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Hey guys! I was wondering If you guys have received your KS Rewards, I can't find mine!

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The FedEx guy just brought my KS rewards. Thumbs up from Helsinki! Loving the shirts and gotta go get frames for my Space Asshole and Shitty Wizard prints.

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Received everything at the beginning of the week. My postcard talked about mini-hamburgers. I like it.

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Got my swag! I just framed up my 2 posters, sorry for the bad quality photos, and my ugly mug in one of them. Very happy to finally have these on my walls.



I had to put some thought into the placement of the Shitty Wizard and I freaked out cutting the postcard but I'm happy with it overall. Again, sorry for the shitty (wizard) quality.

Edit: I am trying to think of how to display the newspaper, if you have any ideas I'd love to hear em'.

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Haven't got my postcard yet :unsure:

I never got mine either and I was most excited for that over the other rewards and whatever thumbsian things would be written on it.

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I think there's someone in the post office collecting all the postcards and planning to sell them later in ebay.

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I still haven't received anything, no postcard or shirt. Should I be getting in touch at this point, and if so, through email or the KS page?

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If the ONLY PHYSICAL GOOD you were expecting to receive was a postcard, they haven't gone out yet. We have only sent out postcards that are bundled with shirt and print backers. Postcards are going out very soon though.

If you were expecting to receive a shirt or poster print and you haven't received them yet, then something has gone wrong because those have gone out. Write to support@idlethumbs.net.

The vinyl LP still isn't done, but we shipped out all shirts and prints for LP customers separately, so again you should have received everything but the album. (Again, if you were expecting to receive a poster or a shirt and haven't, write to support@idlethumbs.net).


30 Flights of Loving has gone out. If you were expecting to receive that, you should have months ago.

Digital MP3 tracks have not gone out as the album is not done yet.

Wallpapers somehow still haven't gone out yet because I dropped the ball. They'll be headed your way very soon.

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Hey I got a postcard today! It was slightly damaged in post but it was a good day-improver. "It's those weird people, I think they want more money" I was told.

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Hey I got a postcard today! It was slightly damaged in post but it was a good day-improver. "It's those weird people, I think they want more money" I was told.

That is too funny!

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After slipping and falling on an icy walkway, finding the Idle Thumbs postcard in my mailbox brought a smile to my face. Now the puzzle is complete, thanks Thumbs.

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Got the postcard today. Truly heartwarming to get a card through the post that simply says [the message that I won't spoil].

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Hello! My postcard showed up in the UK a few days back and for some reason separating the words "Data" and "Base" is much funnier than it has any right to be.

I feel like I recognise the guy "presenting" the postcard. Any ideas who he is?

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