
Nintendo 3DS

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Wait it's Europe and South Africa only?! I already bought it! OOPS.


Where does it say that, though, I can't find it.


EDIT: Okay jenna clears it up. Probably delivers page based on IP. Phew!

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Yeah I just redeemed a code. Yay!


By the way if you have a My Nintendo account, you can redeem codes here: https://ec.nintendo.com/redeem#/


Way faster than typing it in via eShop. :D


EDIT: Doesn't work for redeeming the 3DS theme, though. Just the games. So... everything but the one code. Awkward, but hey better than nothing.

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Sorry everyone I never noticed that. Rare that we're the region getting the sweet deals though (further apologies to the Aussies).

Anybody played the games concerned?


Yep, played most of them actually.


The best on there is Affordable Space Adventures. That game is the best coop experience.


Freedom planet is like if sonic was good, shantae is excellent, if not a bit clunky in my eyes, Retro city rampage is a GTA devolution that's a lot of fun. SSFIV 3D has a fun use of 3D for the fighting game, but is awkward to control. There are specials on the touch screen which i like though, and it's always impressive to see how they got such a good looking game on the system. Darksiders 2 was a let down in my eyes, Rythm thief and CoE are the only 2 i haven't played.

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Yeah it's an amazing bundle. So happy that Europe also got it this time.

The claiming of the codes was super easy. There was a direct link in your own humble bundle codepage. Just two clicks per game and game was claimed and the automatic downloading started to the consoles.

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I don't have internet access (at least access that a 3ds can use) right now, so they're just sitting around waiting to be redeemed. 

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Only problem is, my 32gb microsd card is full now after the humble bundle downloads. Have to get a 64gb card then I suppose...

I had something like 40000 blocks free before downloading, but it's all gone now.

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Does anybody know which SD cards (Europe?) work for the 3DS? This recent bundle barely fits in my SD card. Would getting one from a dollar store be a REALLY bad idea?

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Hmm, I got a New 3DS, transferred my stuff over, and when I went to run Animal Crossing, it said there wasn't enough room to get the save file... And then when I started the game there was no data. Is that file gone forever?

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Used this bundle to finally get Shantae 3ds.


Me too!  I gave a criminally low amount solely for that and Retro City Rampage.  I've only played some of the latter game which is pretty clever!

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on holidays in europe and why does this stoopid charger not handle 240 volts ugh. I basically only use the 3ds when I am traveling.

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Does anybody know which SD cards (Europe?) work for the 3DS? This recent bundle barely fits in my SD card. Would getting one from a dollar store be a REALLY bad idea?


32 GB is the limit I believe. They do have the info on the ninty website so google it.


Me too!  I gave a criminally low amount solely for that and Retro City Rampage.  I've only played some of the latter game which is pretty clever!


Yes!  I only gave the bare minimum of $1 and made sure not a cent of it went to 'charity'.



Shantae is fantastic.


I played for a few minutes and can tell it is Wayforward at their best, just have to get some work done this week so I can actually play a bit of it. Also Griddlelol I am playing through Tactics Ogre now, which I remember you couldn't get into. My sentiments were the same as yours, I just could not get into it and finally tried again (third attempt!) and I am sixteen hours in and hooked. 


on holidays in europe and why does this stoopid charger not handle 240 volts ugh. I basically only use the 3ds when I am traveling.

Just get one at Müller for 10 EUR, that's what I did...also I got the Hanafuda plates on:



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32 GB is the limit I believe. They do have the info on the ninty website so google it.


32GB is the official max limit, but bigger cards have been reported to work. I need to get a 64GB one since I'm totally full.



Holy crap guys, they added Nano Assault EX to the Humble Bundle. That's been on my wishlist for ages and haven't just managed to buy it yet!

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I got a 64 gig to work in my N3DSXLLMME. I think you just have to reformat the sd card to FAT32. It's been a while since I did it though.

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My SE of Fire Emblem Fates came today!!!!!


I know most of you Americans couldn't give a shit, because it's months late over here, but holy crap, I'm excited. 

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I too am a poor inhabitant of the PAL region who has only just picked up Fire Emblem Fates. I did think about starting a thread for it; to be honest I was surprised to see there isn't one already...


Anyway, because the special combined edition was sold out, and because I knew I wanted to play both campaigns, I did what seemed to me like the only sensible thing: I bought the Moody Goth Teens physical edition (Conquest) and then immediately downloaded the Friendly Redheaded Ninjas edition (Birthright) as DLC. And of course I'm playing the latter version first, like an idiot. Still, on Hard Classic mode it hardly seems like the 'easy' option...


It's entirely tremendous, anyway. The whole presentation is so lush; it feels like such a *quality* experience on 3DS, which is a rare thing to say about any kind of console game these days. But such are the joys of console optimisation; and, presumably, one hell of a cash injection from the big N after the success of Awakening.

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I'm really having fun with it, I'm playing the moody goth teens edition first, but I have exactly the same complaint as I did with Awakening.


Normal is too easy. Hard is too hard. I had to restart the same level 12 times yesterday, after restarting the previous one 4 times. They were really early levels also! I got fed up with it and set it to normal and steamrolled through 2 more before I went to sleep.


Maybe Hard-Casual is a better difficulty level. That way each map is challenging, but I'm not having to reset constantly.

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Nintendo just released Rhythm Heaven: Megamix TODAY, SECRETLY

If you've never played a Rhythm Heaven game, do yourself a favor and pick this up. This is probably my favorite weird video game series, ever, and this is a Greatest Hits Collection, with some new content. Also, it's portable. The games are a bit tough, but everything is so fun that you just try and try again. 


I am so excited.





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HOORAY! I add my love for this wacky series. Weird Nintendo is best Nintendo.

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