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I propose we start creating pullquotes of our own, for comedic purposes.

For instance: This game will tickle your fun-bone (

This game is pwnage and a half! (

This game has level design! (

If you liked other games on the Xbox 360...this game is like some of them! (

Shooting things a lot, totally! (

This game will melt its own retail box (

This game the opposite of sucks! (

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"This game will curb stomp your mother!" -

"This game is so hardcore that its pips are diamonds!" -

"This game will rape you in half and stuff you through a mailbox!" -

"Ever wondered what it would be like to stick a gun-mounted chainsaw up an alien's anus? This game is so that!" -

"This game has exploding faces! 10.0/10!" -


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Absolutely, you are. I nearly rofled upon reading the curb stomp your mother one.

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I approve of this thread!

In particular:

This game has level design! (


"This game will rape you in half and stuff you through a mailbox!" -

are winnars.

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Every time I read these I imagine them in Remo's "quoting" voice, it's just not the same otherwise.

"This game will stuff your sister through a meat grinder and force feed her to wolverines!" -

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"This game [citation needed]!" -

"This game killed my father!" -

"This game is actually happening!" -

"This game will systematically hunt down everything you have ever loved, and then come for you!" -

"This box will give you a papercut!"

"So hardcore, even looking at the logo gave my grandmother a stroke!" -

How am I doing?

n0wak, I can't believe I forgot about the Ikaruga box. Have it myself, and I love that quote. Especially that not just "Frothing demand" is in a larger typeface, but for some reason "increases" is as well.

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"This game [citation needed]!" -

"This game will systematically hunt down everything you have ever loved, and then come for you!" -

lol'd hard at both of these. Jolly good show, Sir.

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"Squids are technically not animals." -

"It's PSP-licking good!" -

"Would we publish an exclusive review if it didn't blow us away?" -

"It blew us away to an equal or greater degree than every other game that blew us away within the last few generations." -

"It will blow you away [provided that the many bugs in this early preview code that I don't feel like reporting are somehow fixed before it goes gold]" -

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DS just got DP'd with awesome

If you thought Bubsy was good wait till you see this!

This RPG is Really Pretty

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The most realistic graphics since Phantasmagoria! -

Do you like games? This is one of them! -

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"Forces more polygons out of the box than is physically possible" -

"This game will absolutely revolutionise all gaming everywhere and LITERALLY wipe out all other forms of entertainment" -

"X-treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem!"* -

*I nominate this one for an Idle Thumbs URL, for all you URL-buyers out there.

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"This software is a game!" -

"Now with interactivity!" -

"This game could crap in your pocket and you would beg for more!" -

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"I wrote this for" - Chris Remo

"Chris Remo's idle thumbs will be blown into Jake Rodkin's hot scoops." - The Wizard @

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"This will blow you back to where you were previously blown away from" -

"I give it 9.95 out of 10" - Chris Remo

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"This game is like drop-kicking a midget in the back of the head!" -

"This game reminds me of something really awesome!" -

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