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About darthbator

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  • Birthday 02/15/1984

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    Lost Angeles
  • Interests
    Game Design, Martial Arts, Philosophy, Technology, Life

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  1. The idea that ideas and topics that promote extreme "otherising" of people on all sides seem to have seeped into absolutely everything. There doesn't seem to be any content created for the internet these days that doesn't have some kind of "Trump angle" or isn't clearly attempting to state where it exists on an increasingly divided spectrum of social opinion by which people now overtly judge one another. I actually love political and social discourse but it's become completely inescapable. It doesn't matter who you are, or what the forum or topic is it has become what I would consider extremely fashionable to overtly broadcast your social opinion and I've just hit a point where in non politically focused media I find it totally exhausting.
  2. The choice to not talk about politically motivated subjects is certainly monetary. They directly depend on their audience for revenue via premium memberships. They're not shy in talking about how this is their major income source. Dividing the audience in any way is a sure fire way to lose subscribers and income. I think it's insulting to insinuate that people "escape" into media that isn't fixated on the current fashion of excessive social and political opinion. So the only thing of concrete worth in human experience is contemporary diversionary politics? That's a sad, sad world.
  3. I tend to really enjoy the conference stuff. Sometimes people get hammered and it gets awkward but I don't think it's ever been "bad". I sort of wish they had more opportunities to do stuff like that where the schedule and surrounding circumstances aren't so hectic. It's a neat sort of late night TV vibe that you don't normally get in games. Usually when developers are sitting down on a couch with "games press" there's a TV right there and they're doing what basically amounts to a product demo. I like the extremely informal setting of it all even when it's gone off the rails. I hope they get a lady on the GBWest team. At this point I don't think you can really cover games well without a female perspective. However I think Giant Bomb's rather grey, hands off, stance on social issues makes it hard to attract that talent. In the era we appear to have entered into I think that continues to be both their biggest strength and challenge. A large reason that GB produces the only gaming podcasts I'm still listening to is because it's one of the outlets that I feel offers quality analysis of games and the industry without a lot of "political opinion". In a time when everyone is basically waterboarded with everyone else's social opinions on a constant basis it's nice to know that at least my video game podcast is still going to be about video games (and peoples house projects and stupid reader mail). However I think that same stance makes it hard for them to attract good younger talent and instead lands them folks like Dan.
  4. Painting tabletop miniatures

    I used to paint a fair amount of 40k models. I had a pretty reasonable eldar army for a while. I was probably more into painting and fussing over all the miniatures then I actually was into playing the game. It's one of the only hobbies I've pursued where for some reason I trended towards the aesthetics rather then mechanics. I've recently heard some pretty positive things about Infinity wargaming. Has anyone here played that?
  5. Best uses of vocal tracks in games

    I don't know how I forgot about this Upon relistening whoever composed the soundtrack for "Under the Skin" totally played this game!
  6. Idle Streaming Community: Twitchy, Tasty

    I actually only stream my game development. However I've gotten into the habit of obsessively recording all of my gameplay and I'm posting that stuff basically every day into youtube. I also have a bunch of martial arts stuff up there that's set to private that I've been looking to do something with. I've also long wanted to try and produce some of those neat game analysis videos I see people make using my raw archive footage! So I guess I do more of a "traditional youtube" thing then game streaming. I guess I could get into that too? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6RSK-HM9v8gQ7D7JzIFG9g
  7. So I recently finished replaying the supergiant games and was reminded of how much I REALLY love a well placed vocal track in a game! The examples that really stick out to me are Bastion - Zia/Zulf themes Transistor - "The Spine" and variants (or just red humming to the general soundtrack throughout the game while in Turn()!) Red Dead Redemption - Going to Mexico The Walking Dead Season 1 - Credits Special Mention Final Fantasy III (VI) - Opera Scene (cause it never occurred to me a video game could that at that time) Special Mention Final Fantasy VII - Sephiroth (once again never saw that coming but I should have expected it cause you know. CDs) I've also noticed a more modern practice where games (like moon hunters or axiom verge) incorporate faux vocal tracks using either "computer esq" voices or fake phonetically driven languages. I think this is really interesting cause it adds a sort of diagetic immersion (that song is written in the language of this world) while aiding in the pieces ability to loop as BGM. What are some of your favorite examples of vocal tracks in games?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/user/togaassassin/live So this is something I'm trying out. Hopefully it's something I can stick with. I'm going to start streaming out some of my game development! For the next 2 weeks my girlfriend is on vacation in Germany and for various reasons I couldn't go So I'm going to try and stay home and plug away on a game of the type we like to play together to surprise her when she gets back! I also need some ways to force some accountability onto myself. I've grown listless with the scale of some of my personal projects. Around Christmas I realized it had been multiple weeks since I had really worked on ANYTHING. So I figured this would be a god way to stay on target and do something positive coming into this new year!
  9. Idle Thumbs Readers Slack & Discord

    I actually finally migrated everything over to a new host and set it up all proper with systemd and stuff. So all the crazy instability of the last 2-3 months (or longer?) should now be fixed and the sign up url shouldn't go down anymore.
  10. Battlerite : A teamfight only Lords Manager

    I think that method of handling health is a really effective way to limit the power of healers. It does feel a lot like overhead WoW arena (with a more manageable bucket of skills). What's your battlerite name? I'll add you to my friendslist (I'm darthbator over there too!).
  11. So I've fallen pretty hard for battlerite, the game you would probably logically think of when you hear "multiplayer online battle arena". No lanes, no jungle, no items, no creeps just a battle arena where multiple players battle their lords. I think the game does a pretty amazing job at synthesizing the team fight phase of games like League or Dota2 into it's own game. In between rounds you choose from 3 different "battlerites" that power up one of your characters skills, a super neat way to encapsulate the progression mechanics in traditional Lords Managements. It's in early access now (19.99 gets you access and all the heroes they ever release).
  12. Modest Tech: The NX Generation (Nintendo Switch)

    I have 0 confidence that Nintendo will have a sufficient program for indies. That's certainly my hope. I think the occupy a power and form factor sweet spot (and will probably attract a video game centric audience) that is perfect for indie games. But Nintendo has never been the best with working with external developers.
  13. Modest Tech: The NX Generation (Nintendo Switch)

    Looks amazing I want it! Give it to me!
  14. Idle Thumbs Readers Slack & Discord

    I'll make sure that thing doesn't go down later on today. I am assuming the host had to reboot and I never setup any init scripts for those.
  15. Modest Tech: The NX Generation (Nintendo Switch)

    I wouldn't hold my breath for a lot of cross platform. Nintendo is on the "other side" of the CPU divide this time. Everyone else moved to x86_64 and now they're on ARM meaning there will be port work (especially for people outside of Unity/Unreal). I think it looks really awesome and I'm getting one and I'm already excited about it! Did anyone else notice that they never showed them touching the screen? Is it possible this thing isn't a touchscreen? That feels sort of crazy in this era.