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Trip Hawkins:EA Founder prediction - Nintendo will be acquired by MS

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There is a very little window of profit in some of the game-related things Microsoft is trying to champion with the next generation of consoles: namely the universal platform or software back end or however you want to call it for all the consoles. This will benefit the independent developers more than it would a single one of the console makers. Nintendo doesn't care about this because they don't like outsiders making games for their purple box of horrors, Sony doesn't like it because they are winning in the present state of affaires. One of the main reasons we have not been seeing more creative games in the past seven years is the cost-prohibitive nature of multimedious development for the present generation of consoles.

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microsoft is not pushing their new platform because they want to make it easier for independents to get in, they do THAT to create a "windows" licensing scheme. thinking what worked for them in the past is going to work for them in the future. And Sony Electronics is making more than 60percent of its revenue in the computer entertainment business, so for them it's THE major market.

It was Sony with the playstation that created this new beautifull (to be honest I hate it) new world of mass market mature audience videogaming, so I think they deserve everything they get. I AM however willing to grant that Microsoft is opening up online play with Xbox Live but apart from that...


What the Fuck do I need XBOX for?

"Advertisements have them chasing cars

and clothes, working jobs they hate

so they can buy shit they don't need."

sound familiar... anyone?

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When a fellow MS-hating friend of mine talked about why he liked Nintendo, I used the company's shady practices to get Sega out of the market before the Genesis, which ended in a lawsuit, to point out that Nintendo wasn't all that great. But my friend's point was a valid one: At least they stick to games instead of trying to control every aspect of electronics, like MS and Sony (and doesn't the "soft" imply software?).

Also, I don't know of any particularly shady practices Nintendo has engaged in recently, but would be happy to learn.

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Wow. I read that email Marek linked to and I gotta say, I'd love to have the guy at one of my swanky cocktail parties with my very few very close best friends in the world....

< David Hasselhoff music playing in the background >

Trep: "Guys, really. Thanks for coming, I feel that much more fabulous around you all tonight."

Senator Ahhhhnold: "Wot dah Stet of Cahhhleefonia needs....eez moah streht couples mehrying.....ahhhnd leysss.....sehm sex couples mehrying..... < notices the bathroom is suddenly available > .......ahhhl bee behcckkk....."

Paris Hilton: "My cellphone!! Goddammit, where the fuck is my cellphone??!!"

Trip Hawkins: "My magic eight ball says Nintendo will be acquired by Microsoft within five years."

Trep: "Try the crab dip, it's fabulous!! I made it myself!"

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"Paris Hilton: gucamole? That's hot!"


"Homer Simpson: Ohhhh Guacamole.................. agggggggggggggggghhhhhhh kwijl.gif"

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Umm... doesn't Nintendo make good money over in Japan? You know, that other country that exists that is nintendo's true target audience? What about worldwide software? No one can copy their propietary discs either... when I went home (Venezuela) in december, the only original titles you could buy were nintendo games... everything else (PS2, Xbox) was burned and sold for like $1... and who makes money out of that dollar? the software pirates, of course.

United States is not the only country that exists, you know.

I predict that General Motors is going to buy Renault. Why? Well, it doesn't sell that well in the United States...

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Umm... doesn't Nintendo make good money over in Japan? You know, that other country that exists that is nintendo's true target audience? What about worldwide software? No one can copy their propietary discs either... when I went home (Venezuela) in december, the only original titles you could buy were nintendo games... everything else (PS2, Xbox) was burned and sold for like $1... and who makes money out of that dollar? the software pirates, of course.

United States is not the only country that exists, you know.

I predict that General Motors is going to buy Renault. Why? Well, it doesn't sell that well in the United States...

Well to my knowledge, Nintendo does better in Japan than the US, but not as close as the PS2. And a lot of these companies now count on US sales. It's a huge market we have here for video games, the largest in the world, followed by the Japanese market.

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So that means that unless Nintendo wants to be #1 in the world market for video games and they'd have to diversify and expand their market to include types of games beyond the typical Japanese taste, they're not planning on adapting any time soon. It really looks like they don't give a damn about any other country or demographic outside Japan, at least not an aggressively serious damn. Nintendo will always be a consummate game company for the Japanese market. Which is reflected in most of the titles they churn out, many of their games are idiosyncratically Japanese.

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I would love to see more idiosyncratically Japanese titles arrive here. But you're right, Nintendo's attitude is completely sucky. They don't give a shit about us [Europe at least] and their arrogance is legendary.

Still, they do make some of the best games around, have a great console and the best controller in existence.

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