GTA IV trailer

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They should also add gridlock so it's more realistic

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Midtown Madness kicked ass, and that was just the driving part of GTA and without the violence! It goes to show that the main attraction isn't killing people, but messing around in a city with a car.

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Midtown Madness kicked ass

It was even better in multiplayer.

Oh to have official multiplayer (even co-op) GTA...

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Multiplayer sandbox... now there's a next-gen idea. Why hasn't there been a multiplayer in GTA, by the way? I never realised it anyway.

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Well, there's been hacked multiplayer GTA since Vice City on the PC. But Rockstar's primary focus has been - to date - exclusively about driving* the one player narrative. Which is to be commended, but I think perhaps they were waiting until suitable horsepower** and infrastucture were in place before looking at multiplay.

Even if it's just star gazing, I'm hopeful all the same.

* :hah:

** :hah::hah:

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In fairness, the PSP GTAs had local multiplayer. Unfortunately (depending on how you look at it) I don't know anyone else with a PSP so I've never had a chance to try it. Played the hacked VC multiplay for a while. Just ended up being my friends and I trying to out-jump each other using Sanchez bikes. Basically the same thing that we did with Midtown Madness multiplayer back in the day, but with the ability to swap cars whenever we felt like it. Some of the mods from MM really made it awesome though. I should see if I can dig that game up again.

And to Walter's idea, I agree that that would be really cool. To a lesser extent, I believe Mafia tried something like that a few years back. Don't know if they were all that successful but if you haven't tried it, you may want to give it a look. I seem to remember hearing that the cops got pissed at you for speeding and such. So yes, really cool. But I don't play a GTA game for that experience. When I want to blend in, I fire up Hitman. When I want to rampage or just get into the GTA-style narrative, I play GTA. They're very different games, and while I would enjoy a blending of the two, I don't think I'd want it to go under the GTA brand.

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Multi Theft Auto sort of sucked. It's only deathmatch with cars and poorly executed (imho) because it relies on the original code which isn't very well suited for multiplayer, so no NPCs. The result was is a chaotic spamfest.

GTA2's MP was better since the world was still alive. The traffic in GTA is very important.

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Walter et al, try Driver: Parrallel Lines. It's a pretty good model of New York as far as I know (1974 and 2004). The police will bust you if they see you speeding or running a red light etc. There's also a seperate "heat" meter for yourself and the car you're driving in (so if you can lose the cops for a moment you can switch car - or get a car with darkened windows if they're looking for your face in the driver seat).

There are some really nice tense moments when the police are looking for you and you have to stop at a junction with a cop car opposite. You can't pull out or they'll notice you; you can't hang around too long or they'll see you behind the wheel...

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The buildings once again appear to be smooth sided boxes with textures applied to them. The windows don't even reflect stuff, which would make a big difference. It kind of looks halfway between last gen and this.

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There are a fuckload of buildings. Of course they can't have all the windows reflect things around them.

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Not necessarily : a guy created an effect for Ogre3D that automatically creates the illusion of the interiors of buildings depending on the number of floors and rooms per floor they contain.

There is a tech demo available and it's looking great. He should come up with a whole street in the upcoming days/weeks.


Oh, and apparently the gain in performance compared to real 3D floors/rooms should be great.

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nice, but it's only rooms, usually there are things like desks and what not in such a building.

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There are a fuckload of buildings. Of course they can't have all the windows reflect things around them.

I'm aware of the tradeoff, it just looks fuck ugly as they have it right now. There are various ways of handling reflection, and even cube maps or one that reflects the sky dome and other buildings but not dynamic actors would look a hell of a lot better.

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I'm new! I don't like EastBloc's face, considering everything else in that trailer is so photoreal (and directly frame for frame from the game. sure).

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JoannaDark... I recognise that tag from somewhere. Where else on the intarwebs do you frequent? Hello and welcome anway :D

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Well, that's the name of the main character in Rare's Perfect Dark series, so it might be a coincidence.

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JoannaDark... I recognise that tag from somewhere. Where else on the intarwebs do you frequent? Hello and welcome anway :D

of course i took it from perfect dark! only the n64 version though, i refuse to be affiliated with latterday Joanna. thanks :yep: the only gaming sites id go to are nintendo and which is the best thing ever, they're translating earthbound 3 but "won't distribute the rom".

anyway ,enough marketing. bye!

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Heh. I remember starmen. Used to hang there sometimes back in the day. Pre-thumb and all. Now referred to as "the dark age of miffy's net adventures." Welcome aboard. Always good to get another Earthbound fan around. When I started learning Japanese, I imported Mother 3. The goal is to get to the point where it's playable. I use it as my barometer for where I am with learning the language. Current status: Still baffled, but getting better.

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wow thats really ambitious! i'm learning japanese too, well trying to, but that's so i can move to tokyo university to research perception in video games. which is what i (try to) do! i've seen clips, love the fact that the graphics haven't changed at all. how playable is it? regardless of language barriers!

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What can I say? Feels like Earthbound. I have no idea what's going on when I start it up, so I'll make a new file, name my characters and get a few battles in before I go "I'm getting nothing from this, I'll check back after some more months of studying to see if I can decipher a few more sentences." That rhythm fight thing is kinda cool, though I don't understand enough to pull it off that frequently.

Basically, it looks like a great game, but as it's so text heavy, it's unplayable until I can read some more of it. Course, I'm only halfway through second year of university Japanese at the moment, so it could take a while. The idea was to have it now so that when I finally can understand it, it's not going for several hundred dollars on eBay and I have it sitting around ready to play. Better $40 now and several years of waiting than several years of waiting followed by $200 for a rare copy.

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What can I say? Feels like Earthbound. I have no idea what's going on when I start it up, so I'll make a new file, name my characters and get a few battles in before I go "I'm getting nothing from this, I'll check back after some more months of studying to see if I can decipher a few more sentences." That rhythm fight thing is kinda cool, though I don't understand enough to pull it off that frequently.

Basically, it looks like a great game, but as it's so text heavy, it's unplayable until I can read some more of it. Course, I'm only halfway through second year of university Japanese at the moment, so it could take a while. The idea was to have it now so that when I finally can understand it, it's not going for several hundred dollars on eBay and I have it sitting around ready to play. Better $40 now and several years of waiting than several years of waiting followed by $200 for a rare copy.

would it be churlish to point out that you prob spent more than 200 quid on your degree???? only teasing. just got back from london, there's a big sign outside hmv's flagship oxford street branch, just a common -or -garden flipchart, with a sign on it, reading "Playstation 3 - still in stock".

i think some quiet smugness is in order here.

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Well, technically, my degree is in Philosophy and Japanese is just some elective stuff I'm doing on the side. I'm actually required to have at least two language credits as part of it too, so if my degree needs it and I'd like to speak it, what the hell? Take that, churlishness.

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