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Looks like the US PS+ additions for January have been announced. I don't know anything about the Vita titles but the rest seem like a really good set of games.


Don't Starve (PS4)

Bioshock Infinite (PS3)

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS3)

DmC: Devil May Cry (PS3)

Smart As (Vita)

Worms Battle Islands (Vita)

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Looks like the US PS+ additions for January have been announced. I don't know anything about the Vita titles but the rest seem like a really good set of games.


Don't Starve (PS4)

Bioshock Infinite (PS3)

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS3)

DmC: Devil May Cry (PS3)

Smart As (Vita)

Worms Battle Islands (Vita)


Well that's awesome that Brothers is coming to the PS3.  I won't bother buying it on Steam now.

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So last month the free 1-hour demo thing was for Bioshock Infinite. I downloaded it and decided I'd play it later. As of this month, Infinite is completely free as part of the Instant Game Collection. I decided to finally play it because I figure it needs an update or something to take the time restriction off, since my download was essentially identical to the full game otherwise. It updates to the latest version, but the little yellow bar showing that it's a timed demo is still there, so I decide to check the store and see if maybe re-downloading it will just download a patch or something. NOPE. It redownlods the entire fucking game, with that terrible PSN download throttling that makes it take something like two and a half hours. So I sit and wait for it and stay up until 12:40 and then...

"A later version is already installed. There is no need to install this version."

And then the install deleted itself.


I still have the timed demo.


Video games.

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also I'm pretty sure all I have to delete the demo and re-redownload it but that's pretty much the least intuitive possible course of action so I'm still calling this whole situation dumb

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Those hour long demos/trials aren't time specific, i think they're available to plus members all the time. (i've never actually download any of these trials so i don't really know how they work)


Delete it all off of your ps3 and select 'add to cart' on here, that should do it, although you will have to download it all again!/en-us/cid=UP1001-NPUB31128_00-BSIPSNEFIGSPSCEA?smcid=sen:bioshockinfinite:UP1001-NPUB31128_00-BSIPSNEFIGSPSCEA:game-subscription

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Actually, if you let the demo run for the hour it'll basically become a shareware free-trial-expired type thing and deactivate the "purchased" tag on PSN so you can then purchase it. I did this with Persona 4 Arena when it was on sale - I had downloaded the full game trial and it wouldn't let me purchase the game (neither on the PS3 or on the SEN Store website). I played through the demo for an hour, at which point it shut off and said that to play more I had to buy the game. Then I was able to buy the game as usual, and my full game trial file unlocked and just became the full game.


I have to assume that it works the same way for PS+ free games, as you're essentially "purchasing" them as well.

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Hmm, I didn't see Brothers on the PS+ deal list when I logged in last week, is there a specific date on that?

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I believe PSN Store updates happen on Tuesdays, so Brothers might hit this coming or the following Tuesday. It hasn't gone up quite yet, but I believe all the other promised games have already cycled in progressively so it's up next.

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I logged in on the website this morning to claim the free games so far this month.  It still shows Brothers as "coming soon" to PS+.  Didn't see a date though. 

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Bioshock just turned into the full version at some point without me noticing. Weird!

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EU games are revealed

29th January: Metro Last Light

29th January: BioShock Infinite

29th January: Dynasty Warriors Next

29th January: ModNation Racers: Road Trip

5th February: Outlast

Pretty Stella month, shame that I've already played practically everything on it but that's my fault

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Just got a Vita and singed up for PS+. Jesus! This is fantastic. Most of the games I wanted to play are already free and others heavily discounted. I wish I had done this sooner.

It's certainly turned me into the idea of ps4. Didn't care about it at all, but maybe after the first price drop I'll have to take another look if this is what I can expect.

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I think I completely missed the boat on outlast when people were talking about it, definitely gonna give it a go. 

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May PS plus games for EU

PS4: Stick it to the Man
PS3: Payday 2, Puppeteer
PS Vita: Muramasa Rebirth, Everybody’s Golf


Good month for Vita, well chuffed with that.


Every region is getting stick it to the Man for PS4 next months, i watched a few videos of it this morning to try and figure out what it is. It looks like a the cave meets psychonauts :tup: we'll see it it can hold my attention, i skipped through a 'first 30min' video and it was all cutscenes/dialogue :/

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I was very close to buying Murasma Rebirth! Excellent month for vita. PS+ has easily paid for itself and I've only had it for about 3 months.

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Nice, I was interested in Muramasa Rebirth too. I'd somehow never heard of Puppeteer, but it actually looks really nice.

I ended up buying a dozen-something games in the current Easter sale. To avoid overlap I double-checked that everything had already been free on PS+ prior to my subscription late last year, since they never do repeats. PS+ as a marketing tactic certainly worked on me, since I now regularly buy things in sales, will be buying a Vita, and would even consider a PS4, whereas a few years ago I'd only ever paid attention to the very top handful of PS3 exclusives.

I like being able to go back and fill in some of the gaps of this last generation, stuff I barely heard about at the time, in a way that's only possible with digital distribution and falling prices. I've even bought (heavily discounted) digital versions of a couple of games I already own on Blu-Ray, just to reduce the reliance on physical media. I'll be doing more overseas travel in the next few years, and I could easily see a super slim PS3 with just a 1TB drive loaded with games serving as a really convenient portable gaming box.

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No, i believe they were on playstation plus about a year ago... just before i signed up so i missed out on them. I don't think they recycle games on plus so there's no chance of them coming back on for free. They've been on sale quite a few times recently maybe grab um next time they are 50% off


looks like portable ops and MGS3 are individually half price at the moment i the MAy madness deal, just not the HD collection!/en-gb/games/metal-gear-solid-3-snake-eater-hd-edition-ps-vita/cid=EP0101-PCSB00176_00-MGSHDVITA0000000?gclid=CjkKEQjw75CcBRCz2LiEs5OPsZoBEiQADgUma2-PUzEErYIvpD17yg5m6jLAYp1_eDKZ1dTYeIxfRdzw_wcB

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Yeah I missed the golden week sale. Wasn't paying attention. I just don't want to drop the cash if the controls suck.

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We are going to start getting two PS4 games each month! i wasn't expecting that. 2 games for each platform (PS4,PS3,Vita) from now on




Trine 2
Pixeljunk Shooter

NBA 2K14
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time

Mutant Mudds Deluxe




4th June: Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate (Cross Buy)
4th June: Trine 2: The Complete Story
4th June: NBA 2K14
4th June: Lone Survivor (Cross Buy)
4th June: Dragon’s Crown
4th June: Surge Deluxe

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Ugh, another month were I either already own the game or don't care about it... 

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Sly Cooper and Terraria for me, decent month. I need to re-up soon and I think I won't regret it one bit.

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