Chris Posted April 20, 2005 My EB has the Xbox version in but not the PC version (and they said they've already gotten their last product shipment in today). The guy I spoke with doesn't know why; he said I should just try back tomorrow or the next day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amishler Posted April 21, 2005 It has been nice knowing you all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Posted April 21, 2005 I walked into my local GameStop today and got a copy of Xbox Psychonauts and the cheezy free tshirt without even preordering. A once in a lifetime experience I think. I traded in some old games and got the whole thing for $15 too. Super deal! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Intrepid Homoludens Posted April 21, 2005 Hey, congrats!! But I thought you were aiming for the PC version. Hmmm, maybe I should do the same thing. I have The Watchmaker, The Thing, and Unreal Tournament 2003, all for PC, and Curse: Eye of Isis and The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King for Xbox, and I don't want them anymore. How does the trade thing work, Jake? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Intrepid Homoludens Posted April 21, 2005 What's wrong, Kingzlebub? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JimmyTheFish Posted April 21, 2005 He dosen't have his P-Naughts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
netmonkey Posted April 21, 2005 Mine is arriving on Friday, which is good because I got this killer homework due then... Yep, I'll be starting that homework sometime soon. Yep, soon. Yep. Oh, I guess It's time to click "Post Reply", then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Posted April 21, 2005 Trep you are 1 post away from 1337 so watch out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Posted April 21, 2005 If you buy Psychonauts from EB they have a coupon in their Spring Sale catalogue for a $10 mail-in rebate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeX111 Posted April 21, 2005 If you buy Psychonauts from EB they have a coupon in their Spring Sale catalogue for a $10 mail-in rebate. Is this true for the PC version also? Because if it is, I'm totally going to annoy my friends by telling them how I am getting the game for $20, as opposed to them paying full price for the X-Box version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Posted April 21, 2005 Yes, it applies to the Xbox and PC versions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr Manager Posted April 21, 2005 Dude, there's absolutely nothing cheesy about the t-shirt. Nothing, I tell you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baconian Posted April 21, 2005 Kind of a leading question don’t you think? Are derivative sequels bad for the industry? I’m not sure, I mean is toxic candy bad for kids? Is carcinogenic pollution bad for the environment? (And strangely, the answer to all those questions is still, “Depends how much money it makes.”) once again, still stuff to read to quell my growing unease at not being able to play the fucking thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
netmonkey Posted April 21, 2005 Where's that from? Also, I spoted the end of a Psychonauts comercial on MTV. It had the classic Psychonauts logo with the coach, Milla, Saha, and "But verybody calls me Raz" Razputin like at the end of the Majesco trailer, but instead it said instead of Psychonauts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baconian Posted April 21, 2005 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoccerDude28 Posted April 21, 2005 By the way, I went to EBGames today (Wednesday) and they said that the PC version should come tomorrow. I hope the guy is not bullshitting. Also I asked about the XBOX version and he told me their store sold out today , which was awesome news Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moosferatu Posted April 21, 2005 Kingz, where'd you get the screenshot your avatar is taken from? I don't think I've seen that one before. Either that or I don't recognize it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nsps Posted April 21, 2005 Also I asked about the XBOX version and he told me their store sold out today , which was awesome news Did he mention how many copies they had? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amishler Posted April 21, 2005 The store I got mine from (also EB) looked to have 10-15 copies. They hadn't set aside the reserves yet, so I don't know how many were spoken for. I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first person to pick up a copy; they hadn't called me about my pre-order yet, so they couldn't have had them long. Also, the first guy I dealt with didn't know the cards had come in, so luckily the person who had actually received the order set him straight. In all the excitement and confusion, I forgot to pick up the mail-in voucher form, but it's available online too. In other news, I didn't get the gold disc, so it's still out there for someone. The sticker explaining the gold disc contest covers a "9 out of 10 from Play Magazine" blurb on the case. In the "Special Thanks" section of the booklet, I saw a lot of names I recognized from Idle Thumbs, the Church of Tim, Tim Fandango, and elsewhere, which is quite cool. I only got about 30 minutes of playing time last night, so I'm not even through Basic Braining yet. People who have played the PC demo know more about the game than me, but I'm having fun so far. I really appreciate the attention to detail, the little things like how Raz writes on his chalkboard as you're entering your save file name. I'm still learning my way around the controls and the camera, but it handles well so far. Tonight's to-do list: Pick up my t-shirt from GameStop and find out when they're really getting the PC version. Then come home and play hella Psychonauts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeX111 Posted April 21, 2005 I just got an email from EBGames. It looks like the ship date for PC Psychonauts has been pushed back again, so the chances of EB having it today might be less than great. I swear, if I walk into BestBuy and find it on the shelf, I'm buying it and saying to hell with my preorder. Edit: And Gamestop's site is saying it wont be released until the 25th. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
netmonkey Posted April 21, 2005 I was checking on my Psychonauts UPS delivery status over at the computer lab before having some group meeting for a project, and one of the guys from the group asks me what I'm waiting for. I say "Oh... it's this game called... Psychonauts", and then he says something like "Psychonauts?! I know about that. I played the demo on the PC. It's pretty cool." My reaction: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrHoatzin Posted April 21, 2005 Kingz, where'd you get the screenshot your avatar is taken from? I don't think I've seen that one before. Either that or I don't recognize it.I took it myself from the demo. I punched the girl, switched fast to first person and used my trusty Fraps to capture the screen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites