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The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

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kendrick said that its his favourite song off the album!

I wasn't really sure I'd end up liking this album as a first time K Lamar listener but out of everything I've heard of late this is the album I keep going back to.


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Yes!  It's a great album.  The live instrumentation throughout threw me a bit at first, but it didn't take long for that to wear off.  I keep on coming back to the combo of "u" and "Alright".  (record label is good at taking down youtubes of this stuff so apologies for no linking).


Late reply but yeah its probably the best album I've heard so far this year (not that I've looked too hard). I think part of what drew me in was the live instrumentation.

I think I was primed to accept it. Its a very New Zealand thing to have live instrumentation in hip hop/R&B/dub/soul/reggae and to blend most of those genres into a fusion. I'd say that most of our bands that do this might not have rap at the forefront. But even the most electronic heavy dub bands frequently have killer live versions ready to drop at their gigs. But I guess that's also because especially for the older bands coming from the 80's and 90's + earlier the musos got their start playing in pubs.

For example the band Kora started out as a church band that escalated into a covers band for pubs & learnt all the typical hits from Hendrix and others, went through a heavy reggae upbringing, discovered metal and then came out with a few solid fusion albums.


kendrick said that its his favourite song off the album!


Awesome! I think my enjoyment of separate tracks is starting to level out again. When I first heard it I really couldn't think of a favourite; I had to accept the album as a whole. But now I've heard it for a few dozen times I'm starting to single out songs like 'Alright' & just enjoy things like the callbacks to other songs. Alright in particular is fun with the recap of the Wesley's Theory verse where Uncle Sam ends up being an analogue for Lucifer.

I think one of the special things about this album for me is that it has me thinking in terms of economic disparity and racial separation. The former is something I still confront very often in my life But I don't think of the latter as much despite living in a highly multicultural society. I suppose that's because overwhelmingly most of the people I encounter are middle class and even though economically I'm probably at the lower end of the middle 'middle' I tend to associate with people who are firmly middle class & cultural differences are slightly more muted in the demographics I hang in. (I'm not terribly sure if this makes sense but again at least I'm starting to think about these things again.)

Cultural Identity is a really cool issue for me to think about because it's something I've been confronted with over the past few years. Even if its just a generational cultural clash it would be interesting. But I've recently learned that I'm something like 1/16th Maori although through genetic quirks it's not too obvious (fun fact there are basically no pureblood Maori remaining). I'm not even very educated on where my ancestors are from; Maori society is heavily divided into regional groups of hapu (subclans), tribes, and iwi (groups of tribes) and when people identify as Maori its pretty much a given that they know down to the Hapu where their people are from. But as someone raised largely through my mother's WASP background I've never really questioned or formed much of an identity beyond NZ European.


Edit: hah I've just realised that I just explained all that cultural breakdown to a fellow Kiwi.


OT: Currently listening to Kiwi reggae vibes.



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So there's this band, The Warning, consisting of 3 sisters. Like, pre-teen sisters (one of them is like 15 now I think). They do covers.


They're actually pretty good. I mean, two of them really. The youngest, the bassist, isn't really into it. But the drummer is great.


Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It"


Lady Gaga's "Born This Way"

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Tickets to Sufjan and St. Vincent this summer \o/

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Solo project of the guy from Islands. Really great electro-pop. As heard on The Best Show this Tuesday.

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Tickets to Sufjan and St. Vincent this summer \o/


I got some too for one of Mr. Stevens' performances in Germany! Convinced two friends to join me. I'm hyped, it's gonna be awesome! :tup:

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I'm late to this but I realized I need to listen to Chvrches A LOT. Wonderful stuff.


Me and my gf are big fans of their first (only, so far?) album. It's a big shame that we can't see them live in the UK this year, as they're just playing festivals and it's too expensive for us




We've all seen this by now, but it's great so let's see it again:


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i dunno if i like this song. good hook, pretty smooth beat, but them bars are...eh.


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If you love jazz of any kind, you need to listen to The Epic. Like, ASAP.


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My friend just showed me the jam/funk band Vulfpeck, and I've been listening to them non-stop.

These two tracks are so much fun to listen to and watch. It seems like they're having so much fun doing this.




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My friend just showed me the jam/funk band Vulfpeck, and I've been listening to them non-stop.

These two tracks are so much fun to listen to and watch. It seems like they're having so much fun doing this.





Ohh man Vulfpeck are great. Discovered them last year and now every few months I find myself listening to them non-stop for about a week.



Today I'm listening to the new Jaga Jazzist album while I work. I'm enjoying it a lot so far.


Edit: I guess the media tag doesn't like links with underscores in them?

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I can't get this song out of my head from Atilla Marcel. When the mother starts singing it's so great I wish it were like 3 minutes longer.

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hahaha yeah now i'm the same. Every song by disclosure blows my mind.

this ones amazing too

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