Frenetic Pony Posted December 5, 2012 Does that actually work? I'm sure I looted some dudes I'd arrowed and didn't get my arrows back. Always has for me, you don't even loot them, you just walk over your arrow. Also, I've seen the "If you die on the island..." loading tip several times. I really wanted it to be completed "If you die on the island, you die in real life." And the story is actually this crazy cyberpunk thing where you've accidentally mindjacked into this crazy game that kills you if you don't complete it successfully. You wander around the island, learning your goal is to escape the game by winning, and seeing messages from players that have tried to come before you. There's one guy that seems to have made it out alive and you go around finding clues to what he did to get out of the game. You get to the end of "the game", about to escape, when you hear a mysterious voice. It tells you not the complete the final challenge, you'll die if you do! The game is just a trap, but he's a programmer on it. He's sick of being forced to work on it. But there's a glitch in the games networking. If you complete the right series of tasks it can elevate the programmers monitoring it security clearance in the program. If you can get him all the way to the top he'll shut down the game and free you. You complete the challenges and the game gets shut down. You're free! You meet him in real life, and he reveals completing the game would have set you free. But he needed someone capable of completing the tasks to shut down the game for good. You're now a hero in "real" life, you saved everyone from the game! To bad the mysterious figure lurking in the digital shadows has noticed you and your skill at games. His plans are sinister indeed.Oh yes, there is a sequel coming... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoomMunky Posted December 5, 2012 Wow. I used the video here to turn the HUD off and it's the game I want to play. No HUD means no mini-map, no UI popups, no nagging mission reminders. All of the things that annoy me about the game; in fact, the main things wrong with it. No 'Press R to reload', no 'Dingo tongues', no 'explore the jungle, or find Cidra's earrings'. There's no '26 dollars' popup, or loot popups like 'someone's keys'. It also means there's no health bars, no enemy-awareness indicators, and no 'press a button now to do a takedown'. But you know what? They've overdone the player-assist stuff so much that you don't NEED any of those things! There's a sound when you enter takedown range. There's a sound when you start getting seen by enemies. There's red screen-edges and greyness to your vision when you start to get hurt. It's suddenly exactly the game I want to play: It's amazing to be in the world, not viewing it through a screen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted December 5, 2012 I watched about the first 30sec, the video uploader seems like a cool guy I MAKE MY SHIT MYSELF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Upthrust Posted December 5, 2012 I'm standing at the end of a pier, holding a 19th century shotgun. There are some sharks not far from shore. I fire wildly at the sharks. A couple sink. I skin them and make a new wallet. Neat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juv3nal Posted December 5, 2012 Picked it up for ps3 today. Some impressions: 1) So I am apparently awful at sneaking up on guys and knifing them. Things started going smoother when I got me a pistol with a suppressor. 2) I can't for the life of me distinguish the animal icons on the map. Is that a goat? a tapir? a rabid dog? Never mind things that are actually similar looking like pigs versus boars. 3) They really are not kidding around with the crafting system. You can only carry 1 gun and barely carry any ammo around when you start out. 6 *whole* shotgun shells? (I still have not found the pigs, I think, I need for the first ammo capacity upgrade although I did snag an extra holster). 4) muscle memory from borderlands 2 keeps making me use the d pad to switch weapons and pulling out the camera when being savaged by wildlife is no fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted December 5, 2012 if you look at the crafting menu for the pouch upgrades, there's a mini icon of the animal which you can match up to the map Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThunderPeel2001 Posted December 5, 2012 So FC3 still isn't on Steam, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joewintergreen Posted December 5, 2012 It is indeed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThunderPeel2001 Posted December 5, 2012 Then why I can't I see it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted December 5, 2012 So FC2 still isn't on Steam, right? I preordered both Far Cry 2 and Far Cry 3 on Steam. I agree with RPS and several other comments here. The little DO A MISSION popup is horrendous. No, fuck you. I'm killing dragons over here. Do you understand? dragons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gwardinen Posted December 5, 2012 Does this link work for you? Edit: Damn you, Badfinger! One day, when you least expect it, I will ninja you so hard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hermie Posted December 5, 2012 Just for reference, the boar icon faces the other way (left I think) from the pig, and can be found south of the starting area. Hunting/Crafting was fun, but there wasn't quite enough tiers for my taste. I'm still on the first half of the island, and I have most things fully upgraded. Then again, Being able to carry even more things would be ridiculous. Maybe I wish the upgrade requirements were harder? But that would be