youmeyou Posted November 14, 2012 Ok that looks pretty dang rad. Feels like I'd be playing Beverly Hills Cop The Game, which I'm ok with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I_smell Posted November 14, 2012 Yeah this is a very retro feeling trailer. Also that was awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gwardinen Posted November 14, 2012 Yeah I don't want to get on the hype train too hard but I really did enjoy that trailer. Had a lot of the weird characters doing silly dialogue thing that is my favourite part of GTA games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castorp Posted November 14, 2012 (Not to open this old can of bees again, but I too find it a bit stupid that it's again three blokes doing bloke-stuff. With the three-people thing they must have thought about including a woman, but they decided otherwise. Mh! [i hope for the big reveal - a woman - in the 3rd trailer.]) The trailer looks great. As a sandbox it probably will be a fantastic game. I have the feeling though that I can't get into the whole criminals and their violent ways - Rockstar Style - shtick anymore. As kind of well written as it will most probably be, I doubt they will manage to make it really interesting or fresh. (I don't know, it's like if after Reservoir Dogs Tarantino just would have bothered to make sequels in different towns and times - mh, okay, it still is and wants to be GTA, so I guess it's a stupid analogy. What? Rambling? Who?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TychoCelchuuu Posted November 14, 2012 Rockstar doesn't just make GTA games, and Tarantino does go back to the Reservoir Dogs well every once in a while. I'm disappointed that it's three men doing men things again but aside from that I suspect I'll enjoy the whole thing. The GTA games have always had wonderful cardboard cutout characters, by which I mean their characterization is pretty amazing even if what's really there isn't too deep. At least when they're being funny. The dramatic stuff always leaves me feeling flat. But Elizabeta Torres, Manny Escuela, Brucie Kibbutz... it's hard to stop laughing when they show up. The GTA games have always struck me as a sort of outsider's view of America, with all the ridiculous stuff turned up to 11 and with stereotypes and so on at full blast. I appreciate what Saint's Row tries to do by making everything ridiculous, but I find it much less interesting than Rockstar's slightly more focused parody of everything that anybody has ever thought America is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I_smell Posted November 14, 2012 Yea my first reaction to the GameInformer cover, like I said, was that it's 3 guys who tried to get out, but they kept pullin me back in etc. But thinking about it: That's Grand Theft Auto. They made Red Dead Redemption and they made Bully and fucking Table Tennis- if you're waiting for the GTA that's not about some dude with a dark past who wants to settle down but ultimately drives speed-boats through explosions: Then check out LA Noire. Props to em for keeping their big-city crime game about big cities and criminals, cos it waves in and out of being a city sim sometimes. Unless you're givin em flak about not playing as a woman, in which case that's an arbitrary distinction and get over it, y'know? Although I stand by how goofy the "PICK YOUR RING, RUSTY BROWN RING DONUTS!" billboard looks. But anyway that was a sick trailer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
youmeyou Posted November 14, 2012 How is gender an arbitrary decision? There may be good reasons to have the protagonist be a male, but it's not a frivolous concern that these games rarely if ever have positive and deep female characters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elmuerte Posted November 14, 2012 Trailer looks more fun than GTA4 was less realistic and gritty Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I_smell Posted November 14, 2012 Cos this'd still be an open-world crime game that's based on old movies and feels like Max Payne whether you play as a man OR woman. It's not really a big decider. Being tired of the heist scenes n gang wars stuff is fair enough though, cos that's the whole game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TychoCelchuuu Posted November 14, 2012 How is gender an arbitrary decision? There may be good reasons to have the protagonist be a male, but it's not a frivolous concern that these games rarely if ever have positive and deep female characters. Well, they don't have positive and deep male characters either, and some of the female characters are just fine (Elizabeta is maybe my favorite character from any GTA game). It would just be nice to, you know, play as them once in a while, because then they'd get front and center in the story instead of always being relegated to the sidelines as people you drive around or see in cutscenes. Believe it or not, I_smell, I actually play the GTA games for more than dicking around. I really enjoy the characters and the acting in the games. The radio station DJs, the ridiculous antics... I spend less time running around murdering people than I do playing the missions for real and advancing the story. That's why I want some women as playable characters. It's not an arbitrary distinction for me because I don't play the game as Free-Roaming Asshole Simulator 2000. I play it because I find Brucie hilarious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
youmeyou Posted November 14, 2012 The fact that Mass Effect feels like a noticeably different narrative when you play it as femshep, even though your character is delivering saying the EXACT SAME LINES, gives me the impression that gender makes a difference regardless of the subject matter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I_smell Posted November 14, 2012 Well they've not got a story of a retired woman bank-robber IN them. That's not a deficiency, that's just cos they're not interested in it. It's not an UPGRADE to have it be about a woman, it's just that that's not what they're doing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted November 14, 2012 Relax, the first episode dlc will have a female protagonist... ...and trains Being omniscient does have its perks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I_smell Posted November 14, 2012 Actually I just remembered the whole day I spent driving a train in San Andreas and now I realise why you're saying trains are such a big deal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frenetic Pony Posted November 14, 2012 TRAINS! I fucking called it OOOOSH!!! Sadly, judging by the physics acumen this is a scripted even I wanted this to be next gen so we could just do this whenever damn it! I'm imagining some properly crazy game where you can smash trains together, re-recreate the Uncharted 3 ship sinking at will, and be a world renowned terrorist by burning down skyscrapers using only a fire simulation. Ohwell, until then GTA V definitely looks good; even if the bastards are waiting forever for a PC port again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elmuerte Posted November 14, 2012 It's clearly scripted. It obvious by the fact that the damage on the train is the same for every crash. Even the jump of the guy of the train is the same. It's way too perfect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frenetic Pony Posted November 14, 2012 It's clearly scripted. It obvious by the fact that the damage on the train is the same for every crash. Even the jump of the guy of the train is the same. It's way too perfect. I know right? And why does the guy keep doing the same thing over and over. Just bizarre Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Justin Leego Posted November 14, 2012 Guys don't worry about the PC port, it's coming. I looked up the release date of Skeletons by Stevie Wonder, the iTune they used for this trailer (and a pretty neat Grim Fandango reference), and it was first released on July 10, 1987. That means the PC game is out on July 10, 2013. Also there are some other numbers in the trailer, on the license plates and such, and you can do sums with them to make them add up to 7 or 10. SPECULATION Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted November 14, 2012 Scripted or not, it's still rad! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melmer Posted November 14, 2012 I've actually worked up a sweat laughing so much at this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThunderPeel2001 Posted November 15, 2012 The best thing about the trailer was the music from Die Hard they used. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TychoCelchuuu Posted November 15, 2012 Are you sure the train crash is scripted/in a cutscene because of the physics? Don't we see cars deform in the trailer at about 0:55? And since trains are clearly in the game, not just in cutscenes (heck, they're in the trailer multiple times) and since cars clearly deform and since trains clearly deform in some sense, why think that they can't do it in real time ingame? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joewintergreen Posted November 15, 2012 I'd actually suggest it might not be. Look at the shitty sudden movement on the carriage behind the train on the right. It's the kind of thing that happens with vidjagame physics all the time but is super easy to fix in a cutscene if you're animating it manually. Certainly there is no reason they couldn't do it if they wanted, and they seem like the kind of devs who would totally want to Share this post Link to post Share on other sites