
Sir, You Are Being Hunted

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I fell in love with this a little when Jim tweeted the first screenshot this morning. British Indie Stalker with tea-drinking robots. Cannot wait :tup:

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You can play the pre-alpha now buy buying it on Steam (and possibly elsewhere?).


I played for an hour or so, and it's a lot tougher than I expected. So easy to get killed and the robots can move pretty fast when chasing you. I was kind of expecting some casual fun Stalker-like, but it's more than that.


I'm not sure if the save system really fits the rest of the game -- after making a bit of progress, it makes sense to go back and save instead of continuing to explore. The way back to the save point might also be dangerous, but at least it's something known. If there were more save points, it would be better at encouraging you to explore.

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The way that you aren't given any tools to handle any situation at all unless you somehow luck into it is just really discouraging.

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I'm not playing it yet. I like that they gave me alpha access even though I only backed the "completed game" tier.

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The way that you aren't given any tools to handle any situation at all unless you somehow luck into it is just really discouraging.


Yes, it kind of seems to be that way. I found a gun pretty soon, but it doesn't help that much, even. I think there are some bits of outdated design there, even compared to games that purposely try to be old school. I understand the desire to create a challenging game, but there should be something to encourage the player to keep playing. This game just mocks you for failing. It almost seems to be meant mostly for gamers who have lots of time and patience.


It's an alpha, though, and I haven't read anything about what state it is in exactly and what parts are expected to be complete-ish. But it really needs to do some hand-holding in the beginning. The roaming robots are important for creating the feeling of being hunted, but even the standing stones in the starting are are not a safe point: leave the game running for a couple of minutes while you stand there and you'll probably die. Even if you make your way back there with the piece of artifact, you might have to wait in the bushes while some patrols walk through the place.


A good challenging/tense game design is not about placing you in constant danger 100% of the time (off the top of my head, I can't think of any game that does that and that I consider good). There has to be some pacing, with periods ranging from 110% danger to 0% danger. Tension is created by moving between those levels. Even in Amnesia there were moments where you could relax for a few minutes.

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Yeah, the landscapes are very good, and there is much more variation (esp. in buildings) than I would have thought.

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I'm sorely tempted. I don't like British gentlemen (well, not stereotypical gentlemen anyway, i.e. imperialists) but I DO like robots of any national background.

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There should be a crossover game w/ Gone Home (from the Fullbright Company) called "Grrl, You Are Being Haunted"


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I'm sorely tempted. I don't like British gentlemen (well, not stereotypical gentlemen anyway, i.e. imperialists) but I DO like robots of any national background.


You played Binary Domain, right?

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I'm sorely tempted. I don't like British gentlemen (well, not stereotypical gentlemen anyway, i.e. imperialists) but I DO like robots of any national background.


You played Time Gentlemen, Please!, right?

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I'm sorely tempted. I don't like British gentlemen (well, not stereotypical gentlemen anyway, i.e. imperialists) but I DO like robots of any national background.


You played Gentlemen!, right?

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You played Binary Domain, right?


Nope... I've kind of been forced into being more selective the last few years and I don't know much about it.



You played Time Gentlemen, Please!, right?


I really want to play this!



You played Gentlemen!, right?


No... didn't know about it until now. Looks interesting.

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You played Time Gentlemen, Please!, right?

Thems were not gentle men.

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Nope... I've kind of been forced into being more selective the last few years and I don't know much about it.


One of your buddies is a stereotypical French robot. He's also pretty awesome. The game is worth playing, as it actually tries to do some interesting things with it's narrative. The gameplay itself is an inoffensive Gears of War-alike, but the story is what you play it for. Not astonishing if you're into sci-fi morality stuff in general, but definitely not what I expected from a video game.

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One of your buddies is a stereotypical French robot. He's also pretty awesome. The game is worth playing, as it actually tries to do some interesting things with it's narrative. The gameplay itself is an inoffensive Gears of War-alike, but the story is what you play it for. Not astonishing if you're into sci-fi morality stuff in general, but definitely not what I expected from a video game.


Very cool, cheers for the recommendation.

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This is easily the best alpha game I've ever played. Can't wait to see what the finished version looks like when the game is already this strong! The narration for this game is really strong.

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I bought this on steam this week when it was on sale! I have also been drinking fairly heavily tonight and wanted to say I read the title as "Sir you are being haunted" and thought that was just a generally swell idea!

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This game went on sale a few weeks ago and I played it a bit this weekend.


It's intense!  In general it isn't too difficult to avoid the robots, but to actually get anything done you have to sneak around them.  And I'm terrible at it!

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Yeah, I think they made it too difficult (at least in the Beta I was playing a while ago). I tried to play it for a while, but it was just too hard.

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The beta releases seemed more difficult than the final release, in my opinion. I never completed a game prior to full release but have done a couple playthroughs since then.

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I played this in early access and had another go last night. Urgh! I like it a lot, it's just the whole game fills me with fear and dread. I find it incredibly stressful to play, constantly looking out for enemies that are tough as nails. I think I'd enjoy it more if there was a coop option so that the whole experience was lightened a little, and it wasn't just me freaking out at every noise or shadow.

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