frustrating too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted December 5, 2012 Does this link work for you? Edit: Damn you, Badfinger! One day, when you least expect it, I will ninja you so hard. Of course. That's what being a ninja is all about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juv3nal Posted December 5, 2012 if you look at the crafting menu for the pouch upgrades, there's a mini icon of the animal which you can match up to the map Thanks! I will have to keep an eye out for that when I give it another go tonight. Still weird that the icons don't have a mouseover (err...whatever the equivalent term would be for console controlled pointer thingy) label on the map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThunderPeel2001 Posted December 5, 2012 Bah. Stupid typo! I meant FC3! It's not appearing on Steam when I search for it. (Not that I can afford it, but still... weird!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nappi Posted December 5, 2012 Bah. Stupid typo! I meant FC3! It's not appearing on Steam when I search for it. (Not that I can afford it, but still... weird!) Yeah, it's not available on UK Steam for whatever reason. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThunderPeel2001 Posted December 5, 2012 Weeeeeeeeeeeeird. Anyone know why? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted December 5, 2012 It's a secret http://m.computerandvideo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beardofzaius Posted December 5, 2012 My best experience in Far Cry 3: Whilst stealthing around with my bow, I came across a terrible road accident with two dead pirates and a jeep that had clearly run them down. Two guys in the jeep got out to take a look, then one of them got back in the jeep and ran his mate over, sped off into the distance. Pirates. Gotta love 'em. Those crazy joyriding kids. Not a minute later a tiger came out of the undergrowth, stood growling at the dead pirates. While I'm marvelling at it being stuck in this behaviour for no apparent reason, new pirates turned up - "a fucking tiger!' blam blam blam. More dead pirates. Tiger exits, resplendent, stage left. Respect the tiger my friends. Always respect the tiger. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoomMunky Posted December 5, 2012 I can't get the effing pirates to come to me, no matter how many stones I throw, so I drop a mine. The second I put it down they all freak out and run right at me. I dash away and nearly die when it explodes, a pirate flying through the air to my right. I heal and run down the hill. One guy chases me and I take him down with the shotgun. I crouch behind a bush and wait to hear the rest of them. There were at least five, so I know I'm in for it if they find me. After several seconds of total silence I creep out and find they've all been blown up by the mine. I mosey back to the shack where the leader is. He sees me and starts firing, taking cover behind a big tree. One shot to his legs occupies him for long enough for me to run up and stab him. 'Wanted: Dead' mission complete. Sweet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MysteriousLeg Posted December 6, 2012 I've put about five hours in and am really liking it. It's definitely video game-y, moreso than 2, but it hits the Arkham City/Assassin's Creed pleasure centers in my brain. I've found the glider to be my favorite part of the game. Transitioning from gunfire and explosions to peacefully gliding above a beautiful island landscape is so relaxing and pleasant. I would happily trade fast traveling for a network of glider-equipped towers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frenetic Pony Posted December 6, 2012 Gods below, the pirates in this game. Pirates across a river, they start to cross the river, see me. The driver drives straight at me, OFF THE SIDE OF THE BRIDGE AND INTO THE WATER, killing himself and his mate. Good job. Driving around, run across a pirate jeep. Chase time! It's going alright, I try to go off road to ditch them. Another god damned cliff! I ditch the ride and roll to safety, the pirates of course drive off the cliff, don't see me, drive off the next cliff, catch their jeep on fire. One of them screams "shit, fire!" and runs away, the other dies when the jeeps explodes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brannigan Posted December 6, 2012 Is it fucked up that my brain automatically inserted a dukes of hazard freeze frame and narration into your story? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted December 6, 2012 I'm enjoying that the pirates are apparently a suicidal group of nutcases in this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blerg Posted December 6, 2012 I move stealthily into a camp, methodically knifing or arrowing every guy, until a passing truck gets into a fight with a leopard outside the entrance, drawing all remaining guards to the commotion. At this point, I loose faith in my ability to kill everyone silently because they are all grouped together and alerted, so I quickly head to shut off the alarms, when I stumble across a molotov guy I hadn't seen. He sets me on fire and I run around panicking smacking at the flames on my arm as the other guys gun me down. A hour later, I stumble upon another camp as I walk along a hill. I casually tag all the enemies and pull out my sniper rifle, ready to start picking off guys quietly. Then I remember my last disastrous attempt at stealth and pull out my grenade launcher instead. Five seconds and three multikills later, I get my 1500xp reward for an undetected takeover, and a feeling of guilt for receiving undeserved praise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites