Joewintergreen Posted December 12, 2012 Yeah, I really want the Far Cry 2 map in my Far Cry 3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brkl Posted December 13, 2012 Finished the main story. It doesn't go in the interesting direction it hints at somewhere along the way. After Vaas it's very straight and boring. Almost all of the story missions are simply a chore. Every time I play this I plan to take screenshots like I like to take when I play FC2. But it never shows me anything worth capturing. Maybe if I could disable the stupid DOF effect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tundra Posted December 13, 2012 Every time I play this I plan to take screenshots like I like to take when I play FC2. But it never shows me anything worth capturing. Maybe if I could disable the stupid DOF effect. Me too, i've taken alot of screenshots that look lovely in DX11 but... maybe it's like Lacabra said about the agrevating HUD. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frenetic Pony Posted December 13, 2012 Well I'm pretty much done, the radio towers and random bases almost completed. The higher level abilities, tier 2 weapons? I dislike the campaign enough to not bother. I'd love to see any sequel take a few more pages from The Elderscrolls and etc. First, not having the "main quest" be mandatory or particularly pushed would be very cool, I'd like to be able get everything just through random missions and open objectives. Secondly, the world feels like it needs some more love. A lot of it feels, algorithmy. "If slope > s then texture X, if < s then texture Y plus grass, if > x from road or beach texture then guassian distribution of plant models y, where y is region area." I really enjoyed it for what it was. The hunting, crafting, sandbox shooting, cool stuff like rolling from jeeps and the hangliders. I just wish the area I enjoyed of it had been a bit more and bigger, and the stuff I didn't enjoy wasn't there, or just didn't intrude as much. E.G. the main story, HUD, uber video gamy stuff like "random challenge with reward with no explanation other than 'video game!'" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted December 14, 2012 I've gotten a bit further in the story, and eugh did they bungle some of it. The last story mission I completed of note was a bog-standard turret sequence. Are there three difficulties or four? I'm playing on one of the middle ones. Regardless, it actually turned out to be one of the more scenic drives around the island I've had, because the NPCs are apparently much better drivers than I am. Jeeps would appear and then they would instantly disappear, because the game had given me a grenade launcher that exploded jeeps in a single hit. Unfortunately my character and the NPC did not react to THAT, instead yelling back and forth about how bumpy it was and holding it steady because I couldn't get an accurate shot off, when I hadn't been challenged by an enemy in over 10 seconds. It was really bad, I really didn't like it. They've done some crappy stuff with the story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted December 14, 2012 Is that with the girlfriend and the burning building, that's really early on. Pretty sure theres only 3 difficulty settings. I've been playing on hard, I'd recommend switching it up Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted December 15, 2012 So I hit the second island in style earlier today. I spent a couple of hours blazing through the story missions. Im loving the second island so far, more mountainous, less vegetation, reminds me of New Zealand (or my imagined perception of the place) it mixes up the gameplay a little too which I think should sustain me to see the game through to its conclusion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoomMunky Posted December 17, 2012 I'm just not being pulled forward by any of the mechanics. I find it really frustrating that the story is such horrible crap, and the gameplay in the story missions is so awful, but the world around the story missions is so wonderful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrik Posted December 17, 2012 I have to say, a lot of the descriptions are making it sound like they fell into exactly the same trap as Crysis: an amazing world and interactivity, but a story that's lacking at best. Just swap 'random military dude' for 'random dude' and 'psychopathic locals' for 'psychopathic Koreans' and the set-up is about the same. I'm yet to try the console version of Crysis so it'll be interesting to get the two games over Christmas and see how they compare technically, considering they feature exactly the same kinds of environments and the same origin engine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joewintergreen Posted December 17, 2012 Actually they don't have an engine in common. Far Cries 2 and 3 don't use Cryengine. edit: Fwoop, apparently the Dunia engine is actually based on Cryengine and was made by a couple o' dudes when they worked at Crytek. I don't know shit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted December 18, 2012 Far Cry 3: the creative failure of industry 'commentary' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
racingfreak92 Posted December 18, 2012 Spoilers up to the first act, not that it matters because this game is shit. I know that we didnt expect the same awesome narrative as Far Cry 2... but holy shit. I dont think I have ever hated playing a game more. Shooting dudes in the face is fun, dont get me wrong, but Jason Brody is the biggest douche bag character ever. Like if the Bionic Commando douche bred with himself in Tokyo Jungle to make some super species of douche. Vaas seemed so interesting. He could have been like The Joker in Dark Knight, just this uncontrollable dude who pops up unexpectedly. Instead he is like a stupid monster head that pops out on an on-rails ride at Disneyland. The weird hallucinations you have where you are walking down a path and you change places with Vaas, Vaas changes places with Citra, etc, could have led to you actually making choices in the game, but no. In the climax of the first act you are prompted to JUST SHOOT VAAS IN THE HEAD. Why even make you question the character motivations if the game is just going to play out like a 4th graders fiction assignment. The game was successful in making me feel for the characters, but the characters I feel for are everyone who Jason interacts with. Every single time you return to the cave I just cringe waiting for whatever verbal shit Jason is about to take all over his friends for no reason. This game is fucking terrible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted December 18, 2012 I didn't even press the 'R trigger prompt' during the Vaas hallucination and after 3 seconds the game just fired the gun for me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
racingfreak92 Posted December 18, 2012 I didn't even press the 'R trigger prompt' during the Vaas hallucination and after 3 seconds the game just fired the gun for me! Thats exactly what I did. A tiny part of me was hoping... please, please let the game actually have some semblance of player choice! then... the scene changes a bit and Vaas ghost-things run at you and I figured if I ran past all of those and got to the objective point at the end of the hallway maybe THEN I could trigger some ending that wasent killing Vaas, but then it just said "Press F to Takedown", which also triggered automatically after I pressed nothing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brkl Posted December 18, 2012 Far Cry 3: the creative failure of industry 'commentary' http://www.destructo...y--240819.phtml I agree with this. What little commentary the game has does not read as commentary on the game industry or tropes in video games, it basically only has a couple of lines about the desensitizing effect of violence. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toblix Posted December 18, 2012 Okay, I have this question. I've been doing this thing where I go after every treasure chest on the map. Should I keep doing this? Does something happen when I've opened them all? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brkl Posted December 18, 2012 I don't know why you would possibly want to do that. I'm sure you'll get an achievement or something, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted December 18, 2012 Holy shit, Treasure chests! There is literally a billion of them, I wouldn't bother you'll just end up with a stupid amount if money with nothing to spend it on. I've been actively hunting down the relics whenever one pops up on my mini map, but I've only got like 35/120 and being that I'm on the second island already this has revealed itself to be a massive waste of time also, no way am I hunting for all of them after the credits roll Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
racingfreak92 Posted December 18, 2012 Also, Far Cry 3 is home to the shittiest video game beard ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
racingfreak92 Posted December 18, 2012 Holy shit, Treasure chests! There is literally a billion of them, I wouldn't bother you'll just end up with a stupid amount if money with nothing to spend it on. I've been actively hunting down the relics whenever one pops up on my mini map, but I've only got like 35/120 and being that I'm on the second island already this has revealed itself to be a massive waste of time also, no way am I hunting for all of them after the credits roll There are special weapons you unlock after getting a certain number of relics, lost letters, and ratyat challenges. However I believe after 20 relics you dont get anything new. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juv3nal Posted December 18, 2012 Okay, I have this question. I've been doing this thing where I go after every treasure chest on the map. Should I keep doing this? Does something happen when I've opened them all? Depends. I'm going for them all because I still have things to spend moneys on, but from what I hear that isn't really an issue later on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gregbrown Posted December 19, 2012 Also, Far Cry 3 is home to the shittiest video game beard ever. That's the special passed-out-drunk-sharpie-treatment shader. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
racingfreak92 Posted December 19, 2012 That's the special passed-out-drunk-sharpie-treatment shader. Or the "wake up with a gorilla mask after a party with your bros" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toblix Posted December 19, 2012 I did something I should've done earlier, which is checking if getting all the treasure chests gives you an achievement. Turns out it doesn't, which means I'll be able to make some progress. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites