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About Blerg

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  1. Far Cry 3

    I move stealthily into a camp, methodically knifing or arrowing every guy, until a passing truck gets into a fight with a leopard outside the entrance, drawing all remaining guards to the commotion. At this point, I loose faith in my ability to kill everyone silently because they are all grouped together and alerted, so I quickly head to shut off the alarms, when I stumble across a molotov guy I hadn't seen. He sets me on fire and I run around panicking smacking at the flames on my arm as the other guys gun me down. A hour later, I stumble upon another camp as I walk along a hill. I casually tag all the enemies and pull out my sniper rifle, ready to start picking off guys quietly. Then I remember my last disastrous attempt at stealth and pull out my grenade launcher instead. Five seconds and three multikills later, I get my 1500xp reward for an undetected takeover, and a feeling of guilt for receiving undeserved praise.