing Goon - Telltale Games." Pretty sure the text of "Video Game Director" got garbled there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subbes Posted May 21, 2012 I can't post my mlkshk images in threads because they don't have an extension. I wanted to post this: https://mlkshk.com/r/FX7N (In Whick Nick Breckon and Facebook Find Us), but it won't allow me to pop it inside IMG tags because of the lack of an extension on that url. Please fix, or I will never be able to participate in the "amusing pictures" thread ever again (Oh: actually you can fake them out by adding the extension but there's no way I'll be able to remember to do that or figure out what the extension should be on a reliable basis.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lu Posted May 21, 2012 My first impressions are that I love it! It's clean, it's functional and it looks spiffy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gregbrown Posted May 21, 2012 Looks great! Also forced me to get off my butt and upload an actual avatar, which was a bit difficult since it kept erroring out with a too-big file but wouldn't tell me how big was too big. EDIT: Whoa, there are statuses? ex: http://www.idlethumbs.net/forums/statuses/id/1682/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Posted May 21, 2012 I can't post my mlkshk images in threads because they don't have an extension. I wanted to post this: https://mlkshk.com/r/FX7N (In Whick Nick Breckon and Facebook Find Us), but it won't allow me to pop it inside IMG tags because of the lack of an extension on that url. Please fix, or I will never be able to participate in the "amusing pictures" thread ever again (Oh: actually you can fake them out by adding the extension but there's no way I'll be able to remember to do that or figure out what the extension should be on a reliable basis.) This seems super special case but we will look into it. It will probably require getting a little more familiar with the forum than we are right now on day one! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shammack Posted May 21, 2012 Any old video links got eaten. I hope you had caught up with all the videos in the "Threat of Big Dog" thread before that happened. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Posted May 21, 2012 I hope you had caught up with all the videos in the "Threat of Big Dog" thread before that happened. You don't know how sad this post makes me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subbes Posted May 21, 2012 This seems super special case but we will look into it. It will probably require getting a little more familiar with the forum than we are right now on day one! Do these help? http://invisionmodding.com/topic/43436-resolved-you-are-not-allowed-to-use-that-image-extension-on-this-board/ http://invisionmodding.com/topic/49507-you-are-not-allowed-to-use-that-image-extension-on-this-board/ Honestly, not being able to use images from my MLKSHK here will probably cut off about 50% of the fun of this forum for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Henroid Posted May 21, 2012 Can I say my thanks for not using the Vanilla forum software? I was totally worried about that when I saw the forum upgrade message earlier today. That said, so far it looks like things are pretty square! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Posted May 21, 2012 Do these help? http://invisionmoddi...-on-this-board/ http://invisionmoddi...-on-this-board/ Honestly, not being able to use images from my MLKSHK here will probably cut off about 50% of the fun of this forum for me. That is probably helpful. I wasn't lying when I said we'll look! It's just not instant. Can I say my thanks for not using the Vanilla forum software? I was totally worried about that when I saw the forum upgrade message earlier today. Yes you can say that! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subbes Posted May 21, 2012 Oh hahaha. Every single image I have ever posted from MLKSHK has now been turned into an URL rather than displaying as an image. :/ ETA ditto on the thanks for not using Vanilla. My chum had to handhold a ...cultish... Mac blog through a change to using Vanilla fora and based on what I recall of his anguished e-mails, it's not fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Posted May 21, 2012 Oh hahaha. Every single image I have ever posted from MLKSHK has now been turned into an URL rather than displaying as an image. :/ I think that's just because the tag can't parse them. If we can get it to recognize, they should retroactively appear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Henroid Posted May 21, 2012 Yeah, the Penny Arcade forum changed to Vanilla a year (and a half?) ago and it really made things a massive pain in the ass. Especially since it provides no formatting tools for posting. Also I got weirded out for a second when looking at the bottom of a thread just now and saw my forum name, comma, then some dude's name. It took me a second to realize it was a list of people currently viewing the thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tabacco Posted May 21, 2012 Believe me, I'm aware than Vanilla is terrible, having some personal experience with it at work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squid Division Posted May 21, 2012 I was going to complain about the fact that I'm blind and couldn't fine the 'New Posts' button; but the View New Content page is fantastic. Also, the reply feature is pretty good now too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Posted May 21, 2012 I was going to complain about the fact that I'm blind and couldn't fine the 'New Posts' button; but the View New Content page is fantastic. Also, the reply feature is pretty good now too. The little button next to the New Content button -- the quick nav link -- is also great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tabacco Posted May 21, 2012 Possibly of use to some, because I'm blind and didn't notice it 'til Jake pointed it out to me: Additional bonus Protip: You can double-click the Read/Unread markers on the front page to mark whole forums as read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites